
Rebirth of the Alpha king

Queen_amateur · ファンタジー
12 Chs


"Sir..." I started to say but stopped when Axel growled.

"Axel," I corrected myself then waited if he would growl again. He did not so I continued. "I'm uncomfortable like this." I told him.

He pulled away and gave me a look I can't decipher then rested his back.

"Can I get down?" I asked and a quick "NO!" Echoed back.

"Axel, you asked me to come here, what for exactly?" I questioned.

"I want to know when you'll be moving in with me? And when I'll mark you as my mate?" He replied.

When will he get it to his head I'm not for him?

"Sir, I don't want to move in with you nor do I want to be your mate." I said bluntly. I've been saying it nicely and apparently he doesn't understand nicely.

"I know that." I said. "That's quite obvious duh." His tone is low and tired and a little broken.

"So why don't you let me go?"

He sighed. "Because I can't let you go as long as you are my mate. I'm not a quitter so I'll do whatever I can to make you mine even though it's by force." He replied, his confidence increased with every word he said. Shit, I should have just left it be.

"You can't force me to do anything." I challenged and he gave me a daring look.

"Oh yes I can and I'll do it."

I was fuming now and he was enjoying it.

"Watch and see honey." He said then pecked me on my cheek very close to my lips.

I quickly stood up from his lap and gave him a death glare. He smirked then winked at me.

"Weren't you complaining of so much work to do at the hospital, why are you just sitting down and harassing me?" I dared to ask.

He rose one of his brow then scanned me. I had no idea what he was doing and when his eyes landed on my chest and refused to move I felt like giving him a slap but a slap was what landed me in this situation.

"You are right, there's lots of work to do. You may go and we'll continue on lunch time." He said. Shit, he had to remind me of food! Now I felt my hunger again. Being with him had been so distracting that I had forgotten all about it.

"I can't have lunch with you." I said.

He rolled his eyes this time. "and what is the reason this time?" He asked.

I was silent not knowing what to say.

"Who will tell me what to do now?" I asked instead. "You've put Karen in the hospital and she won't be allowed to work for two days."

"Karen will not be coming back." He said. "Stop assuming she will."

"She did nothing wrong and honestly you're too irrational, she was only doing her job because I came late, she had no idea you'll go crazy because I knelt down before her." I defended.

He grumbled then mumbled something to himself.

I stood there waiting for what he wants to say next but nothing.

I was leaving after waiting awkwardly for his reply or anything when he said, "see you at lunch." Asshole!

"And my job?" I asked again.

"I'll call someone to guide you." He groaned then shooed me away.

I left his office never more frustrated in my life that I was right this moment.

I don't know if I should use the private or the public elevator but to avoid any form of drama or trouble I used the public one.


I waited at the reception for some minutes before a woman with dark brown hair in a ponytail and in a white long sleeve shirt and short tight straight skirt came to me.

She was holding a document and it looks identical to the one Karen was holding this morning.

She eyed me and I became conscious of the things I was wearing. I was dressed just like her but my skirt is longer and black while has is shorter and is blue.

Her brown eyes scanned me before asking, "Are you Miss Rhoda Hicks?"

"Yes that's me." I replied.

"Follow me." She instructed and I obliged.

She lead me to an office in the 3rd floor and then handed me the documents she was holding.

"When you are done with these, bring them to me, my office is just opposite yours." She instructed and I nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She said then turned to leave. Just as she was about to open the door, she turned back again and mischief was in her eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked. "So are you really sir Axel's mate?"

"Uhmmm..." I was taken aback and did not know what to say. "Well..."

"Is it true that you'll be marked by him? That you'll be living with him today?" She went on to ask. "Are you happy being his mate? Just imagine, you'll be married to the richest man in the entire world! And also the cruelest and meanest and strongest and fastest and..." She droned on and I stopped paying attention.

"Hey!" She shouted to bring back my attention. She was very close to my face and was staring into my eyes. "Well answer me." She demanded.

She must be the gossiper in the office cause obviously she doesn't know limits of questioning or the definition of personal matters.

Just then I heard my landline ring and I hurried to pick it up, grateful for the distraction.

"Hello this..." I started but was cut short.

"Tell that Cassandra or Cassidy or whatever her name is to fucking shut up!" Axel shouted from the other end furiously, "Or else I'll split her throat." He threatened.

After hearing what he said I slowly dropped the receiver.

"So the hairy man heard all your questions." I announced.

All the colors on her face left and she stared wide eyed at me.

"He...he..he heard everything?" She stuttered and I nodded.

"You should stop now or else..." I thrilled off.

"So if I go nothing will happen to me?" She asked fearfully.

"Probably, I advise you go now."

She nodded and left.