
exo Fanfiction

  • Pertapaan 40 Milenium Exo Fanfic

    Pertapaan 40 Milenium

    by The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
    4.74 (119 ratings)

    Tiga hari kemudian, di dek utama Tanduk Agung, Li Yao berdiri di belakang hampir seratus pria berotot tinggi dan merenungkan langkah selanjutnya. Ia masih mengenakan jas mustar compang-camping, denga

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  • BlackCrown Exo Fanfic


    by FishThatsBlue
    4.55 (23 ratings)

    Black Crown Terms [EXO] - Special trait or ability a person is born with. EXO abilities usually awaken sometime during puberty, however, there are cases of them awakening beforehand. If one does no

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  • EXO and EXO? Exo Fanfic

    EXO and EXO?

    by bluear_xo
    (Not enough ratings)

    Mereka tinggal bersama?

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  • LUZ LETIZIA Exo Fanfic


    by bluear_xo
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    Saat seorang anak perempuan terlahir dengan Luz dalam dirinya. Kelak akan memberikan kebahagiaan dan menjadi pusat dari dunia. Luz yang ada dalam dirinya akan terus bersinar dan berkilau menyebarkan k

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  • Imagine EXO Exo Fanfic

    Imagine EXO

    by Febbesp
    (Not enough ratings)

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  • EXO NEXT DOOR 2 Exo Fanfic


    by VinaSiya
    (Not enough ratings)

    Lanjutan Exo Next Door

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  • meet Exo Fanfic


    by citralee
    (Not enough ratings)

    lelah adalah kata yang paling akrab dengan kai. waktu istrahatnya berkurang dan terus berkurang seiring berjalannya waktu. ia baru saja kembali dari acara musik setelah mempromosikan album baru merek

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  • 首尔星光 Exo Fanfic


    by 三女婿
    (Not enough ratings)

    exo发烧62度为了众多粉丝的等待还坚持上台唱歌,双腿粉碎性骨折还坚持练习踢踏舞,喉咙肿大了30多倍还坚持练习发音,每日练舞40个小时以上,拥有全世界300亿粉丝却从不骄傲,成员精同韩国和朝鲜两国语言,每年的2月29,30日还举行慈善义演,将获得的2兆亿美金的收入全部捐给瑞士的上不起学的小朋友,所以不要再黑我们EXO了好不好!!!”   “是啊,为了不让歌迷靠的太近以免挤倒,还经常动手把歌迷打走

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  • Cuarenta milenios de cultivación Exo Fanfic

    Cuarenta milenios de cultivación

    by The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
    (Not enough ratings)

    Tres días más tarde, en la cubierta principal del Gran Cuerno, Li Yao se detuvo en silencio en una esquina detrás de casi un centenar de hombres altos y musculosos y reflexionó sobre su siguiente paso

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  • Typical High School Battle! Exo Fanfic

    Typical High School Battle!

    by incompetent69
    (Not enough ratings)

    exo that can analyze one's intentions, and My mother was a housewife that has an exo to manipulate dust. They lived happily as a husband and wife, There was never a time that they would even fight,

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