
Infamous Academia

message before reading: I only write what I would like to read someday, I'm not good and I only write for hobby, slow to super slow continuity depending on my mood/time/laziness, I just hope you enjoy this fanfic. Note two: my English is terrible so I need a translator, if someone can tell me my spelling or grammatical error I would greatly appreciate it Karma, a powerful entity without a doubt, can be your best friend or your greatest enemy, but if you keep it in constant balance, the rewards can be unexpected. why reincarnate in one of my favorite anime/manga to be a hero or vigilante, but not just any hero or vigilante, but one with the powers of *infamous second son* and a bit more, come on in to find out.

SentimentalReader2 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 7

The week that passed after asking about inheriting izuku's power was somewhat more intense, especially for izuku who was being tested by All Mitght himself, doing triple his common training that was already hard, but when it was Monday again , there was no training because All Might had something to mention to us.

[A.M]-well, for today we will stop the physical training-

[DEKU]-eh, why is that All Might? With the calculations I made, I still have a long way to go to be a good vessel, if I don't achieve it, I'll explode, that's what you said…–

Izuku was pure nervousness, so with a light karate chop to the head I made his trembling stop and he looked at me while rubbing his head.

[KEI]- all that physical training should have made your nerves harder too, don't anticipate until I'm done talking, remember, a cool mind and calculated actions -

[DEKU]- I'm sorry, I'll try to improve on that… -

[A.M]- Kujum! Well, Midoriya shonen, as you have noticed, this week has been harder than the previous months, the answer to that is… that you will be able to receive my power sooner than expected! –


[A.M]- A week ago, I had a little conversation with young Oomori, thanks to the martial arts training that he has given you, you managed to have an impressive improvement even though my training was being adapted for your body, the achievement that that training improved twice as much, so… we have 2 months to train with One For All! –

Izuku was now being a sea of ​​tears again, I just let out a sigh while he rubbed the hair of the fool who cried for anything.

[DEKU]- HIK…I feel…like I cheated, having the help of you two, thank you, thank you very much! –

Izuku was practically doing a full 90 degree bow, at this point he didn't know how to make the green-haired man stop crying from the emotion that was in his heart that had been crushed and bruised by the people in his life before we arrived.

[KEI]- what are you talking about, it was your own effort to get to where you are now, if it wasn't for your own will to go beyond your limits, it would have been a waste, I trust you will be the number 1 hero! Coming Soon! –

All Might just stared at us while the wind from the sea moved his long locks of hair, his thoughts were unknown to me, but that look of pride that he showed, was enough that I was satisfied to find a good successor.

[AM]- HA HA HA, well Midoriya shonen, do you know what they say about those who were born lucky, and those who fight to earn it? Puff up your chest and be proud! –

In that she takes out a lock of hair and with a more serious but smiling look she passes it to izuku.

[A.M]- eat it –

[DEKU]- huh? –

[A.M]- no matter how you ingest my DNA, don't worry, I washed my hair well for this moment -

[DEKU]- It wasn't what I had thought it would be like! –

In that it was a little struggle to make Izuku eat the lock of hair, although I had to contain my laughter when I saw his bewildered face.

[KEI]-thanks that it was the hair, imagine if it was something else that had his DNA –

[DEKU]- please don't make me imagine it…I might vomit if I think about it too much…speaking of which, I don't feel much different -

[A.M]- You know how the stomach works, don't you? In about 3 hours they will take effect, so relax for now, this training will be 4 times more complicated to perform-

While we were saying goodbye to All Might, but not before healing him from the small internal wounds on his body, we went home, although this time Izuku wanted to invite me to his house, this would be the first time he would invite me to his house, so I accepted without no problem, we had free time after all.

What I did not expect was that his mother was 10 times more nervous than her own son, she almost questioned me about everything, where we met, my favorite things, especially the food, among other things that it was not difficult to answer until Which came to the question that any orphan would be hurt, but me… a little, but not that much.

When I told her I was an orphan, she was silent as she apologized for bombarding me with so many questions.

[KEI]-calm down, I've overcome that problem a long time ago, besides, knowing Izuku-kun's background, I understand why she was so nervous -

After that a freshly bathed izuku with cooler clothes, but with long sleeves, after all it's still autumn, low, which caused the talk with his mother to end, but that dinner would come, which I must say is very good cook, you can see the effort to make everything delicious, what I did not know was that I had a tear falling in my left eye.

[I.M]- Kei-kun, are you okay? Did you not like some of my food? –

[KEI]- oh, no, it's not that, the food is very delicious Miss Midoriya -

I wiped away my tears immediately as I asked where the guest bathroom was, which hesitantly pointed out to me with a somewhat fake smile, which Izuku noticed immediately, so without further ado I quickly went to the bathroom, closing the lock the door and to wash my face.

[KEI]- damn… -

Looking in the mirror seeing my drenched face, I noticed how my eyes had slight signs of wanting to cry, sighing again as I scratched my head.

That food had so much maternal love that it made me remember for a moment my mother's food from my past life, I thought that I had already overcome it with time and focusing on my training, but apparently subconsciously I still miss her.

[KEI]- come on, calm down man, just breathe… -

After having relaxed for a few minutes, I returned to the dining room seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat tense and full of concern, so to lighten the atmosphere I decided to tell anecdotes about my life in the orphanage, getting some laughs, lightening the atmosphere and then finishing eat the food without more tears.

By the time the 3 hours were up we were back at the beach in our workout clothes, which Miss Inko was kind enough to wash, making me change into izuku's clothes, which were a bit tight on me, but it was either that or go semi naked at my friend's house, which was obviously wearing izuku's clothes although it was awkward for the first time.

Leaving that aside, the training with All Might that Izuku had to go through was not a joke, luckily my sensei had taught me to meditate, not at the level of those protas of the wuxia world, but what was necessary to have visible benefits, which I instilled in izuku the first day of training, which managed to make One For All shine, although he had to stay still when he activated it, or else he would lose concentration.

Which he learned the hard way when we went through the walking stage with the One For All at 1%, he tripped and used 100% from the scare, making his right arm stay like when he fights the giant robot, for true my healing depends on my storage capacity and technique, which I train often thanks to All Might, making his arm heal in a few minutes, it was not as fast as Recovery Girl's, but it worked.

By the time two months of doubly infernal training had passed, Izuku could already use 3% of his power without harming himself, which was good because now he is more prepared than in canon, also as he had been taught martial arts, on his own he used attacks 6% powerful, after all the legs have more muscle than the arms, which was obvious that he could use more power when kicking, adding the technique, now izuku had not realized that his body was more dangerous than the normal.

When we trained 1 vs 1 I had to be careful, I have a healing factor but his blows were extremely painful, plus when he went into battle mode, he was monstrous, especially because he knew me and had analyzed my skills.


[KEI]- well, you already control 5% of One For All, let's see how much progress you have made in your attack power-

[DEKU]- HAI! –

Doing the initiation pose of any martial art combat, Izuku almost disappeared from my sight with superhuman speed, only to feel the air twist on my left side, I could barely avoid a blow that grazed my cheek causing ash come out and heal my cheek.

[KEI]- I must improve my perception, well, it's my turn –

With a smile I did some smoke sprints which almost matched his speed, but high kicks were my forte so he had to dodge with little time to think, because as a normal reaction was to cover his face, which he did, to stop it. when I was going to grab the back of his neck with my foot because I didn't have much visibility with his arms covering himself, he dropped down to deliver a spinning low kick, almost causing me to trip, as I saw it in time, I did a back somersault, with my foot powered in smoke, covered in concrete, I kicked him in the chin sending him flying into a pile of sand.

It was exaggerated, but considering that the One For All gives him more defense, I'm not worried, and I was holding back quite a bit on power even if it doesn't seem like it.

That did not mean that the little battle was over, because when the dust was about to fall, a deku came out at full speed in front of me, managing to throw some sand towards my eyes, I had to cover myself, but I realized that it was a natural reaction of the body, which had instilled in Izuku to study thoroughly, for when I thought about doing a smoke sprint, I didn't have time, because a 7% kick from One For All hit me squarely in the abdomen sending me to fly to the sea.


On that day Izuku apologized to me a lot, I spent half an hour swimming towards the shore, and that's counting that the waves were strong that day, so All Might had to go get me out because he gave me a cramp, you wonder why i didn't use my powers, because I only had smoke, neon and concrete that day, and I was not fast enough with neon to run through water, plus my reserves went towards my healing in that hit.

While enjoying the memories of the training, I arrived at the exact moment when Izuku met Uraraka, I was open-mouthed seeing his confidence go and his nervousness kick in, all that training seemed to have made his confidence in being a hero increased, but it didn't help his way of socializing much, letting out a heavy sigh I went to where Izuku was starting to babble with emotion that made people look at him weird.

And he got the karate blow to the skull that made him come down from the clouds.

[KEI]- friend, I know it's the first time you've almost talked to a woman, but it's nothing to write home about, when you're the number 1 hero women will rain on you, so you should improve your social skills –

[DEKU]- I'm sorry… you're right about that… I still have to make sure to thank you for helping me –

[KEI]- I wish you had that confidence to help people in the rest of your things –

He only had an awkward smile while I had a supportive smile, which made me ruffle his hair and then enter the great future that awaited us when we entered this school that would give us a hard career that would excite our lives so much.

N/A Hi guys, this is the last chapter… this week! As you know, I work on weekends so I can't do chapters.

Tell me what you thought of this chapter, it's the first time I've done a fight scene, so please if you see any errors, or plot holes or power level, let me know (taking into account izuku's natural gift I think that I would reach that level of handling the OFA, but any help and criticism is appreciated).

And today we hit 15k+ words which makes it finally have a power rating, so please leave your reviews so we can hit 100 power stones soon, I'd really appreciate it.

[I.M] Inko Midoriya

Postscript: do you want me to show izuku's point of view in the next chapter to show the differences that would make their training, or do you want it to be the MC's point of view which would make him in the bakugou group which would generate a conflict? /competition?

¡¡¡¡PLUS ULTRA!!!!