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2018-05-14 JoinedUnited States



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  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya3 years ago

    I normally detest harems, and I mean hate them. But this one? Ha, this one makes me laugh. Its energy is enough to make it work. And it works.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya3 years ago

    I normally stay far, far, FAR awayvdrok fantasy and triple for romance so a fantasy romance is usually double the trip. But i have to say, this one is different. This one moves me.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    Good stuff. This is different from a lot of stories here. I like how the author decided to use big themes in his story, making it feel more real.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    Not a fan of fantasy romamce. But this is rather interesting. Interesting plot and interesting characters as well. Overall, it is a fun read.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    The cover alone intrugued me. Once i saw it was about I was engaged. I have to say that this is a unique perspective. I dig how thd writer uses the familar romantic comedy genre in the unfamiliar workd if mens magazines. Majes it more interesting to read.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    There is a lot of fantasy out there that it is easy to get turned off. That is because a lot of it isnt good. But when done good, fantasy can be engaging. This is fantasy done good.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    Usually not my cup of tea, especially when you combine teens and romance. Makes me want to run for the hills. But I must say this story just works! What can I say? It moves me.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    The title immediately intrigued me. Survival eh? I am not into romance and more and more I am turned lff by it. Yet, this story has me intrigued.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    This is a littke different from what i am used to readinf. However, I have to say, this is good stuff! It is an interesting story and has solid potential.

  • MisanAkuya
    MisanAkuya4 years ago

    Good stuff, good stuff to be sure! I have to say, I am impressed. The cover art drew me in and the story is causing me to stick around. Give it a go!

Blue Shift

Eight years after president Thomas Daffson has been elected into office, the world as we know was brought to an end. Once president Daffson and the prime minister of North Korea, Rouk Han Wong, began to butt heads, one thing lead to another a nuclear war took place. Only 14,000 humans survived the wreckage and were called the chosen one as the remaining popular was sent to live in a dome on the moon. Cassandra Rodriguez was one of these people. An 18 year old college freshman, she is one of the select few to get into Xeno University, a college for the elite. Her entire family and half of her friends were all killed in the tragedy. Despite two her friends remaining friends, Chris Wright and Danica Trello, doing their best to keep her spirits high, Cassandra has become a bit of a functioning depressive, going through her daily life with apathy. But, while out on a normal day, she spots a young man outside of the dome, which outside of authorized personnel is strictly prohibited. This catches her attention as the next thing that she knows, she is brought outside of the dome. The young man is Xavier and before she can ask too many questions, a meteor shower occurs and Xavier saves Cassandra from being consumed by it. Next thing that she knows, she inside a space center that turns out to be Xavier’s base. He runs a team here and makes it clear that he is out to alter their current reality due to a similar dissatisfaction. As he begins to dive in, she starts to meet his team members. Jin Wong, prime minister Rouk Han Wong’s son, Joseph Van Holt and Elisa Silvet, who is threatened by Cassandra’s mere presence. Before he can really go in deep, they get an alter of an opening and all rush out to the port. Xavier tells Casandra to suit up into a jumpsuit that is exactly like his and the team. She then goes outside and is amazed at what she sees. There is a cosmic hole that they hoped would allow them to dimension hop. Cassandra gets drawn to it and put in a trance, reverting to childhood memories. Xavier comes in and is able to snap her out of it before both of them are sucked in. Xavier then tells Cassandra that they are the Chrome Dragons and their mission is go into the other dimensions and land into the tenth dimension. In order to do that they must bend the third dimension, the third dimension that they are in, essentially starting a war. Cassandra is then left a choice. Does she join the Chrome Dragons? Or does she strike it out on her own?

MisanAkuya · Sci-fi
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