
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The Devil will free you

Today is the day where I'm going to break into the auction house and free Stella's parents along with any others that are held there. All the preparations are ready the barrels are in place, the ship captain said he'll wait 1 hour by a tunnel on the left side of the island which I found out thanks to Shakky's information is connected to the sewage system underneath the auction house.

To be prepared for the marines I'm getting tips from Rayleigh on how to best fight against them like using my observation haki to dodge the bullets from their guns but at my level, I can only just about dodge one who shoots at me. He's also showing how to fight against swordsman using my armament haki by coating my hands to defend and maybe grab the sword if I'm lucky enough.

I've prepared all I can now the only thing left is to put the plan into action. Shakky and Rayleigh both wished me luck " if you need my help all you need to do is ask boy".

I punched him in the arm " who do think you're talking old man I won't need your help, I'll show those marines I'm a force to be reckoned with hahahaha" with a massive grin.

"This kid he's gonna get trouble for sure" Rayleigh was thinking while watching his son walk off to most probably his first fight.

time skip 2 hours-

I've walked to the left side of the island because I'm going to use the tunnels from Shakky's information to also get into the auction house. The only problem is I kinda forgot which path to take because there are 3 long pathways but on the map I got from Shakky there's only one. I couldn't take too much time deciding I only have 30 minutes until the guards change shifts.

So I just picked the middle path because why the hell not, turns out to be the wrong choice as I end up in the guard's armoury but it can still be a good thing because I can see where the guards are posted and their routes on patrol. I look around the room to see if I can find anything useful which I did in the form of 3 sticks of dynamite and fire matches.

I quickly hide because I hear one pair footsteps so I hide next to the door and when he walks in I check with my observation haki to see if there's anyone coming this way so when I find there isn't I strike him in the back of the head with my hand coated in armament haki.

Once he's out for the count I close the door and move his body out of view so nobody finds it when they walk in. I also tie him up and gag with the rope I found nearby him so he can't move or talk once he wakes up.

I leave the armoury and make my way towards the alcohol cellar and used the guard routes schedule to avoid guards but I reached a point where 2 guards are chatting to each in the corridor so I walk out in the open and start crying (not very convincingly) and call for my "mama"

The guards take notice of me and immediately walk towards me and when they kneel down to me "what are you doing here slave you meant to be with the rest of your kind" he goes to grab my arm.

So I look up at both of them with a smile " sorry you're mistaken I'm no slave and I'm not going anywhere".

The guards are surprised at my sudden change of attitude they go to move but before they can I coat my foot in haki and kick him in his balls because I hated how arrogant he sounded.

I turn towards the other guard and realise I can't beat him in a contest strength so when he goes to punch me I duck and went behind him then coated my foot in haki and struck the back of his legs so he would kneel. then I jumped on his back to put him in a sleeper hold which put made him unconscious, luckily for me he was already tired as it was the end of his shift so he's practically half asleep.

I turn back to the previous guard and see him groaning in immense pain so I put him out his misery and knocked him with a kick to the head.

once I made sure they were both unconscious I tied them up with rope I grabbed on my way out of the armoury in case stuff like this happened again. then I put them both in a nearby storeroom closet.

I quickly check to see if they got anything useful which they don't so I head towards the cellar.

Along the way, I saw a couple of guards but didn't fight them as I didn't want to attract any attention which could alert others to my presence and ruin my plan so I just waited for them to pass.

once I reached the cellar and used my observation haki to see if anyone was in the room, unfortunately, there was one guy.

I knocked the door 3 times to get his attention and soon as he opened it I lept at him with my haki coated fist and punched him in the stomach to wind him. Then when he was on the ground I jumped on him and didn't give him the chance to retaliate and attacked with a barrage of punches to his head which left him with a bloody face.

I knew he was going to be unconscious for a while so I just moved him to the side. Then I went over to the barrels marked by Shakky to signify they're the gunpowder barrels. when I found them I positioned them in a circle close together and placed one stick of dynamite in the middle and lit the fuse with the fire matches I found earlier.

The fuse on the dynamite gives me 5 minutes so I quickly made my way over to the holding cells where they keep the people waiting to be sold off as slaves. According to Shakky's information, there's storeroom close to the holding cells so I hide out there until the dynamite goes off.

5 minutes pass all I hear is a massive KABOOM I still waited 1 minute to let all guards and marines reach the origin of the explosion and raced past my location.

when that minute is up I checked with my observation haki to check my surroundings once it was clear I stepped out of the storeroom and made my way to where the holding cells are.

Usually, there are 4 guards that guard the holding cell at any time but thanks to my "little" explosion there are only 2 guards now which is protocol. Even though there are only two guards left it's still annoying because they've got rifles which would've okay if there was only one of them here.

Using Rayleigh's tips from earlier I decide to divide and conquer. I look around for anything that can use as a weapon but all I could find is a broken piece of metal pipe. unfortunately, I'm not proficient at armament haki enough to coat the pipe in haki so it means I can only use the pipe to defend against weak attacks, any strong attacks it'll probably break.

so I step out in the open and walk towards the holding cell. The two guards take notice of me "halt there who are?" they both aim their rifles at me but I only smile at them in return. My smile makes them more anxious even more because they both feel like death is staring at them so they both shoot but luckily I had my observation haki activated soon as I smiled at them.

I was able to dodge the first shoot by ducking soon as I saw they went to shot but the second shot nearly hit me but I was able to move out of the way thanks to instincts from fighting with Rayleigh during training. Before the guards could get their next shot ready I ran forward and when one guard aimed at my head I struck the muzzle of the rifle to side then when he was scrambling to aim again I swung my pipe at the guard's head.

Unfortunately, there was the other guard who was ready to shoot so I quickly manueverd behind the guard who I just fought who was disoriented from my attack to his head so I twist his arms behind back then pushed him forward into the other guard. When they both collided and collapsed on the floor I shot them both in the leg using one of their guns so they couldn't move but if I'm was being honest I was aiming for their chest.

I restrained them using the rope I had left from the armoury. I turned towards the holding cell and saw 7 people staring at me with a mixture of surprise and scared faces " I'm here to free you so I don't know why you're looking at me with those scared faces of yours" I felt a bit angry with some of their reactions but I can't blame them for being scared.

I walked towards the cell and look at the lock but noticed it would take too long to break by hand and I'm short on time so I use 1 stick of dynamite which means I only got one left from the armoury. While I was setting it up one of the people in cell "who are and what are doing" trying to look intimidating.

"first off if you're going to ask me who am I shouldn't you introduce yourself but to answer your first question I'm Samael and the answer to the second question I'm obviously breaking you all out of here".

the person who questioned me is dumbstruck that a 10 year old looking kid is speaking to her like she was a child "I'm sorry your right my name is Helen but why are you breaking us out" looking a little scared.

while I put the finishing touches of setting the dynamite in the door "well I have my own reason but also because a little girl by the name of Stella had her parents taken to be slaves so I thought I would break them out while stealing some things I've heard the auction got here"

Judging from Helen's reaction which is her crying non-stop she is Stella's mother " I would love and discuss anything you want to know but we don't have much time so you could move to the back of the cell to the side I would greatly appreciate it."

Seeing at what I have just attached to the cell door they quicky moved so I lit up the fuse the dynamite and then BOOM the door is gone.

I quickly usher the people out of the cell "ok people if you want to escape and be free then follow me if not good luck to you". They quickly decided to leave with me so as we leave the room and head to the armoury to escape.

Then when we get close to it I look behind us with my observation haki to check if we're being followed and could see that the marines have found all the guards I've restrained and figured out that the explosion was a distraction.

now they're all headed this way all I could say "well sh*t"...

from the comments i got from you guys yesterday currently im thinkibg the devil will be :

mythical zoan :

Hito hito nomi model: Satan



hybrid- looks like fallen angel but instead of a halo he has black horns

satan- looks like samael from darksiders

abillities- im still figuring it out

but keep commenting suggestions as the ones I've got so far are great

Draekocreators' thoughts