
Ultimate Alpha Male System (Dropped)

Drake Cross, above average looks, new head surgeon at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, and the Youngest Doctor in the last few decades being only in his early 20’s and having such skill. The heart throb of many nurses because of his age, looks and skills, but was always cold and indifferent to any who tried to come after him. Why? Drake-“3D women are not as great as my Waifus!” He shouted to himself, he was in love with anime women that any real woman couldn’t compare. A Otaku to say the least. ???- “Then do I have a deal for you!” Come watch as his dreams come true going from one anime to next with many women and wives that follow after him as he becomes the next Alpha Male. Worlds 1st World- Monster Musume 2nd World- Rosario+Vampire 3rd World- Corruption of Champions 1 & 2 (Current) DISCLAIMER! You can probably tell this is a very Wish fulfillment type of story, there will be both plot and ‘PLOT’ in the story, if there was a Smut tag, or if there is I couldn’t find it, it would be in this story for sure, there’s gonna be sex, lots of it so don’t be shocked that it happens alright? (8/26/22) SECOND DISCLAIMER! There will be incest, mind you the family he does it with are in one way or another not genetically related to him even though they are his daughters do to reasons explained in the story, if you don’t like that then this story ain’t for you. (9/13/22) THIRD DISCLAIMER! He gets ridiculous amounts of women just like catching Pokémon so a good chunk of his women that aren’t his main wives or lovers are just his sexually full of lust with no real love in it, so if you also don’t like that then we’ll this is still not for you. Also even if he goes to new worlds after the first one there will be a separate space that all his women can come and go to from their worlds to meet his other women and spend time with him even if he’s away from there worlds. Note I don’t have an editor, if there are grammatical mistakes here and there I may or may not go back and fix them later. Also I have 2 other stories that will be my main primary focus so don’t be surprised I post chapters on this one only once or twice a week or maybe not at all during a week depending how I feel Original Cover was from Alpha Lyrae on Pinterest, Don't know if he made the picture but that's where I got it from New front cover is made by 0Nashiro (Edit 6/29/22) I guess I should point this out, at the beginning even if he has the system he doesn’t automatically become an Alpha Male, some people are born into that, but some have to grow into it and develop into ones, people say right now he would be a Beta instead of an Alpha, and that’s true for the most part, it’s not until he meets one of the future girls in his first world that genuinely helps him become and Alpha male, it doesn’t help that no matter how strong he is in the first world most women there are much stronger than the average human so it’s suppose to be hard for him to take the reins without being tossed around like a Ragdoll.

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
114 Chs

Mero You Have Legs?

"Renovators! We're here to fix up your house." The Forman says as he hands me a paper to sign so he and his huge crew can get to work and get this done real quick.

After signing it they got straight to work, specifically changing the bathroom, making it much larger as a result and one of the many new bedrooms in my house that most of the girls live in when there not spending the night with me.


A few hours later with the help of over 100 people they were able to finish up everything before dinner time, and after signing a few other things and shaking hands with the workers they all packed up and headed off, and soon after I got a phone call.

"Ms. Smith? You need something?"

"Yes, I want to tell you that like Ankha the girl that is moving into your home is of royalty, not only that instead of being escorted by us she will be brought over by those of her own kind, as a warning those that are with her can be…. A bit intense to say the least."

*Im not liking the sound of that….*

"But knowing you everything will be fine, 'I hope'" she says the last part quietly.

"What? Did you say something?"

"Well got to go! I got plenty of work to do and all that, Bye!" And she instantly hung up to end the conversation.

"…. She really isn't reliable…. I'm questioning whether I should Pursue her or not now…." She maybe hot but being that lazy and throwing all her work to other people is actually finding her less attractive now, which is hard to do in my opinion.

(Congratulations Host, you are starting to learn one of your first lessons, what women are worth it for you to pursue, the next god of Carnal Love and Lust needs to look at the traits of his prospecting lover/wife candidates and choosing the proper ones to have a place in your heart, Ms. Smith all though very beautiful is not a very good lover/wife candidate, if you buff out the imperfections and make her better as a person overall then she would be, though it's up to you if you wish to put in the effort.)

*Huh, so I can't just go after every woman I see…. I have to think and choose about this, system is there anything wrong with my current girls then?*

(There are some minor problem areas with these lovers of yours, but with your constant interaction there lacking qualities are gradually improving, though the situation with Ms. Smith is harder to change just by being around her do to her job making her who she is, and quoting it won't fix it as that will just make more problems for her in the short and long term.)

I was intrigued by learning these lessons that I need to know, almost like when Gyro was teaching Johnny his own personal lessons in life kinda situation, sort of.

*Ding Dong* someone was running the front bell, must be that who I think it is, is here.

"Haaa…. Looks like I'm gonna have too-" I say to myself as I open the door to my surprise at several things I was seeing cut me off from my thoughts.

First of all was the beautiful woman with pink flowing hair 'standing' before me with little pink fins coming out on the side of her face to signify she's indeed a mermaid.

Let me say it again, Mero, the mermaid princess, was STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! ON ACTUAL FEET! ATTACHED TO LEGS?!

My mind was completely shocked and confused at seeing this, but then I noticed the guards that were with her, and this mean ass looking guy with a cross scar was very familiar to me as I remember the manga and anime he is from.

*My Bride is a Mermaid, is real in this world?! NANI?!?!* is all that could just go through my head, but with my brain firing off on a cylinders I was able to force myself to calm down.

"Hello, my name is Meroune Lorelei, and I'll be in your care." She said giving me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

She suddenly was radiating a holy light off of her that was blinding everyone around us.

"My Eyes! My eyes!" I could hear one of the guards scream out from behind as he fell to his knees clutching his face.

"…. Thank you, and welcome into my home…. You are a mermaid correct?" But as soon as I said that the man, Gōzaburō Seto, seemed to get pissed that I asked such a question.

"Ahh?! Why kind of stupid question is that huh?! Your not just in front of any mermaid but the-" and then suddenly another woman that's with him, obviously his wife, elbows him heavily in his side that he kneels down in pain.

"Please don't mind my husbands ramblings, he's just worried about the girl he considers to be his niece being in a new environment away from her home out in the sea that is."

"Oh no, it's nothing at all! I'm just surprised by the well…."


"I wasn't going to put it that way, but I am a bit surprised that Ms. Mero here was being guarded like this, I almost assumed she was apart of the Yakuza if I knew any better."

"What the hell was that you pu-" he was about to say before his wife slammed her fist into his head, then tossing him over to the rest of the group to take care of her idiot of a husband.

"We're sorry about my husbands brashness, ever since what happened with our daughter well, he has been overprotective of any of the younger girls in what he calls his family, but please take care of her well." She says as she and the rest of the Seto Clan, besides her knocked out husband, now there heads before taking there leave.

(2nd Main World Quest! Make a Man out of You!)

(Objective: become a Faculty member at Asaka Highschool and help Nagasumi Michishio, Protagonist of 'My Bride is a Mermaid' into becoming a man worthy of being Seto Sun's husband)

(Rewards- Haki All Forms)

(The Host must not only be what women desire, but also one that leads and one that other men aspire to become, whether be it for good or evil, the host must be one that many look up upon to truly earn your place among the gods)

Well…. I guess things are gonna get…. A bit more crazy than I originally planned for, but let's see how this goes!


Sorry that this one was a bit short, but I needed an honest opinion should I work on whatever stories I want?

I have these ideas but if I work on multiple stories some of the others will be thrown to the wayside as a result, I just made a new one called Grand Avenger, I mentioned it in my rant in the last chapter, but basically should I only focus on one or two works or should I just work on whatever one I feel like working on at the time?

Really I just need my readers opinions, currently it's this one, Welcome to the Multiverse and Grand Avenger, I have put two of my other works on hold at the moment, one for who knows how long and another till sometime in August as a result, your opinions would be appreciated.