
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Another Mental Patient???

"Jane Jane Jane ... Stop running, you stupid brat!"

In an open space where all the sewer waters flowed into a pool that was connected to the underground, many "elite soldiers" were facing a figure who appeared to be a little girl. But this little girl was a little unusual, she had a pair of black crow wings on her back, dark claws, and yellow eyes.

The look in her eyes was full of despair and panic, indeed such situations are not what an 11-year-old girl should face at all!

Jane, while full of despair, thought of how she got herself into such an awful situation.


Jane lived in the slums of Gray City with her mother in a tattered brick house, they were poor but happy. She and her mother made their living by selling flowers, a business that didn't earn much but people always loved flowers so they were never out of business!

Since she was little, Jane's mother never told her who her father is, but Jane didn't care about that anyways, she didn't need to even know the name of the man who abandoned them!

But, a week ago, a man arrived at their doorstep, the man had a gray beard and a cunning look. He claimed to be her father...

Not only that, he was a city guard with a high status!

Jane hid in her room next to the living room but from the conversation and screams she heard from there she roughly understood their past.

Her father, after a drunk night in the tavern, saw her mother alone at night returning home and got her pregnant, in an advanced technological society this isn't so uncommon, so in this medieval backward world, it is something that happens daily...

Her father didn't have that high of a "moral value" but he left her some money and got her a house in the slums, and for some stupid reason he decided that from now on she would be his "property".

But not long ago, her father, according to what he said, decided to take responsibility for the daughter and mother and let them live with him, so he came today to take them "home".

Her mother refused his "kind" offer, but her father who was "surprisingly" drunk at that moment as well, didn't know what the word "no" meant.

They started fighting, of course, the "fighting" was mostly her mother throwing stuff at him while he was drunkenly chasing after her. 

After some "fighting," there was silence, and then she heard her father's screams:

"WHY, why did you force me to kill you, all I wanted was to make things right!"

Jane was already in tears and as she heard her "beloved" father's words she couldn't help but sob a little. A sob that made her father look in her direction and find her.

"Oh?Ha! I forgot my beloved daughter is still here, great! great! This bitch is already dead but I can live happily with my daughter!

While he was laughing happily, Jane was full of despair, the purest despair she has ever experienced in her life!

more than when she and her mother got into debt, more than when she lost her way in the forest while collecting flowers, such a strong despair  "awakened" a power deep inside of her, strong power, but a corrupted power as well.

This "power" spread through her body and soul at an unimaginable speed, making her tremble constantly.

Just as this power was about to overcome her sanity and let her fall into endless madness, she saw the smile of her mother, her kind and pure smile!

This smile gave her hope! This smile gave her power! She successfully resisted the corruption of disaster with pure willpower, but, because of that, she was just half-transformed!

Her father came closer and closer to her and said with surprise:

"Oh? you were also transformed! Well, I am sorry my daughter but the reward of the lord is much more rewarding than living "happily" with you!

Step by step her dear father got close to her. Jane didn't waste time and immediately attacked with her "newly grown claws".

But unfortunately, her father easily blocked her attack and threw her onto the wall.


Jane didn't know that her father was a second-level warrior and the highest commander of the "Gray City guards"!

And she herself was just a half-transformed disaster beast with the physique of an 11-year-old, anyone with little intelligence can understand this is not a fair fight.

Jane understood that she must escape, but the room had only one door, and this despicable man was blocking the way.

The room also had a window but even if she jumped out of the window into the street it wouldn't take much time for her father to catch her...

Then...she remembered that the ground was not the only escape route, but, the sky was as well!

She ran toward the window flapped her wings and jumped into the air!

"No, damn brat!!!", screamed The man who isn't worthy of being a father.

But, just as Jane thought she escaped successfully, her "wings" started feeling heavier and heavier, and she started falling!

It may be because of the imperfect transformation, or because of the short time she had her "powers" but her wings weren't functioning properly.

As she was falling down, she noticed a drain cover not far away from her, so, she dived straight into it!


Jeff took out what seemed to be the fantasy version of a woki toki and said: "all city guards assemble immediately!"

So the chase has begun!

And after a couple of days of "sewer hunting," the chase has finally reached the present...


Fagan looked at the scene with a subtle look, he came all the way into this dirty and smelly sewer only to gather information about the disaster and about the city lord's mansion.

Furthermore, he also wants to ask for information from the little girl not only because she was infected by the disaster but also because of her unusual condition as well.

Fagan scanned the "enemy forces", there were fifty "normal soldiers" a couple of professionals, and their "commander" who just by his posture Fagan understood wasn't mentally okay...

There were: one "thief ", one "mage" and two warriors. All of them were rank one professional. There was also their commander who was a rank 2 warrior!

The mage profession is exactly what you would imagine to yourself when you hear the name, a fireball thrower with not the best of physiques, of course, that is compared to warriors, compared to ordinary people they are like beasts in a human skin

Similar to the warrior profession they absorb the elemental particles in the air but instead of fusing it with their life force to create " fighting qi" they fuse it with their mental strength to create magic power!

On the other hand, the thief profession uses the power of the " shadow abyss", one of the nine abyss realms in the abyss world in this universe.

In fact every universe has its own representation of the "abyss", "hell" and so on, and all of these evil places are just a mirror image of the real abyss, also known in the multiverse as the "endless abyss"!

Because it is truly endless and boundless!

Aside from those elites, all the others were soldiers belonging to the level of guards Fagan had met before.

Looking at the current situation, the city guards surrounded the little girl and this time she really had no escape!

Their commander according to the information Fagan acquired about the city lord's mansion is called Jeff, and it seems that his wife went missing not long ago...

While recalling the information in his mind the drama continued!

"Haha, Jane, surrender quietly, the lord wants you alive and well, so, don't let us hurt you accidentally...

"You maniac, even if I will die I shall not let you catch a single strand of my hair!

"He he he", chuckled Jeff: "the lord wants you alive, but he didn't specify how "complete" you should be!"

Jane was furious but at the same time extremely terrified, she had witnessed how crazy this man truly was.

Jeff Stretched his dirty hand toward Jane and just as he was about to catch her, a blurry figure shot toward him with great speed!

"hmph", with a snort Jeff blocked the attack with ease using his mighty ax, don't underestimate him because of some light mental disability, he is in fact an elite among elite genius among geniuses!

And as they say:" All geniuses are a little bit crazy..."

Jeff, in fact, was a noble baron in his past who studied at the royal academy! But he got expelled because of some people's "jealousy" of his excellence!

But this is a story for another day...

Jeff looked at the new enemy with a piercing look and said: " I don't know where you came from but you should better run away now when you have the chance!

"Hehe, you know, so many men attacking a poor little girl is not so fair, how about letting me even the game a little?"

"Hahaha I think that this game may be very short-lived", said Jeff with a mocking smile.

Immediately the two warriors charged toward Fagan with a basic skill named

"warrior push".

Fagan turned into a silver light and clashed with them, sending the duo flying away with blood gushing out from their mouths.

The result was no surprise, Fagan is a peak rank two warrior who uses a very advanced cultivation method. And the other two in the extraordinary world were frankly considered- "bad quality cannon fodder"

Jeff's face immediately became very ugly after seeing this, he understood they had met a tough stone this time.

He immediately ordered his subordinates:

"City troops, go get that girl, commanders join me in facing the enemy."

Jane immediately started running as the city guards heard the order.

Jeff took out another giant ax from behind his back and with the smile of a pedophile attacked Fagan.

Fagan used the "high quality" sword he bought at the "Gray City Market" (though he is pretty sure the seller scammed him in the price, the sword is indeed excellent!) to pray the axes attack.

Both of them were at the peak of level two with advanced cultivation techniques and their every clash sent small shock waves into the surroundings.

The two warriors learned their lesson, so they used crossbows to attack Fagan from a distance, and not only that, the mage joined in throwing lightning bolts at Fagan.

Fagan had to evade those attacks while constantly clashing with Jeff, not to mention the thief who suddenly "disappeared" waiting in the shadows for an opportunity.

It seemed like Fagan was at a crushing disadvantage and would be defeated soon, a wise person may even ask why Fagam was so reckless and went to fight with them head-on after knowing their strength.

Well if an experienced high-level warrior or even a legend were there at that moment they would be able to see Fagan's muscle, bone, etc glowing very weakly and his fighting qi, surging like a river!

Fagan was on the verge of a breakthrough!

Fagan possesses two mythical-level items, even though he cannot even use a fraction of their strength he can still defeat those cannon fodders with no problems.

But Fagan knew that without blood and sweat, without fighting to death and experiencing the horror, his mind would become weak. So Fagan decided that in this fight he would use the intense fighting to forge his body and mind, and strive for a breakthrough!

Of course, the defensive treasure "moonlight crown" was ready to be activated at any moment.

As the pressure on Fagan continued to increase, Fagan's fighting qi was getting closer and closer to its physical body limits.

Fagan was getting more and more exhausted, and could barely block and evade the never-ending attacks

As Jeff's smile became wider and wider his attacks became faster and faster, more brutal, more inhuman.

Suddenly the sound of a sharp object cutting through the air was heard, and a pitch-black dagger appeared at Fagan's side. This was the thief who had been waiting for a long time to inflict a fatal blow on Fagan!

Just as the dagger was about to pierce Fagan's heart, Fagan's body lit up with, a silver light! The surging qi and blood were like a tiger, constantly flowing through Fagan's veins and blood vessels.

Fagan's eyes glowed brightly and his right hand grabbed the incoming dagger easily.

Anyone with common sense should be able to understand that this is the sign of a Breakthrough!