
Infinity Fanfiction

A team was sent to rescue a Military Officer when they got attacked and ended up killed, or supposably... this will have many movies, Games, Animes, Ect. it will get Overpowered quickly but will try to prolong that for as long as I can. (no magic worlds? may change) Starting World Halo Universe.

LordSpecter3366 · ゲーム
35 Chs

Chapter 10: Two Abandoned Planets

It took a week until the Covenant was both killed and captured on the two planets.

The UNSC had all there injured helped by Deaths. For the last of the week UNSC bugged out leaving the first two planets and moved to the third one.

The first planet is closest to the sun, Second planet is second from the sun, and then third being third closest to the sun.


On screen is the UNSC Admiral appeared and spoke.

This is Admiral Preston Cole, You must be Specter right? (Cole)

Yes, what do you plan to do with the two planets that had been glassed? (Specter)

We will be abandoning them and setting a strong hold on the third planet. (Cole)

So you will be abandoning them, then I will take them off your hands. (Specter)

Not giving Cole a chance to talk I continue.

As a Admiral you must be busy, I will be letting you go then. (Specter)

The Connection was closed and then a Engineer appeared on screen as I contacted the Engineers.

Head Engineer? Did not think you will be the one picking up my call. (Specter)

Words appeared on the screen.

Just finished a new armor enhancement and got word of your call, and the other Engineers are all out helping this Guardian problem. [Engineer]

If you are free, then there is a large project I would like you to do for me then. (Specter)

Waving my left hand the two glassed planets appeared before the Head Engineer.

This is the Leonis Minoris sol system, and this is two recent destroyed planets. The Covenant has glassed most of the two planets about 75% to 88% of the planets, the atmosphere and more has been severally damaged by the attack and unless helped the planets will be uninhabitable. (Specter)

I can create some Terraforming equipment but it will take a bit. (Head Engineer)

Waving my left hand again, the plants changed, a Ring similar to the Halo ring appeared around both of them, there the ring both stabilized the planet and allowing life to also be on the rings.

I would like you to establish a ring around the planet, then bringing in resources from nonlife planets use it to build and repair the damged life planets and the rings. (Specter)

I see, using the halo life can be on it and the planet will be terraforming with the support of the halo it will increase from 5 years to a few months after the halo is finished. [Head Engineer]

I will fly over and start the Rings. [Head Engineer]

Work on setting Planet Defense Systems up the Covenant has just finished attacking but that does not mean they stopped. (Specter)


The Head Engineer had arrived in his huge 3 mile round ship that looks like a honeycomb structure as its hallow but also solid, the structure is used to create things from Sentinals to slips space points to send Sentinals to harvest planets the head Engineer created this to help work on artificial worlds, Forurnners make some interesting ways to get resources without the need of leaving there location by making Slip space ruptures they can bring resources anywhere and back fast.

There are specializes Sentinals that are used for building and mining they flew out as the ship moved to the first planet, there they started construction on the first ring but most went further away and started working on Planet Defense Systems.

The planet defense systems are huge Beam cannons that are like the ODP that is Orbital Defence Platform. But they are even stronger then the ships but unable to be used in ships as they are the size of a capital ship and that is just the cannon.

1st through 10th Admtials with me present reinforced the Sol System, moving all over setting up positions for Covenant Ships arrival.

I am between both the First and Second planet thinking of what would be a good name for the two planets.


Tane, what would be a good name for the new planets? (Specter)

Sir, you are having Rings made around them right? (Tane)

Yes. (Specter)

Then why not call them Twin Ringed Planets, first ring and Second ring? (Tane)

Good work! Tane you have named the planets I don't think I can come up with anything better. (Specter)


As the Head Engineer is working on the First Ring, a Month passed by when Covenant ships arrived.

Covenant ships have exited slips space, they are converging to first ring. (Tane)

Floating onto the platform it lit up and the interior vanished and space appeared, there seeing red triangles appearing and then zooming in as if I moved space the location.

That was Tane controlling the visualizer, Covenant Cruisers being 1,782 meters and Covenant Destroyers being 1,500 meters. There are 500 each.

This is way more then before as there was only almost 300 ships when attacking the three planets.

Moving my hands, Slip space rupture opened up, there I passed through it and then exited almost instantly as the Capital Ship arrived before the Covenant amada.

Tane, take the cannons. (Specter)

The Covenant sent plasma torpedoes, seeing them I waved the back of my right hand and the ship moved right as the torpedoes arrived the Capital Ship already moved out of there path, Tane started attacking the Covenant sending purple beams at them the beams are faster and accurate the ship has more power allowing the cannons firing to only need one to destroy the shield and then enter the covenant hulls, and there are 10 cannons.

I moved the ship and had continuesly evaded the covenant plasma torpedoes but there plasma turrets had spammed space around making impossible to evade that.

The covenant ships spread out and started attacking in every direction, moved up and back as they started camouflaging there plasma torpedoes within the plasma turrets attacking a few torpedoes hit the ship and the shield withstood the attacks, but a single torpedo is powerful and drained a bit of shield energy.

Having multiple hitting is it not good, falling back with the last of the shield on, the covenant advanced and Tane started attacking aggressively sending beams and moving them as hot purple blades in space as they moved from one ship to another forcing the advancing covenant to slow the ship shield recharged anew.

Turning around I see back up, seeing this, I moved my hands forward and spoke.

Tane, we are going to rush the center, activate secondary cannons I will cintril them I will be activating the secondary power core be ready. (Specter)

Affirmative! (Tane)

The ship that was already glowing purple had became even more on the purple side as it changed I waved my hands forward then all the covenant ships a Red Triangle surrounded each ship, I tapped on the ships and a purple beam flew to them ships, but there was two of each beam, the first took the shield second hit the hull damaging them, pushing my hand forward the ship moved through the center of the covenant, Tane fired the main cannons that cleared all ships in the way, I attacked moving my hands to all red triangles and attacked them.

The Capital Ship moved through the center and sliced right through the other side, the Covenant moved to attack on both left and right side of the ship, but UNSC ships fired Mac rounds 600 ton slug they started hitting all the damaged ships and they fell quickly, Infinity Guardians arrived they would have arrived first if they where not so spread out and further away even with the speed that is faster then UNSC ships they still arrived at the same time.

The Infinity Guardians attacked and took the shields down, UNSC finished them off and Tane attacked the ships charging at us and I supported.

The Covenant 1000 ships was being attacked on both sides, and the Infinity Guardians started incircling them, there the first attack wave of covenant ships was destroyed and the Survivers was rounded up and sent into a prison having energy cells and the facility is away from the others and heavily guarded by Planet Defense Systems that can destroy all ships with a single hit.


Three months after the first attack and another wave arrived, this one is the same amount the first of 1000 ships, they arrived once again to attack the first planet as the ring is almost finished in about a month it will be completed.

The battle was harder then the first the covenant had attacked from all sides and almost arrived at the ring but even that would nit have ended well for them as the ring has defences on it that can destroy the ships.

I had meeting with the UNSC at the planets it was boring, they wanted new technology and I had to tell them to wait.

If they got the technology they would be able to fight me as they can use any and all technology in creative ways to make Improvements, I don't want my technology advantage to vanish it would be my downfall.

The last month three attacks happened they moved to UNSC and first planet at the same time and I had helped them as they helped me in the attacks.

The covenant got passed the UNSC and arrived on the planet but Infinity Guardians arrived and helped, when I arrived it was half over, as for the first ring planet defense systems took the ships out before even getting close, they Practically disintegrated after being hit, Infinity Guardians also was more presents on that side so they delt with anything on there side.


The ring is finished, the Constructors are working on repairing the planet. (Head Engineer)

When you work on the second ring make it support Infinity Guardians and UNSC, I want to have this one be a mix of both sides so not needing to make anything to classified so they can bring there artificial intelligence if they so please. (Specter)

How do you want it set up? A planet livable way that can have both them and us living side by side? Or a training facility where they can fight side by side and get used to each other. (Head Engineer)

How about a mix of both, there the UNSC farms and cities and Infinity Guardians farms and cities can be both living space and training facility where they can sleep and be attacked but never get killed. (Specter)

I can do that, If it was one or the other the first ring would have helped speed its construction up to one month, now the new set up will take three to finish. (Head Engineer)

Thanks for your hard work, I will leave it to you then. (Specter)

As Head Engineer left to work on the next ring, I brought up a contribution center and started working out a plan.

UNSC are all low on there technology, but they will not give up against a fight. Even new weapons and armor will make there survival rate improve by leaps. [Specter]

Waving my right hand a list of purple prints arrived I see the list of UNSC weapons, I start working on new plans for the weapons, changing them but keeping there looks close to each on.

Then moving my left and right hand a Core appeared, I start degrading it making it still power Infinitely, but making it need to recharge so its like putting a new clip in. There I brought a SMG up and removing where the clip would be and putting the core in, then having the body changed a more slimmer form but its not needing the interior how it is, and it was changed. Then a list of colors appeared there the color can be changed to anyone preference.

There I started working on the Battle rifle, Assault rifle, Pistol, Sniper rifle, Rocket launch, all UNSC weapons was being changed.

Then UNSC Armor was changed to different types from ODST and the army having a list of customizable armors.

Collecting all the data, I sent it to the facilities on the first halo, this will create the items and being classified to prevent the UNSC from getting the Information and make everything themselves.

Next I put the price of all the equipment into the Contribution Centers, that will be established on the second ring. It does not matter if the UNSC can buy the armor and weapons that is already in the contribution centers but they might be more into the Spaceships that one can buy from small fighters to battleships, I am making it so the points will be a secondary currency that needs to be earned.