
I Shall Smile Forever

作者: Ran_Ben_Nun
連載中 · 2.9K ビュー
  • 8 章
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  • NO.200+

What is I Shall Smile Forever

WebNovel で公開されている、Ran_Ben_Nun の作者が書いた I Shall Smile Forever の小説を読んでください。Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multive...


Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

4 タグ

knight princess

She was a princess........... But no one knew her in palace. she lived in dark. Everyone knew that king doted on his 6th princess. 2nd prince who is known as a heartless demon only loved 6th princess. all other prince , princess and concubines were jealous from 6th princess. but...... on the king's birthday, " Lin mama, please tell 6th princess that his daddy wants to see her. "- King pleaded. In a haughty manner Lin mama said -" Haha, your Majesty do you forget that princess gives you a punishment that you can't meet her for whole 3 months. " King cried without any tears and looked at 2nd prince. 2nd prince (ignore #rolled eyes#) : Why are you looking at me??This is your punishment. Who said you to sneak in her courtyard without her permission. Now bear with it. I will go tomorrow to meet her. hahahaha King : you brat ...... And banter started...... But in the 6th princess courtyard..... Let pack our luggage. We have to lead the army against the Lingchun Kingdom...... This is a story of a princess who is delicate, simple and doted princess in eyes of whole world but no one know that in the dark she is a powerful General #Lin Shen#who is hero and legend in army. This is a story of a princess , with the help of her fifteen members of black army how will she survive in this cruel and powerful world which is full of poverty, powers. betrayel and schemes. And in this story will any prince comes for princess???? all Readers please support this story and give your comments and reviews. and don't forget to vote....... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

smirkingcat · 歴史


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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界観設定


