
Only I Level Up Across The Multiverse

Yuuto, a teenage boy abandoned by his parents after discovering he was quirkless came across a villain prejudiced against quirkless people, with his victims having been only quirkless people. On his way back to the orphanage having done a little workout, he had come across this villain and ultimately, his end was on the way. Fortunately, he lived, and woke up to a blue screen asking if he'd like to become a ['Player'] Pressing [Yes] instantly, a quest appeared: [Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong] [Press-ups: Incomplete (0/100)] [Sit-ups: Incomplete (0/100)] [Squats: Incomplete (0/100)] [Running: Incomplete (0/10km)] WARNING!: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment. This was the beginning of his life turning upside down, and the beginning of becoming the strongest across the multiverse. 1st World: MHA/BNHA

Rizzler007 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Chapter 4: 'Danger Sense' + Training Part 2


POLL - Do people want:

1. Necromancer MC (Sung Jin Woo's abilities)

2. Something Else



Question: If you were to give a number for the number of strength stats for mc to defeat the 1/2/3/4 pointer robots, what would you give? (Basically, what's a good number to base off for power scaling using the robots)



"Where's the Springer Hero Agency?" The hooded figure's deep, husky voice asked impatiently.

'Seriously? In broad daylight, and here? Is he mentally retarded?' Yuuto thought.


- 3rd Person PoV -

With the 2 middle school girls shaking and speechless in fear, the towering villain impatiently repeated himself

"I. Said: Where's. The. Spinger. Hero. AGENCY!?" He roared.

"Excuse me," A handsome, black-haired boy approached the villain from the side, "You need to go to the springer hero agency, right?"

Turning his head to the boy, the hooded figure seemed to calm down suddenly and replied, "Oh, yes. Do you know what way it is?"

"Y-Yeah," Unnoticeable to most, the boy suddenly seemed to sweat a little and stutter the tiniest bit before doing his best to compose himself, "It's that way" he said, pointing in the wrong direction purposefully.

"Thank you" Seemingly, as if nothing happened just now, the villain walked away calmly.

Shortly after, the crowd started cheering about how the boy "saved the day" and whatnot.

Another black-haired boy looked at the scene with inspiration. Followed by a literal pink girl who ran over to the 2 girls, also inspired.

However, the 'Wonder-boy' seemed to vanish randomly, no where to be seen, with people only managing to remember his body slightly.

Meanwhile, in a random, isolated corner, the same 'hero' was sweating and breathing quite heavy.

- 1st Person PoV -

'Seriously? In broad daylight, and here? Is he mentally retarded?' I thought, not viewing the 'pathetic' villain as any threat.

'Hm... actually, I haven't gotten a level up yet, and usually you get exp from beating enemies so...' With a new goal, I walked up to the villain with confidence.

"You need to go to the springer hero agency, right?" I ask.

Suddenly, as he turns his head to look at me, I feel my body's weight metaphorically double, I could feel sweat starting to form and drop from my forehead, and although not that noticeable, my legs started shaking the tiniest bit.

['Skill: Danger Sense' has been learned]

[Skill: Danger Sense]

[Passive Skill]

[Mana Required to Activate: None]

[This skill is used as a way to reveal the strength of someone viewed as an 'enemy'. If this skill activates, it means the 'enemy' is considered a threat to the host and should be dealt with cautiously]

What I wanted to do was point in the direction of an open, isolated area in order for me to fight it and hopefully get some 'Exp'. Unfortunately, it appears that's not the brightest idea.

Instead, rather than pointing in THAT wrong direction, I point in ANOTHER direction where there's usually sightings of heroes.

"Y-Yeah, it's that way" 'Hopefully someone decided to be smart enough to think about calling the police or something to stop that villain'

"Thank you"

And with that, the previously angry villain walked away peacefully, as if he was some normal citizen.

'Thank the lord he's gone...'

Hearing the crowd cheering about me being some 'wonder-boy' or 'hero', I decided to instantly [Dash] from the scene and head somewhere to breathe a little.

- Author PoV, Present -

With that encounter, Yuuto knew he had to get stronger. There was no way he could allow himself to cower again, he WOULDN'T allow himself to cower in fear.

And so, Yuuto decided to push himself further with his training...

- 2 Weeks Later (32 days left until Exam) -


Name: Yuuto (No family name)

Level: 1

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 660 -> 940

MP: 25 -> 36


Strength: 30 -> 45

Vitality: 33 -> 47

Agility: 23 -> 37

Intelligence: 25 -> 39

Sense: 18 -> 25

(Available Points to Distribute: 42 -> 84)

[Mystery Box x13] -> x27

Though he spent a 2 weeks training, it was clear to Yuuto that increasing stats by working out was becoming more difficult.

Even though he had a whole 2 weeks of 'Harder training' it started getting to that level where Yuuto had to spend a few hours to get only 1 stat point.

Obviously he wasn't complaining, a stat point is a stat point, but he figured there was something he had to do different to increase the efficiency and result.

And that's not including the 'Sense' stat in the slightest. That stat was too odd and different compared to the other 'simple' stats when it came to training it.

Though, hard work does pay off usually, as thanks to the sense training, Yuuto gained a new skill:

['Skill: Sixth Sense' has been learned]

[Skill: Sixth Sense]

[Passive Skill]

[Mana Required to Activate: None]

[Due to constant training, you have developed the rare skill of having a 'sixth sense', allowing you to be able to react in ways you normally wouldn't be able to. This skill is able to improve the more the 'Sense' Stat increases] (Someone give good explanation ples, lmao)

This skill was certainly different to the others. But it is quite similar to [Bloodlust], in terms of "The more you give, the more you receive" (Pause.)

Whilst he would prefer to have more of an offensive skill in order to improve his chances of winning a fight, he certainly was not complaining about this skill in the slightest.

"Maybe if I increase my sense stat super high, I could see a bit into the future or something..." 'That would be cool as fuck!' Yuuto muttered.

Just to clarify, Yuuto was currently resting in his room (in the orphanage obviously) by himself after having worked out.

"With 32 days left, what to do... what, to, do...." He muttered, laying in his bed.

'Maybe I should rest a little and take a break day tomorrow or something' He thought.


A/N: First of all, tell me if:

1. You want next chapter to be a bit of Slice of Life in the first half where MC meets the potential FMC (Whether or not she's romanced, I'm gonna make MC have a forced encounter - by this I mean, I'm expecting a few "forced" comments or something if this happens)

2. Skip it, get to UA a.s.a.p. and just meet her at UA.

Second of all, I'm a blunt/straightforward guy, so I'll be straight up: The system and shit is important at the beginning, but tbh, later on I'll probably just forget about it/leave it to the side a little since MC is gonna be strong later on anyway, you get me?

May aswell make that clear for people that don't mind that/like it/ or hate it. I just wanna make it clear since I know this tends to happen in some system fanfics but there's no warnings lmao.

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

Have a good day

Any suggestions or questions, etc, put in comments/paragraph comments

Sorry if you don't like my A/N's at the start and end, I just like to interact and get feedback quite a lot.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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