
A Powerful Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"Are you ready for the Sports Festival tomorrow?" Akuma asked Hatsume as she worked on one of her inventions, "You're planning to present your work right?"

"Yep! I'm going to show everyone just how good my Babies are!" Hatsume told him excitedly as she turned around while taking off the protective goggles she was wearing, "They'll all be coming to get gear from me!"

"Just try not to blow anyone up." Akuma said with a chuckle as he looked at the invention on the table before she quickly walked over to one of the many drawers on the wall as if she had forgotten something and came back with a metallic case that he immediately recognized, "Is that my costume?"

"I've made some more adjustments to its design!" She explained as she handed him the case and he opened it up to see that it was white with blue accents, "They're mostly cosmetic but I think it looks better now."

"That dull gray color was kind of boring." Akuma told her with a grin before they heard electricity crackling behind them and turned around to see that the invention she had been working on was sparking. She gasped as he grabbed her tightly while turning his back to the invention and a brief moment later it exploded, filling the room full of smoke.

"That was a close one!" Hatsume laughed when the smoke cleared and Akuma shook his head with a chuckle as he let her go, "Good thing you were here because that one would've hurt!"

"Do you need new tools Hatsume?" Akuma asked after noticing that the toolbox with her name on it had been knocked to the floor during the explosion and saw the damaged tools inside, "These aren't safe to use anymore."

"Well I've been meaning to get new ones but haven't had time since I've got so many Babies to make!" Hatsume explained with a smile and Akuma shook his head with a sigh before picking the tools up and throwing them into the trash, "Why did you do that?!"

"Why don't we go get that new set Mr. Maijima was talking about? There's a store nearby that sells them right?" Akuma asked her as he began to walk towards the door and her eyes lit up as she quickly followed behind him. It didn't take them long to get to Mustafu's shopping district and he smiled at how excited Hatsume was getting the closer they got to the store. When they stepped inside he was surprised for a moment at the fact that the only other person inside was an old man behind the register and began to look through the stores shelves.

"Found them!" Hatsume yelled happily as she pulled the toolbox from the shelf before her face dropped when she saw the price tag, "These are really expensive."

"I can handle it." Akuma told her with a laugh and she perked up as they walked to the register. He was surprised when he saw that they had rung up for 27,328 Yen but still started to take his wallet from his back pocket until a man stepped inside with a wicked laugh, catching their attention. Akuma's eyes widened when he looked over to see the man holding an energy ball and Akuma immediately grabbed Hatsume and the old man before diving through the window when the energy ball began to fall to the floor. Everyone looked at them in confusion as they rolled on the ground and a brief moment later the store was blown to pieces, causing all of them to panic.

"Pretty fast aren't you?" The man asked as he stepped out of the smoke with an evil smile and Akuma quickly tried to get to his feet but the man instantly slammed his fist into Akuma's jaw and sent him crashing into multiple cars, "Too bad I'm faster."

"That's enough!" A hero yelled as he ran towards the man with other heroes behind him and the man glared at them as they grew closer, "You're coming with us!"

"Mind your own business!" The man told them as he appeared in front of the hero with his arm pulled back and the hero knew for a fact he had bit off more than he could chew as the man's powerful fist swung at him before Akuma suddenly kicked him into the side of a building with anger written on his face.

"Call UA and tell them that there's a Saiyan attack right now!" Akuma ordered, knowing that would cause his father and mother to come without hesitation. The other heroes were about to argue with the teen but didn't have a chance when he and the man both flew into the air. Hatsume watched in awe as the two began to clash at a ridiculous speed before the man sent Akuma crashing into the asphalt with a vicious kick and her look of awe immediately turned into fear.

"Akuma!" She yelled as she ran over to the motionless teen but stopped in her tracks when the man lightly landed between them with a wicked grin and her blood ran cold when she saw the evil look in his eyes.

"You must be his little girlfriend." The man said as she took a step back and Akuma lifted his head up slightly as the man picked her up by her throat, "I wonder how a Saiyan could stand being around someone as weak as you."

"Move dammit..." Akuma told his body as he watched the man hold her higher with a maniacal laugh as she struggled to escape his grasp and pointed an energy blast at her stomach before the ground began to shake. He looked at Akuma in surprise as he managed to get to his feet and he dropped Hatsume immediately when a yellow aura flared around Akuma. Akuma's hair began to flow as he unleashed an echoing roar and the man covered his face when rubble was sent flying in every direction.