
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

The Devils traps

From what I saw when I used my observation haki it isn't only guards that are coming this way but also marines and judging from what I saw was there some Commodore ranked marines which means the rear admiral won't be far behind. There are far too many for me to fight at all at once with my level of strength.

So I quickly tell the group to go to the armoury where they'll find a trap door that leads to a boat at the end of the tunnel which will smuggle them from the island. Helen tries to object but I just give her a look " GO NOW" then reluctantly she and the group leave with the guard's routes which have the armoury marked on there.

To slow the marines and guards down in their pursuit of me and the group I take the lanterns off the corridor walls and smash them on the floor where the oil spills and is ignited by the little flames in the lanterns creating a wall of fire that barely reaches the ceiling.

Knowing that won't keep them for long as the marines will most likely overcome it in a short time, so when I get near the armoury I pull out my last stick of dynamite and stick it in a hole in the ceiling which I created by jumping and struck with my haki coat fist.

I need this trap to injure or kill as many of them as possible at once so I'll need to stall them and bring them closer to me so when the dynamite blows the ceiling will collapse on them.

Shortly after they arrive they immediately see me standing there all alone so I decided to play the innocent card " please don't shoot me I'm innocent I was forced to go them they threatened me" I start walking backwards slowly so that they will move closer to where the dynamite is.

The marines and guards start pointing their swords and rifles at me " stop moving right now or we'll shoot you" when he said that to me with a commanding voice it took great effort not to tell " no one comamds me" instead I keep playing innocent " no because if I do you'll just shoot me". I looked glanced up at the ceiling to see how close the dynamite was to exploding *I'm going to need to stall for another minute* I thought.

I can see both the marines and guards are starting to get anxious so I move backwards again slowly then all of a sudden couple of them shot at me but missed *so they're trying to intimidate me are they* then they moved forward again and are close to the dynamite " that was a warning shot move again and we'll be forced to kill you next time" now they're really starting to piss me off

the dynamite is close to detonating now so I give up the innocent act " Oh really your going to shoot they only witness that knows what the perpetrator looks like and where he went but by all means kill me and make it harder on your selves no wonder why people call you stupid" I'm hoping to anger them and make them move closer to me.

First, they're startled at my change of voice then angered " boy who do think you are you're just a slave and we're marines who are the symbol that represents justice" all of the marines agree with him.

I just start to laugh "HAHAHAHA what you call justice is nothing but LIES!" I shouted with venom in my voice. I then move backwards for a final time because the dynamite is about to explode " your justice forces you to help enslave and sell people then punish anyone that speaks out about it but mark my words I will DESTROY! that so called justice of yours " then I turn to leave.

the marines and guards couldn't believe this 10 year old child was speaking like he could actually make that happen so the Commodore shouted " marines go and apprehend that child so we can bring him in for questioning" so 15 marines rush forward. I then turn back them briefly "good luck catching me when you're being crushed hahahaha"

When the marines and guards went to ask me what I meant they didn't have a chance because the dynamite explodes and the ceiling crashes down on a group of marines and guards meanwhile the onlooking marines and guards look in horror at their comrades being crushed and crying in pain. seeing as the mixture of rubble and bodies are blocking the corridor I run towards the armoury not before letting out a bone shivering laugh "Gua HAHAHAH" for everyone to hear.

Then I enter and close the door while putting a chair against the handle so it makes it harder for them to enter.

Once inside I look around for a sack then when I find one I go and collect all the papers and books that are locked in a secure cabinet but I broke the padlock by punching it with my haki coated fist. This is the real reason why I broke into the auction because in the cabinet contains information ranging from marine transport schedules to secret information which depending on what it's about I'll either use it for myself or just sell it.

From before yesterday I already knew that the marines kept they're information in the armoury and not with the auctions documents which were in a file room. What I didn't know until Shakky gave me information yesterday was that the marines actually kept messages regarding deployments , orders and many other topics

once I was satisfied with what

I was able to find I slung the sack over my shoulder. Then I proceeded through the trap door on the floor and made my way out of the tunnel but not before destroying the ladder attached to the trap door to slow any pursuers down with a 7 foot drop.

when I got out of the tunnel I saw a person waiting for so instantly got ready for a fight but then I recognised who it was " Helen what are you doing here you're supposed to be with the ship" then I saw her crying " I wanted to make sure you got out"

I was little mad at her but was grateful for her concern and kindness " I don't know if you noticed but I can handle myself" trying to reassure her. "Come with me then you can meet your daughter at my place" which she happily accepted. we decide to walk on the outskirts of town to avoid any marines.

We were halfway home until my instincts told me to run which was right because a second later a squadron of marines appeared " stop right there and surrender to us" They've must have tracked us from the tunnels. I knew I couldn't stand a chance against because one- the was a rear admiral here, 2- there are 40 marines with swords, guns and 2 cannons and 3- I have to protect Helen while fighting which with my strength was impossible.

I was thinking what to do with no escape available to me " what have I a 10 year old done to warrent this big show of force" I can see Helen is visibly scared but all I could do was just stall the marines to come up with a plan to escape.

The rear admiral started to get more agitated after my question " Don't act stupid because clearly your not. Your being arrest for murder, robbery and terrorism.The explosions which you set off killed 25 in total and injured 10 more". I was trying to think who I murder which was the 15 in the corridor on my way out and the other 10 are probably from my first explosions with the barrels.

I then proceed forward because I have a plan " I'll never surrender to you I made that especially clear earlier when I killed those idiots you called marines" while showing them I was ready to fight.

The marines start to move in position to kill me " how dare you if you want to die then so be it". The rear admiral points towards me " marines fire the cannons at him"

So I dash forward to reduce the momentum of the cannonballs to have a better chance at catching them. I stop as they get closer and coat my hands in haki then when they're about to make contact I hold out my hands like a claw and grab the cannonballs with all my strength I have left.

When the dust clears the marines can't believe what they see which is a 10 year old boy holding to cannonballs with haki coated hands. The rear admiral is in disbelief " no normal 10 year old boy can do that also to be able to use haki is impossible"

I find their reaction to my little trick immensely satisfying " who told you I'm normal just look at the auction house that should prove why you shouldn't underestimate me!" I pull my arms back then throw the cannonballs at the marines causing two little explosions which results in a couple of marines screaming from pain and also injuring the rear admiral.

I take this moment to escape with Helen because the marines are rather injured or don't know whats going on but before we were able to escape the rear admiral burst forward to me and was ready to slash his sword at me but it never came because Helen jumps in front to protect me. when I hear the blade cutting through her flesh I instantly hit the rear admiral with a kick that catches him by surprise and knocks him back 10 feet.

I turn around to go to Helen to hold her in my arms "why would you do that you were never going to be able to defend against it" I hold her tighter so I can hear her response " because your only a child you're too young to die yet you need to grow up and have adventures" she holds up her hand to stroke my cheek then her hand falls to the ground.

Her body goes limp in my arms the I'm reminded of a memory of my mother before she died from fighting the marines and holds me in her arms " I'm sorry my baby boy I'm not going to be able to watch you grow up but remember I'll always love you" she kisses my head then falls to the ground with me still in her arms. I look at Helen then back towards the marines "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS WITH YOUR LIVES"

I put Helen down on the ground gently and walk towards the rear admiral while I can feel my spirit getting stronger until it bursts from my body sending a shockwave 10 metres in all directions knocking out most marines. The rear admiral looks at his subordinates then back at me in fear "He has the color of the supreme king"