
Infamous Academia

message before reading: I only write what I would like to read someday, I'm not good and I only write for hobby, slow to super slow continuity depending on my mood/time/laziness, I just hope you enjoy this fanfic. Note two: my English is terrible so I need a translator, if someone can tell me my spelling or grammatical error I would greatly appreciate it Karma, a powerful entity without a doubt, can be your best friend or your greatest enemy, but if you keep it in constant balance, the rewards can be unexpected. why reincarnate in one of my favorite anime/manga to be a hero or vigilante, but not just any hero or vigilante, but one with the powers of *infamous second son* and a bit more, come on in to find out.

SentimentalReader2 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 6

[DEKU]- huh? -

The only thing that came out of izuku's mouth was the confusion and astonishment on his face, both of which were totally comical.

[A.M]- Although I am proposing this to you, this is just a "suggestion" for now, your will will be what will make me give you my power! -

[A.M]- I know you must be wondering what I'm talking about, after all I always avoid the subject in all interviews with strategically planned answers -

[A.M]- as you can see, my quirk is power, the power to inherit and accumulate strength -

When All Might dropped the bomb, Izuku and I looked at each other with a face of being stunned by the news, me more than anything because such a big secret told me so easily.

[KEI]- Excuse me, sir, but since I was able to mention such a big secret to myself, I am not worthy of your trust... -

I wasn't acting this time, honestly, I was curious, after all, he hadn't seen me do any heroic deeds like izuku.

[A.M]- Do you think I didn't notice the concrete wall behind my back? Although it is illegal to use your quirk without permission, you did it so that the civilians wouldn't get hurt by the shock wave it causes, even if it wasn't necessary , I had it all coldly calculated, but the intention is what counts, so I trust that you will not divulge this information -

I swallowed a bit knowing that, I was trusting too much that no one would find out that I use a quirk, while scratching my head, izuku was mumbling too much, it's definitely creepy and kind of annoying, like when you have a mosquito when you go to sleep.

[A.M]- well boy, stop saying such nonsense, uff, this is too much for my chest…pay attention, my power is called One For All…shonen, this power I give to you, why do such an act of heroism even without a quirk, is what I was looking for as my heir -

[A.M]- And your young man, you have good potential to be a hero, together with your quirk you would be unstoppable but… -

At that I let out a snort with a smile on my face.

[KEI]- There can only be one, right? Calm down All Migth, this boy has already shown himself to be more than worthy -

In that I grabbed izuku by the neck surrounding him with my arm with a smile, he looked somewhat uncomfortable for such affection but he still smiled a little shakily.

All Might looked at us with a smile characteristic of his skinny form, while he extended his arms.

[A.M]- then shonen, it's time for you to make your decision, after all, it's up to you if you're going to become the next symbol of peace -

He may not be able to read minds, but his face was an open book to me, thoughts like, 'Will I be worthy? ¨, ¨imagine that he would go so far for me¨, among other things until I reach a face of complete decision.

[DEKU]- I'll do it All Might, please! -

And there with the sunset on the shoulders of the No. 1 hero, is where the new legend of the best hero would begin, but so far... it's time to lay the foundations.


We were on the beach where I had trained a while ago, and I still do it in my free time, I continually took the broken garbage to the recycling places, it may have taken izuku's work away, but today I was going to make up for it.

[A.M]- hey hey, this is a great fridge to sit on, with how little you move it, it's definitely the best!! -

And there Izuku was trying to drag a refrigerator with all migth on top of him, it's incredible how his weight increases in his muscular state, I mean he practically has 200 or more kilos in pure muscle.

I still have sweat running down my forehead as I think about it, I only weighed 80 kilos and I have trained a lot since I was old enough to train my body.

[KEI]- Oy Izuku, I know you can try harder, if you don't train your body how do you plan to be the No. 1 hero? -

A/N: shonen is when it refers to izuku and young when it refers to the mc, because I do it that way, it's so that it doesn't get heavy writing shonen every so often, I'm an otaku but reading shonen every so often is tiring, and so that it doesn't confused to whom it refers.

[A.M]- The young oomori is right, you are not yet fit to inherit my power -

[DEKU]- But that's not what he said a while ago! -

[A.M]- Your body is the one that is not fit, my power has the strength of several men together, and if I give it to you now, your limbs would fly out -

He began to take a couple of pictures of izuku, I did the same but from a different angle when he got up from the ground, it would be better to see what his changes would be.

[DEKU]- So… to improve I'm picking up trash? -

[A.M]- and that's not the whole story!, nowadays heroes seek popularity and worldly things instead of doing the whole job, so we will resurrect those so ignored but important principles of what it means to be a hero! -

He proceeds to smash the fridge like a can, it's certainly cool, and even though I can do that with my powers, seeing him in sheer physical strength is just as amazing.

[DEKU]- Then the first step to be a hero… is it to clean all this beach? -

Izuku proceeds to look at me as if looking for the answer in another person, I just shrug my shoulders as I pick up a flat and circular stone that there is, only to discover that it is the ttaba of some jar.

[KEI]- don't look at me, he is the professional, so we must trust what he says -

[A.M]- Well said young oomori, they both want to go to YUEI I imagine -

[DEKU]- Ah well, c-sure, if I can learn to be a professional hero anywhere... I'll be in yuei, there's no doubt! -

[A.M]- think about those things without going deeper, what an otaku! -

That's when I get a little cough when I trip over something in the sand, my thoughts at that moment were "this is an anime world and I'm living it, so seeing someone who recently was an anime for me tell someone more otaku … It's uncomfortable.

[A.M]- Listen carefully, being a hero, it's a job where you need skills, it's the sad reality, so I have a training planned for izuku, and your young oomori will be a key part of this training, objective to pass, the American dream plan! -

[KEI]- If he knows you're Japanese, right? –

Pretending to ignore my words, but I could still see a drop of sweat on his stoic smiling face, while he explained the training plan, where it was practically training from 4 in the morning and finishing at bedtime, and you will wonder in that I am going to serve in the training, it is not simple, in fact before starting the training All Might asked me if I knew martial arts, which I had trained taekwondo, mostly for a martial arts manwha, and karate, hands and Legs at their best.

Now you know where I am going, I will be izuku's master in martial arts, which is very complicated, because I have only been training both martial arts for a couple of years, and I must say that nowadays there are very few places that teach martial arts, some are a complete scam, others are very expensive, luckily I found one where it looked acceptable, there was not much drama in the background of the place, there are no tragic background stories of the teacher like the kobra kai series, I guess the luck of the protagonist is not It's strong in me... or so I hope.

Getting to the point, it was about ten complicated months, because I had to ask my senseis to give me more intense training so that when I enter the yuei exams I will be first dan level.

The funny thing is that they both had sadistic smiles, do you mean all martial arts masters are like that?, I got a chill when for a moment I saw lights coming out of their eyes, I swear I saw that somewhere else.

What cost the most in izuku's training was his flexibility, he had to help him be extremely flexible for most of the kata that he needed him to learn.

I still remember how after the first time I helped him with his stretching, he walked like a penguin, but he didn't give up, even though he ended up cleaning his vomit due to overwork.

Which I also ended up throwing up in my martial arts training, both teachers were tough, the worst came when they discovered that I trained two martial arts, they realized why I mistakenly used a skill from both arts in the wrong dojo, and if my training it was already twice as difficult, now it was quadruple, his excuse: if you can learn two martial arts at the same time, this training is a piece of cake.

Surely both of them met when they followed me or I know to say the same phrase to myself, well, now is not the time to think about spilled milk, right now they are giving me a beating.

We had already reached autumn, it was easier for me to keep up and I was being supportive of izuku while we jogged at a speed that seemed a little more like running, which caused the poor green-haired man to suddenly fall into the pile of leaves that there were on the floor.

[KEI]- come on izuku-kun, it's not long now, you can't give up now that we are a few months away from the exam -

[DEKU]- I don't want to fail, I know I'll stumble and fall, but that's the path I want to run to be so strong, I want to be as skilled as your kei-san, and as strong until I reach the All Mitgh level! -

[KEI]- that's how you talk, just one more kilometer! -

[A.M]- Little cheeky ones, yes they are obsessed with training now, but I can't say I don't like it! -

By the time we got to the end of the jog, I gave izuku a bottle of water which he drank slowly so he wouldn't throw it up, at which point all migth returns to its deflated form when no one was around, so I take advantage of the moment to talk to him.

[KEI]- Excuse me Mr. All Might, I was wondering if he could inherit his power sooner -

[A.M]- and why would that be young oomori, mirodriya shonen still needs a little more to be able to inherit it without exploding -

[KEI]- I know, but with the martial arts training that I give him, the quality of his muscles has improved a lot despite not being many, this idea ran through my head since there is less time left for exams, but? Wouldn't it be better to learn to control his power before the entrance exams? We don't want him to enter without having an idea of ​​how his power works or if? -

In that the wind passes through our faces, although that did not prevent him from looking the hero N°1 his mouth, which I sighed and proceeded to heal that open wound a bit, yes, I told him that my quirk has a slight ability to heal people, I told him it was a mutation so as not to raise suspicions, obviously I only have the limit of cure some internal wounds, illnesses like colds and my limit would be amputations, but that would leave me out for a day, more than I need the limb cut and fresh, or else it wouldn't work.

His reaction when I told him about my ability was harsh, first a small hint of hope to then bring him back to reality, it hurt me to see his disappointed face only to be able to smile again, he cheered me up saying that it didn't matter much, I was used to it, apparently my face was also an open book for him, the good thing is that my ability gives him a little extra time in his muscular form more than I avoid the pain that he endures every time he sheds blood, imagine that he does it all the time, that's what I call a titanium will.

Returning to the present, he came to himself scratching his head.

[A,M]-I hadn't thought about it completely young oomori, let me think about it until tomorrow-

In that he leaves in his hero form running to who he knows where, meanwhile I went to sit next to izuku.

[DEKU]- What were you and All Might talking about? -

[KEI]- Things from your training, it's less time for the exams, so your training will become more intense~-

He just gave me a look of being dead in life, I almost saw his brain processing that he would have more training to the point that his soul escaped from his mouth, obviously all this in my anime imagination... I think.

[KEI]- just kidding just kidding, only for today you will take a break so you don't get sick from the weather -

[DEKU]- uff... you shouldn't joke with that kei-san... -

I just laughed while shaking the hair of the green-haired man, who also started laughing, we may be the same age, only a couple of months older than him, but it's like having another little brother from the orphanage, but the difference is that we are more partners than ever, the children of the orphanage despite the fact that we train together, I never felt the feeling of camaraderie with izuku, he sounded very gay but the charisma of the main character is strong in him, and I fell for his charms, luckily i don't go that way, so izuku is like the little brother i always wanted to have.

Now I feel guilty, I will have to bring gifts to the children of the orphanage, it never runs out of children to play with, cheeky little ones most of the time, until maa-san arrives and leaves them straight as a rope hanging and without wind.

[KEI]- Okay, how about we go get something to eat? I invite -

[DEKU]- eh, but, it wouldn't be fair, w-we should pay the same-

[KEI]- I insist, I will feel bad if you do not receive my gift -

I tried to make him puppy dog ​​eyes, only for him to look away.

[DEKU]- Well, well, you know I don't like you making that face, knowing your skills, that face is really scary...-

I just laughed at seeing him uncomfortable, and then went for a walk to a restaurant that served something to calm our stomachs.

[KEI]- You will have to enjoy these little moments now, after all if you are going to be the number 1 hero, you will be very busy -

At that izuku stops for a moment, just staring at my back that was walking away at a slow but steady pace, I had my hands in my pockets, by the time I realized that izuku wasn't following me, I turned around to give him a look of confusion.

[KEI]- Hey, if you just stand there you'll get a cold -

[DEKU]- a-ah yes, I'm coming! -

He smiled with trembling lips as he just looked at him also smiling, making me happy that every time he has more confidence in himself, seeing how he has matured with my own eyes certainly makes me feel proud, adding that I am part of his life now, it makes me my regrets of future problems vanish, well, future Kei will take care of those problems.

What in the future I would complain about my past self, but now, to enjoy the small pleasures of life.

A/N: hello how are you, now I'm planning to make chapters every other day, 1 to rest my brain, and another for laziness, but because of the support that this fanfic has received is what I manage to bring new content often, I'm almost at 15k words, which will get me to the power ranking numbers, my short term goal is to get there, long term is to have 100 power stones.

As I always say this is an amateur fanfic, just for my visual enjoyment, even so I will ask if you see any spelling, grammatical or plot hole errors, to point out the part where it does not match to fix it, the only bad thing is that your comments will be lost comments in the chapter, but I will always have them in my heart, and in the comments tray haha.

Oh, and I'm so bad at English that I use the google translator so several words won't be cioncided or repeated, thank you for your understanding, and see you another day.