
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

ch 11

After they finally had everything set up to assist padme in the birth of her babies, and letting her know what would be happening throughout the procedure, and to just have thoughts About the family she will have at the end of all this, everyone got in there positions. Obiwan and Ahsoka were by her bedside for moral support, Carl was positioned behind her with a hand on her shoulder ready to start using force heal, Rex, the senator, and yoda were off to the side watching everything, and a medical droid was positioned where the babies will come out to assist in the delivery.

The moment they started the birthing process, and padme started to feel pain, because carls arm was the closest thing to her, her hand instinctively went and grabbed His wrist and started squeezing for dear life. For some reason, to Carl, it felt like padme had gained super strength and he had a small grimace from the pain but put it aside and started using his force heal. A white glow enveloped carls hand, then moved over to padme and started relieving the pain she felt and she had more color in her face.

During this time, while padme was in pain, she would periodically look over to Anikin in the next room. He was still unconscious in preparation for his replacement limbs but he was alive and with her. She could feel vitality rushing into her when she thinks about Anikin and the family they will have. She doesn't know the rush of vitality is thanks to carls force heal and her wanting to live with her family is amplifying it.

By the time the first baby is born and named Luke, Carl had sweat poring down his face. He was finding it difficult to keep up the force heal. He's never had to keep it going this long before, but he's sees there almost done so he pushes through and continues his healing. He pushes and blocks everything out and focuses on just healing padme. After so long the second baby is born and named leia, Carl does one final push of force heal for good measure then promptly passes out from exhaustion.

Carl woke up in a room that only had a bed. He got up and stretched then thought, 'what happened? Did padme live?' He looks around, 'well the place isn't destroyed by Anikin, that's a good sign.' He then gets up he looks at his wrist and sees a red mark across his wrist from Padmes grip, 'damn that was some grip.' Carl thought to himself as he heals his wrist and goes to the door. He pressed a button to open it and it slides open, when he looks out he sees a guard standing by the door.

When the guard sees Carl he says, "ah your up. the senator wanted me to take you to the conference room when you wake up."

Carl questions, "how long was I out?"

The guard answered, "no more than an hour. Come with me the senator can answer your questions better than I can." Then the guard turned around and started walking down the hall with Carl following behind.

As Carl is escorted into a room he could hear the conversation going on as he entered, "Hidden, safe, the family must be kept." Hearing yoda say family and not just the children filled carl with optimism.

As Carl entered everyone turned to him. Senator organa, obiwan, yoda, Rex, and Ahsoka are seated around a table as they turn to see Carl walk in.

Senator organa first stands up and walks to Carl, "you don't know how much we are grateful for all you have done." He says as he takes carls hand and shakes it enthusiastically.

Carl is a little weirded out by the senators eagerness. Carl looks at everyone els in the room and asked, "so I take it we succeeded?"

Yoda smiles then nods. "Succeed, we have. Your healing ability, we should thank."

Ahsoka seems to be very excited, "it was so beautiful and warm. It was radiating the entire room by the end." She comments.

Obiwan nods in agreement, "indeed, it's extraordinary the light can preform miracles like that. Apparently there is still more to learn in the force." After obiwans comment yoda and Ahsoka couldn't help but agree.

Carl is feeling a little embarrassed being in the spotlight so he tries to change the subject. "So what were you all discussing before I came in?"

Successfully diverting the topic obiwan answered, "we were discussing what should Anikin, Padme, and the babies do now. To my and yodas amazement Anikin is no longer part of the dark side. After he awoke from the procedure of geting his new limbs his first inquiry was about Padme. After learning about her survival I saw the yellow sith eyes he had vanish to his normal blue. After we brought him to see Padme and the babies he promptly passed out. I think he was staying awake due to sheer will power." He then gestured to Yoda, "master yoda suggests we hide them which I'm inclined to agree. The emperor may be looking for them, even if he isn't they bring up to much attention on any known worlds."

Yoda hums in thought, "hmmm, suggest, I would, split up, they should be."

Carl pipes in, "I don't think that's a good idea unless you can convince Anikin, and from what I know, now that he has his family, he would probably do anything to not be apart from them."

Obiwan chimes in then and asked Carl , "what would you suggest then? I think I speak for all of us that we would like your insight as well." Yoda hums in agreement to obiwans words.

Carl thinks and after a bit he put forth his suggestion, "why not send them all to live on tatooine? Its out of the empires reach. Anikin does have family there. As long as they don't do anything too drastic, they should be able to live there unnoticed." Carl pauses for a sec then continues, "this could also serve as a punishment for Anikin cause he hates tatooine. He will be exiled to the planet but he will at least be living with his family."

Obiwan then asked, "how will we keep anikin to this?"

Carl then answered, "Padme and his children will be keeping him to this. Also I would suggest you stay on tatooine as well obiwan."

Obiwan points to himself, "me? Why?"

Carl answers as tho it was obvious, " to hide and watch over the skywalker family of cores. Things may be different now but they will play a key role in all this later on I know it."

Obiwan thinks and after a minute he nods, " I see your point." He then turns to master Yoda, "master what do you think?"

Yoda thinks then nods in agreement, " best course of action, this is. Watch over the skywalker family, you must."

Senator organa then looks at Carl, "we could use your help in there relocation, if you wouldn't mind that is."

Carl thought on it and didn't see the problem with it, "sure I can do that but I'll have to get going right after."

Obiwan asked, "why?"

Rex remembering what Carl was looking at on the way there asked, "does it have anything to do with those CIS factories you were looking at and how you were saying you were going to loot them?" Everyone else's eyes widen at that and look to Carl for confirmation.

Carl nods to Rex's words, "yup. all droids have been given the order to shut down, meaning the factories are defenseless at the moment. I plan to go to the facilities that are unmanned and entirely automated cause they should be easy pickings." Everyone was looking at Carl like he was crazy, "what?"

Obiwan then asked, "why are you going through all the trouble?"

Carl sighs, "it's complicated but short version, my reality will face threats in the future. Threats I plan to be prepared for."

"And you're going to take everything the CIS has?" Obiwan asked.

Carl shrugged, "as much as I can get." Then Carl thought of something. He's not sure if they would go for it but if they did this could help them in the future. Carl looked at Senator organa, "actually Senator, I would suggest sending a small team with there own shuttle with me and for you to get some of the resources yourself."

The Senator looked shocked, "why would I need to get there resources?"

Carl explained how in about 18 years time give or take the empire will have built a giant superweapon called a Death Star capable of destroying an entire planet with a single shot. Everyone was quiet at this revelation. He also told them how senator organa with some other people forms a rebel group to combat the empire. Carls suggesting to start that rebel alliance sooner and the CIS resources will help with that. Carl also is inwardly thinking if he agrees it will help him in collecting everything quicker. He doesn't mind sharing.

The senator was thinking and after a bit he nodded, "so far everything you have said has truth to it, and from what I've seen at the Jedi temple I would agree something has to be done." The senator seems to be conflicted cause he's mainly a pacifist but after so long he could see the bigger picture and sighs in a form of defeat. "It is indeed a smart move to acquire as much resources as possible." He then looked to Carl, "I will assemble a team with a small cruiser. That's all I can spare so I'm not sure how much we can get."

Carl waved off the senators concerns, " you won't have to worry about space, I told Rex this before but I have a way to make things smaller in a sense. Don't ask me how I have it or how it works." He told them not wanting to deal with the questions.

They all obviously had questions about it but they let it go. The senator then had a smile on his face, "well then once the skywalker family is able to be relocated we'll all head our different ways. It shouldn't take more than a couple of days for there recovery" they all then stood up and started leaving the room with yoda telling obiwan to stay and talk with him a bit more.

After Carl, the senator, Ahsoka, and Rex left the room the senator told them he would go meet with Padme and let them know of there plan and for her to let Anikin know. Carl thought that was a smart move cause Padme would get him to agree easier. Before the senator left Carl inquired to were the hangar bay where his ship was. The senator gave him directions and Carl started to make his way to the ebon hawk.

Carl got to about halfway down the hallway before he heard, "Carl wait." He turned around and saw it was Ahsoka running up to him followed by Rex. Ahsoka caught up with Carl with Rex behind her, Carl looking at Ahsoka questioningly. "You'll be going back to your reality soon right?"

Carl looks at the bracelet device that's on his wrist. There's a small bar on one side that's 85% filled up so it's Soonish. Carl then raised an eyebrow in question, "ya I will be. Got to get back home at some point."

Ahsoka then asked, "will you be coming back to this reality?"

Carl thinks on this, in truth he doesn't know, this is his first reality jump after all, 'but wouldn't it be plausible to think the machine back at home will save the reality's I go to?' Carl thought to himself. After a bit more thinking he finally answered, "I'm not sure. If it's possible to come back I will definitely come back, but this is my first time in a new reality so I can only assume what I used to get here saved it in its system."

"You don't know?" Ahsoka asked only to get a shrug as a response cause Carl didn't know. Ahsoka bit her lip thinking on something and Rex looked at her questioningly wondering what she was thinking. Ahsoka then asked, "is it possible to go to your reality with you?"

Carl and Rexs eyes widen and they both exclaimed at the same time, "WHAT!"

Ahsoka repeated her question and Rex couldn't help but cut in, "wait wait commander, why would you want to go over to his reality?" Carl couldn't help but agree with Rexs question.

Ahsoka took a deep breath, "all I've known is war and from the look of things I'll be on the run all my life here." She looks to Carl, "you did say you will face difficulties in the future but from the sounds of it your reality seams more stable, plus I won't be hunted there. And you did say there's a possibility on coming back but even if there isn't I just want to get away from all….this" she gestured to everything.

Carl was shocked at first but after thinking on it Ahsoka did try to live a peaceful life of a farmer but couldn't due to the inquisitors. Carl then thought on it and brought up something that Ahsoka should know. "I really don't have a problem with you coming but the planet I live on doesn't really know about any species besides humans. Besides a small few that already know, They think any other life outside the planet is fiction."

Ahsoka looks confused, "there's nothing like the republic?"

Carl answered, "there is. It's just my planet earth isn't part of it. I guess from your perspective you could call my planet primitive."

Ahsoka seemed more confused, "how do you know about all this then."

Carl answered, "I just do due to reasons I'm not really at liberty to tell."

Ahsoka seamed to not like that answer but nodded none the less, "well if there's something like the republic why don't I go out there and see about geting more resources for you. You said you needed to be prepared and I think you could use all the help you could get."

Carl thinks on it, there are a bunch of resources in space. She could go and mine vibranium and get some technology from the nova corps. Then carls eyes widen, couldn't he have her go to Morag and get the power stone? Carl continues thinking about the pros and cons. He then nods, "well, if your fine with it, I have no problem with you joining." He extends his hand and they both shake.

Rex then chimes in, "I guess you better count me in too kid. Cant have the commander going to some unknown reality by herself now can we."

Carl grins, "no problem, we'll be glad to have someone of your expertise with us." Carl states and Ahsoka nods in agreement. They all continue talking as they made their way to the ebon hawk.