
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 18

After the whole expulsion fiasco, our first day at UA ended. It seems like Izuku has cordial relations with Ochako and Iida even after things being different from canon.

I already had a good rapport with Ojiro and Kirishima seemed like a fun guy to hang around with. Next day the start was pretty normal considering the institution is of the education category.

We had normal subjects like English, Mathematics etc. Present Mic was surprisingly a good teacher if we keep his eccentricity aside.

As a globally recognized institution the cafeteria also lived up to its reputation. It was quite big as it seemed to accommodate more than 500 students at a time.

The meals prepared by the Cook Hero: Lunch Rush were absolutely divine. I am pretty sure if we tries hard enough he can make people undress just by the virtue of his food.

In the afternoon we had a very important lecture that was Hero Basic Training. As we were all waiting for the teacher to come, there were discussions going around as to which hero they are going to see next.

As the door to the class opened the Symbol Of Peace came in shouting,"I AM coming through the door like a normal person".

'Well which other way would you even come in class considering your power' I idly think to myself. Contrary to my apathy witnessing this, the whole class erupted into frenzy as they didn't expect the Number One Hero to be their teacher.

Ranging from discussing his costume to just overall excitement pertaining to his presence in general the response of the students were explosive.

"I will be teaching all of you Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a Hero. Let's get right into it! This is what we will do today-- Combat Training!"

Hearing this everyone especially Bakugo got super excited about the prospect of fighting."And to go with these!" saying this costume pods seemed to emerge from within the walls containing our superhero costume.

After we had passed the entrance we were given the option to modify our suits to our desire.We were then instructed to change into our costumes and meet All Might on Ground Beta.

Izuku's costume was still inspired by the green jumpsuit but with upgrades obviously. His legs were covered in black protective covering able to withstand pressure and his arms were enveloped by white armour like material which were the gauntlets.He also had shoulder pads colored in black red which would give enhanced protection to his arms. He had a sort of utility belt which had first aid in it. He also had a visor which covered his ears which would act like earpieces for intel and come together to form a face mask to filter out any harmful chemicals in the air.

Coming to my costume it was a tad bit more simple as it was a black white costume with neon blue outlines along with the face mask visor and a utility belt consisting of medical supplies, projectile items and many more things.

We made our way to Ground Beta as All Might was waiting for us. All Might beamed at us with pride watching us in our hero costume and complimented us.

We were also looking at others costumes and got to say they all looked really cool. Ochako and Iida complimented Izuku's costume which was above the norm in its aesthetic sense compared to the original one in canon.

People also were intrigued by costume as well as they seemed to be interested in it. Moving on from that All Might was starting with the explanation before Iida interrupted him by asking if it was going to be the same as that of the entrance exam that was fighting with the robots.

"No we are going to go two steps ahead of that! Most of the times fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total number atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate." He educated us about the intricacies of the Hero work that goes on in this world.

"For this class, you all will be divided into heroes and villains and fight two on two indoor battles." The premise of the test was same as that of canon.

There was a nuclear warhead in the hideout which was protected by the villains and heroes had the job of taking care of the nuclear device.

The heroes had to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. Whereas for the villains they had to protect the nuclear device all the time or catch the heroes.

The teams were selected by drawing lots. Izuku had the same team whereas I was teamed up with Momo considering I replaced Mineta. Rest all the teams were same as canon.

The first fight was as expected was between Izuku's team mad Bakugo's team. Bakugo looked almost disturbingly excited to fight Izuku. He on the other hand had a determined visage finally having a chance to fight against his childhood bully. The villain team went ahead first and the hero team had to go five minutes after them.

(Izuku POV)

We were given the blueprints of the building so as to prepare for the villains You could say I was looking forward to this fight as I have to personally settle my score with Bakugo.

All the times he ridiculed me, mocked me were all engraved in my mind. If Kei-Chan wasn't there I might have even given up on myself. I have to win this.

"Are you feeling okay Midoriya-San?" questioned Ochako seeing my serious look. 'She looks cute with those eyes at me' I idly think to myself as I reply to her," Ahh, it is nothing Uraraka-San. I am just really looking forward to this."

"Let's do our best Midoriya-San" she motivates by punching in the air. With the announcement of the test starting we made our way into the building.

We carefully infiltrated the building and started searching for our adversaries. I have kept up One For All so as to be able to react to any attacks quickly.

Which proved to be the right choice as from the corner Bakugo comes in with his signature explosion. I backtrack and ensure that Uraraka-San isn't injured by the blast.

The smoke clears to reveal a clearly serious Bakugo. "Come on Deku, don't dodge."

I knew he would come for me first considering the animosity we had between each other. He comes in quick with a big right swing which he always goes for.

I enter into his personal space as I execute a judo throw hard enough to knock his breath out. Bakugo gets up enraged because he didn't think I could best him even though he knows that I have a quirk now.

"You think you are better than me now that you have got a quirk huh!?" he accelerates towards me with a kick at my face which I dodge while leaning under the kick. I take this opportunity to kick him right at the chin while I flip back.

He launches a good feet up in the air but doesn't get knocked out which speaks volumes about his durability. He almost falls down but through his sheer rage he doesn't allow that.

He stands back up and puts opens up a compartment in his gauntlet which as it turns out let's out a concentrated blast of explosion. The power that blast contained was nothing to scoff at.'I can't take that head on' I think as I quickly put my hands in front of me as backing away wasn't an option in this scenario.

The blast takes off a section of the building and debris and smoke are all around the place.I hear Bakugo coming so I jump high enough that I could touch the ceiling.

He comes around for another round of explosions but doesn't find me. I accelerate my fall by pushing against the ceiling and performing an axe kick which lands perfectly and an audible crunch echoes in the hallways.

But I don't remain unscathed as at the second he times an explosion right at my face for which I cover my face with my arm. I am launched sideways but I quickly move from the place so as to not remain like a sitting duck which proved to be the right choice as an explosion occurred right where I was.

The gauntlet on both of my hands are completely broken with my arm suffering second degree burns. As I look at Bakugo I see that his right arm is completely out of commission and if he wants to use it he has to deal with excruciating pain.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU FUCKING PEBBLE!?" he shouts at me. I need to end this to quickly support Uraraka-San.

I run towards him as he levels his good left hand at me for an explosion. As he fires it I quickly run at the wall almost parallely walking against the ground avoiding the blast and deliver a solid kick to his cranium.

That does the job as he falls unconscious. I pant as I stood over my former bully with complex emotions swirling in me. I clear my mind and ask Uraraka-San about any update and it seems like she has found the nuclear weapon.

I quickly rush towards her not forgetting to tie Bakugo up. I reach there as I see Iida standing in front of the payload with a serious demeanor facing off Uraraka-San. There were no objects for her to use her quirk on which put her on a massive disadvantage.

"Ohh, you defeated my partner huh Hero? Well I will not let you get in the way of my tyranny!Bwahahaha!" Iida laughs maniacally.

I rush towards him as he uses his quirk to accelerate his kick towards me. I perform a front flip through which I narrowly dodge the kick and land on the nuclear device signifying our team's victory.

"Hero Team WINS!!" with that announcement we finish our battle and I have taken an important step towards my future.

(Izuku POV Ends)