
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 19

(A Few Minutes Earlier)

We were all in the monitoring room filled with screens that were showcasing the visuals of the building from their fixed vantage point. We were watching as Bakugo was angrily spewing his venom at Izuku while fighting.

"What is Bakugo saying? Can't tell with just the cameras in a fixed position and no sounds", enquired Kirishima.

All Might informs him,"He is talking to his partner over the small wireless radio. You can bring that plus the building's floor plan and this capture tape!".

He showcases what seems like ordinary tape but I am sure it is atleast strong enough to hold the captives for a few minutes. He goes on to say that once we wrap this around our opponents they are considered captured.

The time limit for the test was 15 minutes which was not that much of time as the Hero Team didn't know where the bomb was located in the building. All Might then further explains that it is the job of a Hero to get out of any predicament they are in.

Well if you are a just foolhardy individual and rush into situations without any plan backing you up then that's a surefire way to mess things up. While I was in my head all the students and All Might just shout "PLUS ULTRA!!!" and get themselves pumped for the match.

Now as this Izuku is someone who is confident and can control his quirk to accelerate good extent I expect him to win much more cleanly you could say than he did in canon.

We watch as the Hero Team makes their way inside the building carefully scrutinizing each corner. Izuku has kept up his quirk which is a good decision on his part as he is ambushed by Bakugo who as usual starts off with an explosion.

Izuku seemingly sensing the attack beforehand and due to his fast reflexs avoids getting hurt while making sure his partner is alright as well. Bakugo stands there menacingly as he stares daggers at Izuku.

Bakugo attacks him again but this time, showcasing his martial prowess and slams him down. During all of this Ochako slips off and tries to find the weapon hidden in the building.

Izuku is certainly fairing better against Bakugo than he did in canon.

"Ooofff! That gotta hurt" commented Kaminari as we see getting Bakugo getting kicked in the chin. We see him standing back up and opening up a compartment in his gauntlet.

'This is not going to be pretty' I think to myself as I know what's about to come."Young Bakugo, stop!" All Might screams into his microphone as Bakugo let's out his concentrated blast towards Izuku.

The blast takes off a portion of the building as we can sense the tremors that the blast caused till here. Everyone is shocked seeing the sheer power that the blast contained.

We are unable to see Izuku due to the smoke and debris as All Might visibly is concerned for his well being. Bakugo moves forward to meet Izuku not seeing him only to find him high up in the air and kicking Bakugo on his shoulder.

But true to his instincts Bakugo attacks him at that exact moment not leaving his opponent well off. With the way he is holding is right arm I would say that he has broken his shoulder.

They continue a little bit more as Izuku finishes him off with a kick at his face. He then regroups with Ochako and end up winning their match.

(Present POV)

It was time for the battle review that just happened."Well the MVP of the match is Young Midoriya" All Might announces.

"Sensei I would like to add something to this" said my partner.

"Go on Young Yaoyorozu" gestures All Might.

"Even Iida-San should be considered as he perfectly embodied his role of a villain for this test and prepared accordingly" states Momo.

"W-well Young Iida could loosen up a bit in some areas but overall he did a great job" greatly energizing the man in question. It was time for the second match of the day it was Todoroki and Mezo VS Ojiro and Toru.

I knew that Ojiro didn't have any chance of winning considering Todoroki but I still motivated him and told him to just learn from the experience. He pulls off the same stunt as in canon that is freezing the entire damn building and securing the win.

Everyone was amazed by this display of power as Bakugo who had just woken up a few minutes ago looked completely lost as to what was happening in his surroundings.

The following battles were the same as canon as it was time for my battle. As we were the villains we were given time to enter into the building and discuss our strategies.

"Hidaka-San, I think we should have lightning rods around the room so as to neutralize Kaminari-San."

"And could you also make sound proof headphones so as to deal with Kyoka-San?" I ask her. She agrees to this arrangement and gets to work.

Her quirk is one of the best quirk in general. She can create anything she wants given that she knows that materials structure and has enough fat in her body to make the conversion happen. She does look amazing in that revealing outfit I must say.

After we are done arranging the lightning rods in the room and getting those headphones I levitate her near the bomb. She does seem flustered at first but quickly regains composure.

I create a platform of telekinetic energy in the air for her sit on as we wait for the Heroes to find us. "Your quirk is very amazing Hidaka-San. I have never heard of a telekinetic quirk to be this powerful and versatile such as yours" she compliments.

"Well I did work on my quirk. Plus your quirk is surely busted as you can seemingly create stuff from your body." She then explains the workings of her quirk which I already knew.

It was decided that I would be the one engaging the Hero Team considering my power. With the announcement of the start of the test I make my around the building purposefully making noises so that they know where I am.

After a few minutes I hear their footsteps as they close in. Just as they come in view Kaminari shoots off a very powerful electrical attack which I easily dodge as Jiro tries to disorient me with her quirk which obviously fails due to the headphones which they fail to notice due to them attacking me in a hurry.

I just hold them down with my quirk as I quickly capture them and win the match. After this there was Aoyama and Ashido VS Sato and Koda which went exactly like canon which was in the Hero Team's win. With that our first day of Hero Basic Training came to an end.

If you think my work's worthy of your money please do consider donating on my patreon. There wouldn't be any extra chapters as such on there as I find it too much of a hassle to publish it on two sites. Here is my patreon link- patreon.com/ChillPixel369

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