
A Powerful Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"You're really attacking kids?" The woman asked as she sent the Nomu tumbling away with a powerful kick and turning to Akuma to help him up, "You alright Akuma?"

"I don't need your help Cassa." Akuma told her as he began to walk past her until she hit him on the top of his head, "Why?!"

"If you were able to handle this then you wouldn't be as hurt as you are!" She yelled in an annoyed voice as the Nomu got to its feet, "I bet you got hurt because you just jumped into the fight!"

"You just did the same thing!" Akuma spat back as white auras exploded off of them while the Nomu charged towards them but they slammed their fists into its face the moment it reached them and sent it rolling towards the center of the facility, "These things are annoying."

"Pretty tough isn't it?" Cassa asked as the Nomu quickly got to its feet and she smirked before sprinting towards it at high speed with Akuma close behind her. The students watched in awe as she landed a fierce uppercut to the Nomu's chin, lifting it off of the ground, and Akuma instantly followed up by punching its head into the ground. Neither of them gave the Nomu time to recover as they both kicked it high into the air and immediately flew after it with their arms pulled back, destroying the ground at their feet. The two roared as they delivered devastating punches to its chest and sent it rocketing through the roof of the facility as All Might did the same to the Nomu he had been fighting.

"Looks like your plan fail." All Might told the hand villain as Akuma and Cassa landed next to him, "You don't have any chance of victory so just surrender and come quietly."

"They cheated." The hand villain mumbled to himself as stared at the three with crazed eyes before suddenly charging them and both Akuma and Cassa flew towards him with their arms pulled back. Their eyes widened in surprised when the smoke villain opened portals in front of their faces and the hand villain reached through them with a wicked grin until, to the two's surprise, an energy blast hit the ground at his feet. Akuma and Cassa turned around with wide eyes as a man with black, spiky hair stood at the entrance with the teachers before one of them shot the hand villain in his legs.

"We're retreating Tomura Shigaraki!" The smoke villain yelled as he opened a portal and all of the heroes watched as the two quickly made their way through it. Akuma fell forward as the portal closed, his exhaustion catching up with him, and the man appeared in front of him to catch him.

"You two did well, Cassa." The man said as he laid the now unconscious Akuma on the ground and examined his injuries closely, "Kolra is going to be angry about this."

"You think you'd be able to calm Mom down later Dad?" Cassa asked with a sigh as she rubbed the back of her neck and their father chuckled while stepping away from Akuma so Recovery Girl could use her quirk on him, "She can get pretty scary when she's mad."

"I really hope so." He told her as they watched Recovery Girl healed the teen as best she could before she walked over to All Might and he picked Akuma up to carry him to the infirmary to rest. Akuma slowly woke up hours later to the sound of the infirmary door closing and looked out to window to see that it was almost night. He ran his hand down his face as he climbed out of the bed and tore off the bandages wrapped tightly around his chest before the door opened again.

"So you're finally awake?" His mother asked as she walked in with his father and All Might and he felt his blood run cold when he saw the angry look on her face, "You're lucky All Might was here to explain your actions or you'd be in some real trouble."

"If you hadn't bought time then I'm sure that your classmates would be a lot more hurt than they are Young Akuma." All Might told him with a grin as he put his hand on Akuma's shoulder, "Not to mention you and your sister saved my life as well. I didn't have any strength left to fight Shigaraki but thanks to you things went better than they should have."

"No problem." Akuma said as he put the black shirt that had been sitting on the table next to his bed on and the three of them could tell something was wrong with him when he quietly walked closer to the walked to the window before he looked at them with a serious expression, "I was too weak to take those monsters out on my own and got beaten pretty badly. That won't happen a second time."