
365 Days With You

Author: Sho Rin
Ongoing · 40.3K Views
  • 44 Chs
  • 4.6
    22 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is 365 Days With You

Read ‘365 Days With You’ Online for Free, written by the author Sho Rin, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: If you were given a prize to do something bad, would you do it? For certain people, they would do it but what about if y...


If you were given a prize to do something bad, would you do it? For certain people, they would do it but what about if you were forced to do it? This exactly happened to three high school students.

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aspettando te

Capitolo 1: L'incontro tra Miguel e Lydia Nel pittoresco paese di Siviglia, in Spagna, due destini si incrociano in modo inaspettato. Miguel Herrera, un famoso torero spagnolo con una lunga carriera di successo alle spalle, e Lydia Fernandez, una brillante investigatrice privata, si incontrano durante un grande evento taurino. Miguel si trova al centro dell'arena, pronto a intrattenere la folla con la sua abilità impeccabile. Mentre esegue con grazia un passo di danza mortale, i suoi occhi incontrano quelli di Lydia, che si è trovata fortuitamente nel pubblico. Un'energia intensa passa tra loro, lasciandoli entrambi sorpresi e curiosi. Capitolo 2: Un legame inaspettato Dopo l'incontro, Miguel e Lydia decidono di incontrarsi per conoscere meglio l'uno all'altro. Scoprono di avere molti interessi in comune e, nonostante le loro diverse professioni, si sentono sempre più attratti l'uno dall'altra. Miguel condivide con Lydia la sua passione per il toreo, spiegandole le emozioni e le sfide che affronta in ogni corrida. Lydia, d'altra parte, racconta storie di casi intriganti risolti grazie alla sua perspicacia e determinazione. Capitolo 3: Un giorno nella villa In una calda giornata estiva, Miguel e Lydia decidono di passare del tempo insieme in una magnifica villa nelle campagne vicino a Siviglia. La villa appartiene a una signora miliardaria, Gabriela Sandoval, un'eccentrica collezionista d'arte. Questa donna misteriosa è affascinata dal mondo dei tori ed è un'ammiratrice di Miguel Herrera. Quando Miguel e Lydia arrivano alla villa, scoprono che Gabriela è scomparsa nel nulla. La villa sembra abbandonata e piena di enigmi, suggerendo che la sua scomparsa potrebbe essere stata pianificata e non casuale. Capitolo 4: Le indagini iniziano Lydia mette subito in azione le sue competenze investigative e inizia a esaminare attentamente la villa per trovare indizi sulla scomparsa di Gabriela. Miguel, dal canto suo, affronta le sue paure e sospetti, iniziando a sospettare che dietro la sparizione della signora miliardaria potrebbero esserci motivi legati al mondo della tauromachia. I due figli di Miguel e Lydia, Carlos ed Elena, si ritrovano involontariamente coinvolti nella vicenda, portando ancora più tensione e pericolo nella situazione. Miguel e Lydia uniscono le loro forze per affrontare un nemico sconosciuto che ha rapito la signora Gabriela, sfruttando le loro abilità e conoscenze uniche. Capitolo 5: Il finale Le indagini di Lydia e Miguel li conducono in un intricato labirinto di segreti e intrighi. Scoprono una rete di cospirazione che coinvolge l'élite di Siviglia e vari protagonisti del mondo delle corride, mettendo a rischio non solo le loro vite, ma anche l'equilibrio sociale della città. Con grande coraggio e intelligenza, Miguel e Lydia riescono a risolvere il caso, liberando la signora Gabriela dalle grinfie dei rapitori. Nel processo, rivelano una serie di tradimenti e vendette che sconvolgono le fondamenta di Siviglia. Alla fine, Miguel e Lydia escono dalla vicenda più forti e uniti di prima. Oltre ad aver risolto il mistero, ora hanno meno segreti da nascondere l'uno all'altro. Continueranno ad affrontare avventure insieme, combattendo contro il crimine e difendendo la verità, formando una squadra imbattibile di eroi moderni. Fine

DaoistcgQX7C · Urban
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Journey of Demonic Author: Path of Supremacy

In a world full of immortals, celestials, spirit, devils, demons and many more beings. This was a world, where strength gives one an identity. Where Stronger beings decide the fate of the weaks. A place, where wicked beings were worshipped as heroes. In this chaotic word. A normal human was mysteriously transversed, a system in his aresal. He soon understanding this world was something. He himself had written! And, moreover he realised. He was only villain in this world. That was only fated to be a stepping stone of Protagonist. So... He now with his identity being that of a villain. Which, he well-knew the fate of. He began fearing about his future, that was extremely dark. So, clenching his fist, claiming his mind and hardening his heart. He formed his resolve for the survival. He refused to die from his very own written character. He decided to light up his dark future. ’I will survive. Even if it means I have to defy fate. I will! I won't die by the fate. That, I myself have written. I shall reign supreme above all the Heavens, Hells and Plains that exist since the dawn of creation! I will use, my knowledge as the author of this world! To achieve my goal' He resolved himself. He will use everything he have, to lighten up his future. Hence, using his limited knowledge as the author of the world and a system to his support. He now will strive for the supremacy, the true immortality. That everyone seeked or dreamed off. He won't let those petty protagonists interfere in this journey of his. And so begins the journey of the Demonic author! Path to Supremacy! -------------- The Pic above isn't owned by me. I'm new author, with a new book.

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The Mask Of A Siren

Throughout the kingdom, who doesn't know the eldest miss of General Wei's family is completely useless? Without any powers along with her mentality of a child, Hongyue is mistreated and used as a pawn. However the mistreatment goes too far and the seemingly useless child slowly starts to awaken her claws, her heart bloodthirsty. With a new soul in place, she turns the whole world upside down. In a world of magic and spells, just how long can useless little miss endure the words of the people who want her dead. Ah, my mistake. What would words of the dead ever mean to the living? Would the words still matter if you're already dead? Rumors are always proven wrong but some remain true. That eldest miss of the Wei Family isn't normal. Her blood is indeed different. As she slowly toys with her enemies, her actions catch a pair of sharp eyes. "She'll be the mine." *Inspired by typical Chinese reincarnation novels however it's baked with more than just one little twist. I wanted a novel that different and not as predictable as similar novels. It's my first time writing so there might be potholes but I'll try my best. This will be similar yet different in terms of approach. I'm a big fan of weak to strong novels but if you tell me that once amazing killer suddenly amounts to nothing in a new world with her personality turned all sweet, I'll have to double check myself. Hope you like it! Filled with schemes and twists, this simple author hopes to entrance you. **Update 2-3 weekly ***Stole the cover page from google but edited it myself.

in_awe · Fantasy
104 Chs


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I enjoyed how brief this synopsis is. Its such a great plot, the writer has made an amazing story. I totally enjoyed the very first few chapters of it. Big up.


There is a lot of fantasy out there that it is easy to get turned off. That is because a lot of it isnt good. But when done good, fantasy can be engaging. This is fantasy done good.


The description is extremely interesting and simple and that is what draws you in, nice, but you can work on being more descriptive like in the prologue it would have been more nice if it was a bit lengthy and more descriptive, but all in all a very interesting concept and a well written story line 💕🥰 would love to read more and more


in case no one notice my comment, I'll let you know here. I am the author and sorry if the update was slow. I got into a school with a dorm system and we cant bring our electronics. but when I get home, I will write back everything I've written in school and make sure you guys had a lot of updates! stay tuned and don't be shy to drop criticism and point out my mistake because I am still new and I would love to hear people's opinion.


🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😁😁😁😁🤗🤗🤗lovely. Absolutely and definitely worth the read😄😄😄😄🔥🔥🔥🥳🥳🥳😎. The characters, writing, all, too perfection.🤗I look forward to more from you. 🤗lots of love.


noicee but i was wondering when will author did a new update because I am excited to know what happened! i understand the author is busy so take your time!


Understandable for the slow update because author is busy but keep it up! i could see the author is trying to write better and saw the change in writing! good luck author! I hope i can understand more about the characters! 💕


This one is an amazing sample of the fantasy. I attached is too much...It is very good... Thanks to the author for sharing such a good one...


I really liked the synopsis of the book. In few lines it caught my attention which is great for me because I decide to read the book after reading the synopsis. The plot of the book is good as well. Good job!


An unusual type of story. I smiled while reading often. Especially "let's be together 35 days" stuff :) Updating frequency is not high so I broke a point on there. It is good on the recent categories. Thanks and congratulations to the author.


Reveal spoiler


This story is unique. The idea is pretty interesting. And the story development is not slow or fast. It is readable and intriguing. With every chapter, things are getting more intriguing.


I enjoyed the book! the book has different plot from what I have read here...I read the first few chapters n I love the plot of the book...the writer has done a great job!


Just by reading the book and the first chapters, I knew I'll get addicted! never blink once, there are unexpected things that can happen in an instant. good job author, such an exciting read!


The story has great potential, the authors writing style sure is creative and the flow is so natural through each read. And ofcoz there are few spelling errors but that's something that can be fixed. Overall this was a good read.


The synopsis of this story gives me the edge to wanna continue reading to find out what they were forced to do. Nice synopsis and plot. Descriptive too❤


I like the story and the plot is great. A lot of new character that has interesting personality! Good writing style! Do keep updating when you're free! Keep it up dude~


From the synopsis to the story itself i found myself so intrigued. well done author keep it up cant wait for more chapters to come. Will surely recommend this book to others


The story has an interesting concept and I can say it is a unique concept as a fantasy reader. The characters have nice characteristics and the dialogues embodies their character. Overall, a GREAT story👍👍.


the work is extremely interesting. I loved to see it develop and bloom into beautiful writing! The characters are amazing! Keep up the good work, author!


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