
The Game Creator in Marvel(News)

Tell me, what would happen if a regular man reincarnated and spent his young life in the Marvel Universe to only find that upon reaching 20 Years Old, he would get his Gold Finger?

Unholy_Angel · 映画
42 Chs

Chapter 9

[A/N: Chapter Nine will be going over the background stories that the System gave to Niko, the Mandalorian, and Noah, the Post-Apoc Surivior]


Deep within an unknown multiverse and galaxy lay a small solar system on the edge of the spiral galaxy that it lies in.

In the solar system, one of the planets could be seen covered in green and blue, signifying that it housed life.

This planet was called Veen and it housed intelligent life at the level of a Modern Society with digital devices such as phones, computers, cars, and more.

But on a particular day 5 years ago on Planet Veen, a mysterious disease suddenly appeared within a city, and within a few days, the city was completely overrun by Humans carrying a deadly Virus that greatly affected their hosts, making them into Ravenous and mindless zombie-like creatures that hungered for flesh and brain matter.

Within a year more than 90% of the population of the planet was completely turned or killed making it quite difficult for the survivors.

But then the unthinkable happened, the Virus mutated...

The Mutation caused the remaining zombies on Planet Veen to become much smarter and stronger.

The Zombies learned how to hibernate when they lacked food, hunt in groups, used ambush tactics, and recognize when to attack humans when they were most vulnerable...

It got so bad that the remaining 10% dropped down to 5% in a single year...

Those that remained were the elites of the survivors.

Each and every remaining Survivor knew how to fight and survive by themselves in the worst-case scenario.

One such person was a man by the name of Noah.

A young man who watched as each and everyone who he ever cared about was either killed by zombies or mercy-killed by himself when they were infected and only had a few hours before they would turn.

This young man became so broken that those that still knew of him called him the 'Berserker'.

And they had a good reason to...

Noah would slaughter and kill each and every zombie he laid his eyes on and he went so far as to kill entire hordes of zombies in the span of a couple of days.

Noah has killed so many zombies in these two years that he could fill an empty river with the blood of said zombies...

But said Berserker finally met his match as he fought with a Zombie Hord that was being led by a Mutated Zombie that had human-level intelligence and strength that surpassed a human...

Deep within Dallas in Texas explosions rang out across the city almost every 5 minutes as a giant horde of 100,000 Zombies chased after a singular man covered in metal-reinforced leather armor wielding a thick hammer and assault rifle across the city.

If one were to look deep within the horde of zombies they would see a zombie with bulging muscles and standing at 7ft tall(2.1 Meters) with bright red eyes, this juggernaut of a zombie, was a Zombie that mutated even further allowing it to reach such strength and intelligence.

As Noah continued retreating through Dallas killing as many zombies as possible, he noticed that he has run out of ammo leaving only his homemade explosives and his hammer.

Smiling Noah knew it was finally his time, he would not make it out here, and even if he did, he no longer wanted to.

Noah retreated to an advantageous position and set up shop, killing all of the horde's zombies that came near with his hammer.

His stamina was incredibly shocking when compared to the other survivors.

At this rate, it was as if Noah could fight for the entire day before he would get exhausted.

After 6 hours of continuously killing the zombies, Noah finally got some rest as he noticed that the zombies no longer approached and just watched him from a distance.

Watching with a smile Noah watched as the zombies moved out from the way as the peculiar mutated zombie walked out from the horde.

Noah smiled and pulled out a strange metal object with a red button on its top.

Then as Noah lightly pushed the button all of his remaining explosives which he hid underneath the street in the sewers beneath the horde exploded, engulfing himself, the Mutated Zombie, and a good chunk of the horde.

But just before Noah was going to be devoured by the flames of the explosion, a strange wormhole appeared behind him and swallowed him whole.


[Niko, the Mandolorian]

Deep within galactic space in 3996 BBY, multiple large ships with hundreds of fighters could be seen attacking a singular larger ship.

These attacking ships all had the markings of Pirates while the larger ship lacked any markings.

Many explosions appeared on the hull of the larger ship as those inside struggled to stay on their feet in the artificial gravity as the explosions shook the ship.

The Commander of the Ship was an Exiled Manolorian, Niko Vero of Clan Vero(don't bother looking it up, it does not exist)

Niko Vero was exiled from her clan because her Honor stopped her from killing an enemy clan's young when they fleed from the burning remains of the clan's village.

A few years passed since then and Niko the Exile became a merchant who sold food and other necessities to barren planets that lacked said basic resources.

Yet, she suddenly found that her secret hyper-lane route was blocked by a Pirate Ambush, meaning that someone sold her and her crew out…

As her ship became more and more damaged she finally announced her command across the ship.

"All personnel, this is your captain speaking, retreat to the escape pods! I repeat, escape the ship!" she shouted over the intercom as she made her final decision as captain of the merchant's vessel, Muja.

Watching as all of the escape pods shot out from the ship, the Exiled Mandolorian smiled and sent out a final transmission to the escaping escape pods.

"It's been an honor fighting with you all, this is your captain, Niko Vero, signing off…" As the captain gave her final goodbyes the remaining crew watched with wide eyes that were red from holding back tears as the ship they were the crew of turn around and began speeding off towards the pirate ships.

The crew watched as the merchant proceed to dive straight into the middle of the pirate ships before a giant explosion blinded the crew as the Muja exploded with tremendous force that engulfed the pirate ships around it.

But just before the explosion the captain smiled and looked back towards her crew before she was engulfed by the flames of the explosion within an instant.

But just before she could die, a wormhole appeared next to her and swallowed her whole.