
Shigaraki in Marvel

Read about a teenagers descent into madness and destruction as he faces the reality of the marvel world. Not only does he face the reality of marvel but also fights with it hand to hand, read about him versus the rest of the world.

RewindTime · 映画
60 Chs


Tomura was walking back home from the avengers tower, he had sent the Nomu back to his house so people didn't freak out at the sight of him.

He looked up at the dark sky and sighed.

He pushed open a door he had grown familiar with. "Hey Leo?" He shouted into the empty store, an old man with a large nose and a lot of hair came out from the back with a smile on his old face.

"Ahh Tommy come sit down" the old man said he guided Tomura to a seat. "So we going for a new outfit today Tommy?" He said as he sorted through fabrics.

"No, actually I'm here for a gift, a friend of mine keeps looking at my cloak jealously, I'm afraid she must want one for her birthday" he shrugged as he explained the situation to Leo.

The man laughed "Okay, perfect now describe this girl"

"Uhh, green eyes, redhead, probably has freckles, wears a green uniform with these gold highlights on the arms and knees, uh tight outfit it's a spandex type thing" he said as he tried to figure out more things Leo would need.

Leo nodded "Good, good and her measurements?" He asked.

Tomura put his hands out and tried to remember. "Her shoulders are like this I think?" He said while measuring them in his mind with his hands "and she's like 5'6"

Leo grunted "I wanted her exact measurements you fool, but uh may I ask how big her" he made obscene gestures while pointing at his chest.

"Leo your making a cloak, not a fucking bra" Tomura said with narrowed eyes.

The man always was weird, like the one time he was getting his measurements and Leo accidentally grazed his private parts a bit too many times

But the man's work was good, and when it came to fashion.

A little groping is worth it.

Leo laughed perversely and turned to the boy "Don't worry, ill have it done next week. Pay me then" he said as he walked to the back of store.

Tomura rolled his eyes and left the store.

Time to go where he had been dreading.


He walked towards Sterns hospital room and before he could open the door he was stopped by a nurse.

It's real, Ultron wasn't lying

She pulled him to the side and explained what had happened, that his heart had suddenly stopped.

He wasn't lying.

He sighed and looked down at the ground.

"Sir, did the man have any family?" She asked over the ringing in Tomuras ears.

Tomura sighed "No"

"Do you know anyone who will take care of the burial?" She asked softly.

Tomura clenched his jaw. "Yeah, me"

She handed him a card with funeral services number written on. "This is a funeral service that the hospital recommends, if you have any questions then come to me-"

"No, no don't worry, thank you"


He finally got home, he looked towards the lab. He hadn't been in there since he found Sterns.

He sighed and walked into the lab, the smell of the dried blood was disgusting, it was everywhere,

He would need to clean it.

He needed to clean away the last of his friend.

He wiped his eyes and searched the lab for the cleaning supplies. They were in a small cupboard in the corner of the room, he came out of with bright yellow gloves, a dark grey brush and spray, he sighed and started to clean.

He scrubbed away the last of his friend, every bloodstain he cleaned only reminded him of the man.

Every time he brushed an old memory of the would pop in his head.

Some he laughed at while he brushed the floor like a maniac, most though he just felt sad.

And if a few tears slipped from his eyes, well it wasn't like anyone would know.


His birthday was tomorrow.

It was the morning after he cleaned the lab, and he remembered it was technically his birthday tomorrow.

He was sat on his houses roof, he came here a lot. He also had a cigarette in his right hand, he lit it with an old nearly empty lighter and took a large inhale.

He definitely sees the appeal.

It cleared his head.

His phone buzzed, he looked down at it and felt a smile grow on his face.

"Hey, sent over your new birth certificate, passport etc. 450 remember?"- Tony Stark

He laughed lightly as he put the phone back in his pocket, he was rich.

Now, he needed to use those documents to open a bank account.

He dropped off his roof onto the cracked concrete below with a light thud.

450 million is one hell of a birthday gift.


He went back to Leo's in the morning and picked up a suit, he had a funeral to attend.

He straightened his tie and got into a taxi, he showed up at the funeral service early.

He was the only one that showed up at all.

A priest, pastor or whatever they were was speaking about Sterns, how he was a good man who died to early.

They didn't know him.

He didn't listen to them though, just stared down at the coffin in the ground.

Sterns was in there.

He took an inhale of a cigarette.

He couldn't take his eyes off the coffin, once he looks away…once he looks away he will never see it again.

So he took it in.

He watched the way dirt spread as it fell onto the coffin and he watched as more and more dirt filled the hole until he could only see an inch of the coffin.

In his head he was praying, praying to anything, anyone to let him look at the coffin for a little bit longer.

His prayers weren't heard though, as dirt covered the last remaining spot.

He sighed, took one look at the tombstone and walked away.

That was it, everything his friend was, is now gone.

Reduced to a hole in the ground.