
Rebirth of the Alpha king

Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 6.2K ビュー
  • 12 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What is Rebirth of the Alpha king

WebNovel で公開されている、Queen_amateur の作者が書いた Rebirth of the Alpha king の小説を読んでください。...


8 タグ

Creed: World Strongest

Patria has conquered the land of monsters, now call The Territories. In search of greener pastures, most commoner are migrating to The Territories. Among them are a man and his pregnant wife. Though they travel together, they search for different things. She search for freedom to raise her unborn baby, whiles her husband is in search of adventure. He has the dream of being the strongest in the world. Now he feels he is closer to achieving his dream, with monster as his sparring partners. A year, after vigorous training he joined the Rainbow Underdog Trials (RUT). A tournament for upcoming martial artist to show their talents. The winner will have the chance to compete in the Supreme Being. The most prestigious martial art tournament there is. One stormy night their baby decided it was time. Five years after his birth, he dad took him to his first tournament. The apple not falling far from the tree he was knocked out in the third round. Years later, the end of father’s loosing streak came unexpectedly. He got to the semifinals of the RUT. As he cheered for his dad from the crowd, he saw a waterboy spike the water. He tried to warn his dad but the noise drowned everything he said. The guards held the line preventing anyone from getting too close. His dad drunk the water but won the first round. He then wondered if he was worried over nothing. Later he was his dad started staggering. He then noticed a tattoo of a stone arrow head on his opponent’s arm. He then remembered where he had seen it before. “The waterboy, how did he get into the tournament?” After the match, he told his dad everything. “Why aren’t you angry, that guy cheated. You should be in the final right now.” “Boy, the moment you start to make excuses, you stop succeeding. You brain will subconsciously, find reasons to ease your pain. You have to be strong that people will need to cheat to even the playing field. I’m honoured he thought he needed to cheat to defeat me.” His dad said with a smile on his face. This made him really mad he stormed out of the house. He climbed up the mountain and stayed there for a while. When he got back home, the whole place was dark. Suddenly, a light appeared in his parents room. A women in a purple zebra striped full bodysuit looked around. In her hand was his father gray blade. “Hey, drop it.” He chased her and when he got back to the hall, he saw bloody shoe prints. He ignored her and followed the blood trail. In the kitchen he saw a man in an all black ninja armour. On the ground was his mother, he charged towards him. He clenched his fist, and created a shock around it. When he was close enough, he swung the shock wave punch at the man. The man grabbed his hand by the wrist and flipped him over. The man ran away and he got up and started crying. After awhile a group of men came to drug him out. As the house burnt, as he was being taken away. He saw someone burning in the fire, he recognised the outfit, it was what his dad was wearing. As he stood outside watching the house burn, he blamed one person. The waterboy who spiked his father’s water.

Basil_Chaway · ファンタジー
8 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


