Check out my new novel Players Era: The system! ±±± In a world created by seven gods named Ethernasia, a mortal named Kyle and a goddess fell in love with each other. They lived happily until one day Kyle was assassinated due to the plot of two Gods jealous of him. Saddened by her lover's death the Goddess performed a forbidden spell on him, bringing his lover back from the deaths. However, Kyle who was brought back had changed, he was not human anymore, he became something entirely different from any existing races. He was the first of his race, a vampire. The Prime Vampire, sadly his lover became his first victim. Two thousand years later he was now coming back to Ethernasia (the world created by the seven Gods). The world that he once knew changed completely, people changed as well, still, Kyle's goal has not changed, his goal to live peacefully and leisurely with his loved ones had not changed even in this New World. Can Kyle easily achieve his goal? Read to know. This is Kyle's Life story, the story of his women and his fights until he achieved his goals. =============================================== Hello. I'm a new author, this is my first Original book. I hope you will be interested and read it. Also, English is not my first language, sorry in advance for any misspelled words or bad grammar, don't worry the story is interesting and I promise I will quickly improve. So, give this book a chance. Chapters Words are between 700~3000 words. The picture on the cover is not mine, it looks like one of my characters. Kyle the MC. I can take it down if it bothers. To know what happened before the MC came, you need to read Prime Vampire Avant, it's below. Check my second book: Death Guns in Another world as well.