
Rebirth of the Alpha king

Queen_amateur · ファンタジー
12 Chs


With all my strength and willpower, I stood up and wiped my tears away ready for Axel but he wasn't there anymore.

"Would you nosy people get back to your work!" I heard his authoritative voice command beside me and I turned to see him there, Karen was at his shoulder and he had a frown on his face.

"We'll what are you looking at? Let's take her to the hospital." He growled.


"So many work that has to be done but we are here wasting time waiting for her, she's not even dying!" Axel complained for the third time since we got to the hospital.

A doctor was checking her and we were waiting in the waiting room and Axel has been pacing around since and we've been there for only five minutes.

We were alone in the room because some people excused themselves when they saw Axel while others that remained were scared away by Axel who requested privacy and not politely.

We were all alone together.

"I hate hospitals." He complained again. While I hate you, I would have said if only I had the guts.

I remained silent and did not answer any of his complains.

Soon he got tired of pacing around and sat down next to be. He was really close and his leg were touching mine as well as his arm.

I moved to the other side and gave us lots of space.

As soon as I moved he sat back down with me and was even closer. His leg was partially on top of mine and he gave me a daring look saying 'move one more time and see what would happen.'

I frowned at him and then pushed his leg away. Just one of his leg was heavy and it felt like I was touching a concrete for a leg.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I asked him while looking at the door in front of us. It was across the room and you'll have to run to get there just in case you are in danger so it's not really close and I hate that.

"Why are you asking?" He growled.

"Cause I need it right now." I responded.

"That does not apply for the two of us." He said and with that he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.

I went into panic mood and struggled to free myself from his hold.

I hit him hard but I was the one who felt the pain. But he let me go after that.

"Why are you like this? I just wanted to put you in my arms so you'll know you're safe. You're trembling and look so worried." He pouted.

Well I never asked you to help and I'm trembling because of you douche.

I still moved away. This time I was sitting at the end and if I move any further I'll fall so I just hope he doesn't come closer.

I got so irritated when I saw him stand up. This werewolf doesn't know when to quit does he.

I was fuming already because I thought he was coming to me again but he just walked down with his long big legs to the door.

He turned to look at me for a second before leaving.

I was now all alone in the waiting room with chairs at every corner of the big room with white paint.

The room was silent but I could hear beeping sounds and some chatters and clicks and taps on a computer.

It was suddenly lonely in there and I stood up to leave.

As I left, thoughts ran in my head. Ever since I went to Axel's industries for job it's been drama. Today I left home for work but I ended up in a hospital waiting to hear from a doctor about my boss's condition.

Everything is stressing me out and I haven't eaten anything this morning.

I think I'm starting to feel my hunger but I try not to pay attention to it and focus on other things so I won't be hungry but what do I have to focus on?

As soon as I left the room Axel's voice is the first thing I heard.

He was shouting at someone.

I prayed that he doesn't hurt anyone else then rushed over to where I heard his voice coming from.

It lead me to the room which Karen was kept for treatment and I found Axel jacking up the doctor.

The man looked scared and was pleading.

"Sir I'm sorry..." He begged. There was air conditioning in the room but he was sweating and he looked fearful. Poor man.

"What is wrong with you people! Can't you just take a look at her and then tell us how she is? Why waste my time!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry sir but we needed to examine the patient well before giving you feedback, I promise this won't happen again." The doctor promised.

Axel did not look convinced and I worry if he'll throw the doctor too since that's sort of his thing so I quickly rushed to him.

"Please don't throw him!" I shouted and looked at him pleadingly.

The doctor's eyes widened and Axel gave me a questioning look before dropping the man down.

"How is she?" Axel ordered.

"S...she is...she has dislocated bones but she'll be fine after two days of rest. It's nothing serious." He stuttered as he explained.

Axel snickered. "Humans are so weak and fearful."

He gave Karen a look before turning to me, "And you and her are no exceptions." He added.

That got me pissed and it showed on my face. Axel noticed and he smirked.

"Let's get back to work. Meet me at the parking lot in a minute." He ordered before leaving.

I turned over to the doctor. "Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded.

I looked over to where Karen is lying. She is on a white bed with nothing attached to her. Some other beds were inside the room and were occupied by patients who were looking at me and fear was still on their faces.