
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The Devil has awakened

I sprint forward in a fit of rage and hit him with a knee to his stomach then when he went to counter attack by sending his sword through my chest. I stopped it with my hand coated in haki and broke it in half then used the broken piece to impale him just underneath his right shoulder.

When he starts to staggers backwards I run to swipe his legs from underneath him then when he's laying on his back on the ground I walk over and break his knee caps by shooting them both with a rifle laying on the ground from a nearby unconscious marine. He can longer stand and starts scream in hysteria from the pain. I turn back to face him while releasing my killing intent to show him his death is near.

The rear admiral starts to panic because he starts to realise that the boy who he underestimated even though he was warned not to is going to kill him "who are you! you cant be this powerful no kid can".

I just stare at this marine with disgust " my hatred and my thirst for revenge is what's giving me my strength. Revenge for my mother who died protecting me from a marine and revenge for Helen who is dying right now because she is too kind to let me die young from an attack from you!".

I walk closer to him and kneel down next to his face and pick up his broken sword with a jagged edge "you're going to die now and the last thing you'll see my crimson red eyes watching the last remains of your soul vanish from your body". Once I was done talking I raised the sword in my hand and brought it down and pierced his heart.

I watch as his slowly dies but not before saying " curse you devil the marines will avenge my death and you'll suffer". I just stare at him still filled with pure rage "GUA HAHAHAHA the only thing you got right is me being a devil but make no mistake any marines or anyone else that comes at me will pay for their sins"

Then he finally dies so I walk back over to Helen to check on her as I start to realise there's no way I can save her. " Well done my son you really brought hell to the marines hahaha" I turn to see who said that until I realised it was Rayleigh. I was overjoyed but then looked back at Helen " how did you find me old man".

Rayleigh comes closer to me and Helen and looks at her wound " She's going to be fine that is if we can get her immediate medical attention so bring her and we'll go back to home so Shakky can patch her up. along the way I'll tell you everything."

So we start to run back home during that time Rayleigh explained that he has been following me and watched me by using his observation haki while I was inside the auction house and when I fought the marines " I know that you're strong there's no doubt about it but you've never been in a battle before so I was only watching in case of the worst scenario where you come up against opponents that would easily kill you".

He looks at Helen who is unconscious and has her arms around my neck while she's on my back. " aren't you afraid that the marines will kill the slaves using the collars?".

I just pull out Helens collar out of my sack " when I was sure they weren't being followed I unlocked them using a key I got off the guards at the holding cell then after I put some of them on the marine I tied up in the armoury and other marines I knocked out. I did that so they wouldn't detonate the collars. because they were the only people that tell which way I escaped but it looks like it backfired "

Rayleigh just smirks at my words "gua hahaha very smart and very cruel indeed". Shortly after we reach home we take Helen to Shakky to receive medical attention while Stella crying because the state her "mommy" is in and asked where her "daddy" was which I explained is with the other escapees on their way to another island for safety and that she and her "mommy" can meet up with when she's healed up.

After making sure everything is ok with everyone I head to bed because using the conquers haki for the first time really exerted my body so I'm extremely tired and can barely stay awake any longer. I soon drift off to sleep when I start hearing a voice calling my name which I assumed is from someone downstairs but realise I'm still sleeping " oi boy look at me when I'm talking to you" I try to locate the origin of the voice until I see a red giant with scales, two curved horn coming out of his head and wings like a dragon " who are you and why can I see you while I'm sleeping."

The man looks at me with a smirk that feels similar like I know it from somewhere " that's easy to answer I'm the Devil Lucifer who is also your ancestor and I can talk to you through my small traces of blood in your blood."

I take a minute to take in all he said like I'm related to the actual devil which is pretty awesome in my opinion " if what you said is actually true how is it possible I thought Gods weren't supposed to be able to have children"

Lucifer just laughs at me "hahahaha most people would start crying help from someone if I appear in front of them or just say I'm lying". I look into his eyes and see he's being sincere. " well if you wanted to hurt or kill me there wouldn't be a thing I could do and plus from the myths and legends you look like what they called the Devil."

Lucifer just smiles in response " well don't believe all you've read about me for Gods can have children but not with mortals because it's forbidden but I didn't care so for 900 years my blood has been passed down through generations but not many awakened my power within their blood those who have had a signature which is crimson eyes"

I touch my eyes while he's telling his story " so why to talk to me if I've awakened this power". Lucifer starts to move closer to me " the reason is when you awakened you also used the color of the supreme king which combined with my power knocked out the marines but it also amplified it and even though it was small it is enough for the celestial dragons and their leader Im to sense and now you'll be hunted until you're dead and any blood relations you have will be too because you are a threat to their existence."

He then stands right in front of me " my time with you is short so all you need to know is I'll explain everything the next time I see you which should be in the near future but remember to train more than ever because soon there will be a time where everyone thinks you're evil and will come for you, when that time comes you'll have to make a choice accept your death or fight and make those who Come for pay for their sins"

I can see him starting to fade " I'll never submit and let them kill me, I'll fight and when that time comes I'll kill them all"

Before Lucifer disappears " of course you will , we devils will never die without punishing those who seek to destroy us"

Shortly after he disappears I wake up " it looks like my life just got a hell of a lot more fun hahaha."