
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · 映画
264 Chs

Chapter 182 : Chantico and Elizabeth

In the morning.

In the city of ruins

A group of pirates were talking.

"Last night it was chaotic?" asked a pirate. As he remembered the earthquake last night.

"Yeah, I didn't get a wink of sleep." A pirate said in fear.

"Yeah, the entire island was shaken. I thought it would sink."

"But where is Captain Jack?" asked the pirate.

"I think there are some discussions?" asked a pirate with doubt.

"What are they discussing?"

"I think it has something to do with the captain's friend?"

At the same time in Alex's room, Alex was sitting in a chair with a confused face about how this situation occurred.

Elizabeth was standing in front of him, her hands crossed. Elizabeth had an angry and jealous expression on her face as she looked at Alex. Her eyes were narrowed and her lips were pursed, and she had a tense posture as she stood there with her arms crossed.

Will and Jack were standing behind her with a look of pity. They both felt sorry for Alex, but they didn't want to get involved in the conversation. They had seen this type of situation before and knew that it was wise to keep their distance.

Chantico was calmly looking at this while sitting on the bed, seemingly unbothered by the tension in the room. Chantico seemed as if this was not related to her. But she seemed to enjoy Alex's situation, watching with a mischievous glint in her eye as if this were a game she was playing with Alex.

"Alex, would you care to elaborate on what is happening?" asked Elizabeth in an angry voice.

"Well," said Alex, as he looked at Chantic But Chantico just smiled back, seemingly amused by the situation, and didn't offer an explanation.

Seeing this, Alex smiled bitterly, realizing that Chantico was not going to be of much help in this situation.

"You see Elizabeth, there is a reason for this," said Alex with a smile trying to convince Elizabeth.

"What reason? You said you were not intending to see any woman yesterday."

"Now you bring this woman. And she is saying she is determined to be your wife."

"What the hell happened overnight?" shouted Elizabeth.

"I will explain," said Alex.

Then he explained what had happened the previous night - how he had ventured out and fought with Chantico. And how their battle ended with Chantico being defeated. Afterwards, she pestered him to marry her. Then she followed him to camp, refusing to take no for an answer. That is how he ended up in this situation.

"Wait, you mean to say she is a goddess?" asked Jack with shock in his eyes.

"Then last night the earthquake was caused by your fighting?" asked Will as he looked at Chantico.

"And why are you fighting a goddess? what are you ? "asked Jack. As he heard Alex fighting a goddess, Will and Jack couldn't help but be amazed and a bit scared of what kind of power he had. The power that could shake the island as a whole.

"Didn't I say I'm a god?" asked Alex scratching his head.

The room became quiet as they heard Alex's answer. Will and Jack looked at each other in disbelief, not able to comprehend what Alex had just said.

"That is not relevant now, Elizabeth. Can you stop looking at me since I explained everything?" said Alex with a charming smile.

"How is that not relevant?" shouted Jack as he looked at Alex

"The friend I travelled with for four years is a god and now he brought another woman, who is a goddess," said Jack pointing his finger at Chantico.

"If you don't value your hand you can point your finger at me," said Chantico with a cold voice that made Jack fearful.

"She is so cold," said Jack with fear as he hid behind Will.

Will shook his head in disbelief and said, "This is pretty shocking."

Now they both understood the strange powers of Alex an the strange things around him.

"Well, it is not that surprising, you have two in front of you," said Alex

"Since I explained everything, I have work to do," said Alex trying to stand up from the chair.

"No, you are not going anywhere until I get a satisfied answer," said Elizabeth as she firmly pushed Alex into the chair.

"Alex, I have work to do, I will talk with you later," said Jack as he saw staying here would cause him trouble. He knew it was better not to get involved in a couple of fights.

"I also have work," said Will as he followed Jack.

"Hey what work do you two have? Get back here!" shouted Alex

"Now," said Elizabeth

"Chantico, could you explain it to her, please?" Alex asked pleadingly.

Chantico stopped smiling as she decided it was about time to explain. "Okay," she replied. As well as enjoying watching Alex. Then she walked towards Elizabeth and stood beside her.

"Well, you see sister there are not that many male gods."

"Don't call me sister " said Elizabeth.

"Don't mind about that sister," said Chantico not listening to Elizabeth's words.

"Sigh, continue what you were about to say," said Elizabeth as she couldn't care to correct her.

"Well, you see there are not many gods that are as charming and caring as him, since he possesses so many good qualities."

"I also thought it was about time I got married," said Chantico with a smile. Since she is going to marry Alex, she thought it would be wise to maintain a close relationship with Alex's women.

"Why don't you try to marry other gods?" asked Elizabeth with a stern expression.

"Well other gods are arrogant and I don't like them a bit "

"But he is different so I took a liking to him ever since he appeared in my dreams," said Chantico with an embarrassed expression as she looked at Alex.

This is also the first time she ever liked someone, so she doesn't know anything above love so she directly asked him to marry her.

"So, you started seducing women in their dreams," Elizabeth replied as she started to calm down she figured she had to get used to it if she was going to stay by Alex's side. She knew this woman was not last and this will continue to happen in future.

"No I didn't seduce anyone, I just came here out of curiosity," Alex said, shaking his head.

"But I mean it when I say I will marry you," said Chantico with a smile.

"I didn't agree with that woman," Alex said annoyedly. The reason for all these problems is due to this woman, otherwise, he would enjoy spending time with Elizabeth.

"I will follow you until you agree," said Chantico with a determined expression.

"Great now I have a stalker," said Alex

"You know I'm his lover right?" asked Elizabeth.

"Yes "

"So even knowing you want to marry him," Elizabeth inquired as she looked into Chantico's eyes. Even though she knows Alex will get many women she can't help but feel angry when thinking about it.

"Yes, I'm not gonna give up," said Chantico

"He is mine. You can't marry him," Elizabeth said with a possessive and angry expression.

"No he doesn't belong to you," said Chantico with a Slightly angry expression.

There were sparks between their eyes as they looked like they were ready to fight.

"So what did you like about him?" asked Elizabeth. She wanted to know what made this goddess fall for this guy.

"I like how he takes care of you."

"Wait you watched all of that?" asked Elizabeth

"Yes, after watching him for many days I also wanted a husband like him."

"Since I can't find any other person like him, I decided to marry him," said Chantico with a smile.

"You do know that he has other lovers?" Elizabeth asked with an uncertain expression, whether she knew or not.

"Don't know if he has, but it is common for strong people to have multiple wives."

"From what I saw he is not like other men who abandon women after getting a new woman," said Chantico.

As she observed Alex for a long time, she noticed that he was a kind and loyal man who seemed to treat all of his wives equally.

"Well that is true he is better compared to other scum men," said Elizabeth nodding her head.

"But he is cunning. He made me fall in love with him and told me he had other lovers."

"But you didn't leave him even after that," said Chantico

"Yes, how can I leave after I fell in love?" said Elizabeth with an obvious expression.

"That is also the same for me, you know it is difficult to find a decent man nowadays"

"So I decided to marry him," said Chantico with a determined expression, as she didn't want to miss her chance to get married.

"Hey why are you talking like friends?" thought Alex with a confused face. He really can't understand women up to now they looked like they were ready to fight but now they are chatting like best friends.

"I don't agree with this," said Alex as he stood from the chair.

"Well I will follow you until you agree," said Chantico. As she neared Alex's face.

"Well you can do whatever you want as long as you don't annoy me," said Alex. As he pushed away her face, Alex added,

"But I'm warning you, don't take this too far," said Alex in a warning tone. Alex was warning her not to try anything funny or push her luck too far.

"I won't. I promise!" Said Chantico with a warm smile.

Then she took Elizabeth's hand and said, "Let's go and deepen our sister bonds!"

Chantico dragged Elizabeth to get to know each other better and to strengthen their sisterhood. Seeing Elizabeth and Chantico depart, Alex shook his head and sighed. He didn't expect this type of problem to arise.

When he decided to visit Chantico, he hadn't anticipated the woman would propose to him out of nowhere. Alex had never expected that, and it had taken him completely by surprise.

He didn't expect Chantico's personality to be like this - so bold, so forward, and so determined to get what she wanted.

"Well, what can I expect from the goddess of fire?"

"She is a feisty and bold woman," thought Alex as he disappeared from the room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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