
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Moon Goddess!

Fagan could guess that Sophia wasn't the one speaking right now, but the moon goddess!

In this world, the so-called gods can't directly descend into the mortal realm. That is because the "world will" has a self-protection mechanism for the weaker creatures in the food chain.

If gods were allowed to go rampant in the mortal world, it should have been destroyed long ago.

The gods are blocked outside the mortal world in a place known as the "starry void".

But, if a creature's fate in a certain god is strong enough and his strength reaches a certain level, gods can use this life form as a "gate" or a "transmitter" and descend into the body of the believer.

Usually, this kind of operation consumes a ridiculous amount of energy!

Even so, this is what is happening right now...

Fagan quickly said, "Oh the great moon goddess!!! what an honor it is to meet you! I, the humble mortal would have already shed tears of joy if I didn't dare to disrespect you!

"Stop your stupid flattery mortal! It should have been your supreme honor to help in our sacred mission, yet you dare to ask for benefits!"

Fagan wanted to curse this crazy bitch.

'Supreme honor? Do you understand what a semi star-domain level disaster is???'

While Fagan first started exploring the apostle panel, he clicked on the "disaster level" description and understood the various levels of disasters.

City-level disasters are the lowest level of disasters. They are disasters that can potentially destroy a city or several cities.

Above city-level disaster are: planet(planet surface) level, star level, star domain, universe, and multiverse level.

The level name of the disaster expresses the destructive power of the disaster.

Each level is divided into inferior, intermediate, and superior.

The smallest "star domain" is a galaxy. A semi-star domain disaster means a disaster with the power to annihilate half a galaxy! In fact, if the "old gods army" were to face a real star domain disaster head-on, It wouldn't lose in power to it too much at all!

This woman wants to drag him into a battle of world-destroying beings with no payment! How could Fagan, The man of hope, do such a lose-making business!

"Oh the great moon goddess, you should know what kind of a dangerous mission I am facing right now, With my current weak strength I may die at any moment!"

The moon goddess replied with an arrogant tone: "Mortal I know exactly what you are about to face, if not for that disgusting weird energy I can't eliminate, I would have sent my loyal believers to exterminate this heresy long ago!"

Fagan was speechless, according to the description of disasters in the panel, disasters, in most cases can't be discovered by natives at all, unless they see them with their own two eyes! Disasters possess a ridiculously strong concealment ability!

'While communicating with disaster paradise the moon goddess must have learned about my mission and information about disasters!'

'What a shameless woman!' Fagan thought to himself.

"Mortal! I can forgive your rudeness and I can even give you the help you wished for! But I want you to get me the so-called 'disaster paradise entry ticket' !"

'Disaster paradise entry ticket?'

[Ding dong! Dear apostle! A disaster paradise entry ticket is an item that gives the user an apostle identity in disaster paradise! It costs usually between 10000 to 50000 thousand disaster points!]


"She wants to become a disaster apostle???"


Time:50 years ago.

Location: The moon goddess Kingdom of God!

The moon goddess was sitting on her divine throne, her cheek resting on her palm, it was evident that she was bored! extremely bored!

Since becoming one of the "three pillar gods" of the Astra continent she could hardly find something that would excite her.

'The ancient sun god and the lord of the starry sky are so boring ', thought the moon goddess.

'These two old guys are so lame.. all day they constantly comprehending the law or exploring the starry void. They never do someone exciting...

Suddenly, a strong sense of horror enveloped the moon goddess, she sensed that her fate, her destiny in the long river of time was unstable!

When a person's fate is unstable there are two kinds of possibilities. One, he is going to change his fate against the heavens! Leap over the dragon gate!

Two, the less desired option, he faces a grave danger!

And the moon goddess who is also proficient in the Dao of destiny understood that she unfortunately had encountered the second possibility!

The moon goddess started to panic... Since the "ancient God war" she was never in real danger of falling!

'what to do? what to do?'

While panicking, she unexpectedly noticed a strange black fox appearing in her kingdom of God without notice!

This is outrageous! The Kingdom of God is the place in which she has absolute control. She is basically like a real omnipotent god in here. But against all logic, an old black fox with a cunning look in his eyes appeared right on her side!

Then the fox opened his mouth and said quietly, "Moon goddess of this world, hello, it seems like you have some  issues to take care of, and I, just may be able to help..."

With a cautious expression the moon goddess asked: "Who are you, or to be précised, what are you?"

The moon goddess sensed the aura of life from the fox, but, at the same time the aura of death! 

"Well the humble me is just a messenger of the organization known as Disaster Paradise!"

With a mysterious tone, the fox added, " Our organization is not from your universe, in fact, doesn't belong to any universe!"

The moon goddess's expression changed drastically, The Astra continent is just one of the many mortal realms in this universe, the area in the universe that is not a "mortal world" is the "starry void". A mortal world is basically like a bubble in the sea and the starry void is like the ocean!

But, the moon goddess has never been outside of her home universe, in fact, she didn't even see the end of it! A universe is too huge for star-level life to cross casually. The best-case scenario is tens of billions of years! And outside of the universe according to what the "lord of the starry sky" knows is an endless chaotic matter mixed with fragments of laws.

With their level of strength, they could only survive for a couple of seconds before being completely eroded by the harsh environment!

He suspects that there are other different universes outside the Astra continent universe, But he never had the opportunity to confirm his hypothesis.

And this so-called "Disaster paradise" is allegedly a multiverse-level organization!

The moon goddess started sweating heavily in her heart, but, she knew that the danger for her life didn't come from this fox but from another source, so she didn't flee immediately...

The fox continued and said: "Disastrous energy has invaded your world, it is scattered in various places in this universe, but it had mainly gathered at one place very close to the Astra continent, this is the source of danger you feel. we need your help in solving this invasion."

"If you are a part of such a powerful organization what I can even help you with?

"We are indeed powerful, powerful beyond your imagination, but, our enemy is extremely powerful as well, we fight what is known as 'out of control disasters laws', it can be anything: a person, a beast, an object, a concept, a country, a weather, basically everything. We don't have that much manpower so we always recruit more help from natives in certain situations." said the fox.

"moon goddess Luna we shall contact you in the future for further instructions, of course, you can choose to ignore us but I don't think you are that stupid... Goodbye!"

Just as the fox was about to leave the moon goddess said hurriedly, "How can I join your organization?"

The fox looked surprised and said: "joining our organization officially isn't that easy! for certain reasons there can only be a certain specific number of disaster apostles at the same time... but there is an item called 'disaster paradise entry ticket' If you can get it you shall become an official apostle after use!"

After saying that the weird fox disappeared leaving the goddess alone in her Kingdom of god.

while still in shock the goddess' heart started beating rapidly.

'disaster paradise entry ticket... this is my chance to see a wider world, an exciting new world!


The present

Fagan said:" I see, I can help you with that. But, in order to get that ticket you should know how difficult it is, and this is on the premise I even complete this mission!"

"I know, mortal! Don't worry I shall give you some incredible gifts!"

With a wave of her hand, three items appeared in front of Fagan. A crown full of silver light, a blue spear radiating icy mist, and a black and white pill.

Fagan looked at their attributes with the apostle panel.

[Item name: Moonlight crown]

[Item description: A mythical crown filled with the divine essence of the moon, It is rumored that only the high priestess of the moon church can wear this crown after going through several trails set by the moon goddess.]

[Item effect: Can create a defensive bubble around the user with high resistance to all kinds of attack, The shield power depends on the amount of energy injected.]


[Item name: Spear of the ice abyss]

[Item description: A spear that the abyss lord of ice forged for 10000 years, was taken away from him after losing the gods and demons war]

[Item affect: This is a spear, what do you think it does? It stabs!!]

[Note: Possess abyssal ice corrosion attributes]


[Item name: Life and death pill]

[Item description: A pill that can reverse life and death!]

[Note: does not apply to damage containing the power of law]

"These items are my 'payment' for you and an act of goodwill, mortal!"

Fagan hurriedly took all the items and said shamelessly, "Oh, thank you! The great magnificent, kind, powerful, beautiful, and smart moon goddess! This humble servant is willing to go through fire and water, calamities and tribulations, thousands of cuts, life and death, pain and sorrow, and …"


"Enough! That's enough mortal! Your flattery has no effect on me! " The moon goddess said, even though, she had a slight curl at the corner of her mouth...

"Farewell mortal! If you want to be able to use the items I gave you, sign this contract." said the moon goddess while throwing a scroll toward Fagan.

While Fagan was still in a daze looking at another unusual contract that seemed a little corrupted, Sophia's eyes returned to normal and the depressing atmosphere surrounding the forest dissipated.

Sophia blinked a few times and said: "Foreigner my task is completed farewell. "Then she turned into a ray of moonlight and flew into the distance.

Fagan was standing in a daze, still having a hard time understanding how in his first mission he got himself into such trouble...

Then Fagan opened the contract, and a message automatically explaining every detail of the contract rushed into his mind.

Fagan mouth corner twitched, if there is such a convenient way to read a contract, why did the contract of that damn economic department have to be read...

'Those fellows at the economic department have a really wicked taste'

Fagan signed the contract after confirming it was not too outrageous

Fagan quickly regained his spirits, climbed a nearby tall and thick maple tree, and fell asleep quickly.

In his dream, Fagan stepped on the head of the economic department top manager and laughed wildly...

A faint smile appeared on his lips as the stars above were shining on his face...