
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Finally, Some Action!

The fox man began to tell his "tragic back story" with great passion!

"I remember it like it was yesterday..."

'Fuck, this is so clichéd', thought Fagan while massaging his temples...


"Me, my lover, and my best friend went hunting in the outer parts of the forest. Because of our weak strength, we didn't dare to enter too deeply. We were planning to save some money and open our own business in the city!"

"While we were hunting, we suddenly noticed a wounded magical beast! This magical beast was a fire-tailed fox! "

"Very surprising isn't it? It is like fate!"

Said the fox man with a crazy look in his eyes.

Fagan agreed very "convincingly", "Yes, yes it is destiny!"

But in his heart, He thought:" damn, this guy has some serious mental illness, starting telling me his back story and talking about destiny... Does he think he is some kind of a main character?"

"We all knew that a magical beast corpse could sell for a huge amount of money, at least for us. After a hard fight in which I was injured, we finally defeated the fox making him faint on the ground."

"And just as I was about to go and "pack up" the corpse, a sharp sword pierced through my heart. I fell down on my back and all I could see afterward was my lover and my best friend kissing."

While Continuing talking, Fagan could clearly see that the fox man's mood was getting out of control very quickly.

"While I was laying on the floor dying together with the fire tail fox, endless anger flooded my soul."

"Why, why, why did they betray me, why!!!"

"As the pain and suffering continued, I suddenly felt great power deep inside of me! power born from endless despair and madness!!! "

"And this power, lowly human, made me reborn, made me who I am today, a gift from god!!!"

"And those despicable humans I once considered my friends, your fate is going to be very similar to them!"

"Hah-aha- haha- hahaha haha haha", the fox man laughed wildly while rolling on the ground

'Fuck, this is so cringe...'

"Now human, prepare to die!"

As he said that, all the foxes used the fire attribute power to condense a fireball from their tails' tips and launched them towards Fagan. With a smirk on his face, Fagan replied, "Not today, retarded fox!"

Just as the fireballs were about to hit Fagan and turn him into fried chips. Fagan continued and said: "Sailor moon transformation!"

As he said that, the apostle panel also had some strange activities going on...

If Fagan were to look in the apostle panel log right now, all he would be able to see at that moment is just:






Endless silver light burst out and a 3-meter-tall silver armored man appeared in front of the foxes. The fireballs hit the man, but, the endless silver light easily shook off all the flames!

This armored man, of course, was Fagan!

"What, how can it be, what a powerful aura!", said the fox man with a shocked expression...

After hearing that, Fagan couldn't take it anymore.

'Does he think he is some kind of an anime villain??'

Throwing the distracting thoughts aside, Fagan plunged into the fox group and the slaughter began!


A couple of hours beforehand.

Fagan looked at the gorgeous ring with a subtle look in his eyes. Not delaying anymore, Fagam used the apostle panel to scan the ring and was very surprised by the result.

[Item name: ring of the Star Guardian]

[Rank: mortal level extreme]

[Description: The ring that only the most mighty elite soldiers of the Star church are allowed to wear]

[Effect: Use the power of stars to condense the armor of the starry sky with powerful defense, the armor of the starry sky shall raise the user's professional level by 3]

[Note: Ineffective for level 8 professionals and above]


'Wow, this ring is really a precious artifact and not some memorial or family inheritance.'

'Wait, doesn't it mean the bartender is the so-called "elite soldier" of the star church? Or at least he used to be...'

'Well, I should better get going, this forest is way too dangerous, and according to the information I got, firetail foxes have some ridiculously strong sense of smell who knows if they can smell their kin smell on me or the ring and then come back for revenge or something ...

But, immediately after that thought crossed his mind, Fagan's "sixth sense" gave him a feeling that leaving this forest too quickly may make him miss some interesting stuff...


Punch, kick, bunt...

Foxes were flying all over the place, Fagan was like a lion in a flock of sheep. The gorgeous fireworks created by the fox's flame attribute abilities and the silver light emitted by his armor made this scene look even more incredible, like some special effects in a movie.

Suddenly, a flaming claw moving at an incredible speed appeared in front of Fagan's face.

Fagan wasn't surprised at all and blocked that claw with a strong sidekick.

"Damn human, don't be so cooky!"

'Indeed, his overall strength is about half step rank 4, ' Fagan looked at the fox man and thought. '

'And with the help of his foxes, this may be a little trouble some'

So, Fagan continued to take care of the other foxes while evading and blocking the fox man. This wasn't so hard for him because of the defensive nature of the star armor and the gap of strength, but even so, he got some minor injuries from the crazily attacking fox man.

After some time, only Fagan, the fox man, and countless corpses were left on the battlefield.

The fox man went full "retarded villain mood" and kept attacking Fagan without caring about injuries.

As the fox man kept attacking Fagan, he in the meantime used this "failure as a villain" to practice the warrior fighting techniques he got.

And after some time and countless back-and-forth exchanges of blows, this non-serious battle has finally come to an end!

The fox man lay on the ground, the bones all over his body were crushed pieces, and his fur turned from pale red to shining crimson.

Even though he was stronger than the fox man, this battle wasn't so easy he was injured as well.

" he-hee-he, human you win, but remember your despicable species will eventually come to an end, hahaha has ha, cough cough..."

Fagan looked at the defeated villain with speechless eyes. 

'This idiot was fucking a human before as well... I guess his experience really scarred him too deeply...

Fagan twisted his neck elegantly and sent this poor fox straight to heaven, or in his case maybe to hell...

[Ding Dong, the apostle has killed a disaster creature and gained 30 disaster points!]

"Oh!, it seems like completing the mission isn't the only way to earn disaster points."


Back in the tavern, Fagan showed the ring to the shocked bartender.

Kid, I really didn't expect you could succeed, I thought that you would shit your pants after a couple of hours in that forest...

"Well, I guess I gave you a surprise ", said Fagan with a stiff smile.

'This damn bartender didn't mean to sell me anything in the first place, didn't he', thought Fagan while a beating vein appeared on his forehead...

"Well a deal is a deal, but the value of this ring is much higher than you think, and I guess that getting it wasn't an easy task so let me reward you with some more "gifts", said the bartender with a smile.

The bartender went to the "back scenes" of the tavern and returned with three items.

A bag full of silver coins, a book, and an apple.

The bartender then said with a smirk: "these are 100 solver coins, an advanced warrior cultivation method, and a mysterious apple I got from some adventure."

"I am not sure what its effect but this is definitely not an ordinary apple."

The Apple was indeed not ordinary, it glowed with a mystical blue light and had many blue spiral patterns craved on it.

'What the fuck? is this a devil fruit?'

Fagan scanned the apple and this is the result he got:

[The devil's apple ]

[ Description: The "devil" that lives in the endless abyss loves sometimes to throw fruits with various special effects into random worlds in the multiverse, this fruit, lucky apostle, is one of them!]

[Effect: After eating gives you a free teleportation opportunity to a place you imagine]

[Note: Effective only in the specific world used]


'This fruit... hahaha, this adoreous journey was definitely worth it!' Thought Fagan as he looked at his revenue with great passion.

"Well, now let me tell you what I know about those "wild animals incidents."

"These so-called wild animals, are in fact, ordinary people that for some reason turned into animals!"

As he said that, the bartender looked at Fagan with burning eyes like waiting for him to be extremely shocked by the stunning information he was just given!

And Fagan of course played along with the bartender, not only because of his "unique sense of humor" but in order not to appear too unusual as well.

"Wow, really! This is ridiculous!" replied Fagan with a shocked face.

"Hahaha yea, and after those people were transformed, the city lord's mansion immediately sent soldiers to surpass the mess and capture those poor people."

'The city lord mansion... it is not a force that easy to mess with...'

"Oh, by the way, a certain "wild animal" has not been captured by the city lord's mansion yet for some reason and its most elite guards are currently searching for her in the sewer."


"Yes, according to what I know she is just a little girl, at least she was a little girl..."

"I see ... Thank you, by the way, what's your name ?"

"Josh", said the bartender with a smile."


After this episode, Fagan returned to his "headquarters", also known as - his brick house given by Disaster Paradise.

Fagan sat on the bed and took out all the fox corpses he had collected with an excited look.

Magical beasts are great supplements for warrior training especially their core that is full of mana. Since ancient times in this world, the reason why humans and magical were never in peace is because of the usefulness of magical beasts to human professionals.

Fagan took out the corpses' magic core from their belly and started practicing the new warrior cultivation method which is called " the warriors pray for the stars".

Endless star fire surrounded Fagan as he absorbed the mana from the core. Every time the fire attribute mama was absorbed, Fagan's fighting qi and physique got a little bit stronger.

After a couple of hours, Fagan finished absorbing all the foxes' cores and his strength reached the peak of the second rank!

Fagan may not understand how outrageous what he did was, but for warriors in this world, even for the talented ones it may take one or two years to achieve that result, even with the help of magic core it may shorten the time to a couple of months!

This only proves that the apostles chosen by Disaster Paradise are absolute monsters!

not the mention the talent attribute buff that Fagan possesses right now, the result is only to be expected.

Now at the warrior's second level, cold weapons used by ordinary people pose absolutely no threat to him, unless, of course, they hit him at sensitive places like the eyes or under the belt...

Fagan got up from the bed and stretched, while doing so the sound of popping beans was heard constantly.

"pow pow pow..."

'Well, it is time to have another "fun" adventure, and this time at the most beautiful of places- the sewer of a 14-century city!' thought Fagan with a stiff smile.

Fagan then went out and bought some good supplies (after all he is a rich man now!), searched for the nearest sewer entrance, and plunged in bravely!


In the sewer.

A lonely figure was walking slowly, his eyes were full of silver light. His face didn't look the most joyful, to disperse any doubt this man was indeed Fagan, he had been walking in the sewer at least for two hours and the only thing in sight was in simple words poop and sewage water... not to mention the unbearable smell...

Well, Fagan couldn't say he didn't experience any action during this time, he met a couple of the so-called  "elite soldiers" who weren't even professionals!

Compared to ordinary people they are the true "elite" at the level of special forces on Blue Star, but, in front of Fagan, they weren't better than babies with swords. But for a small remote city, it is already pretty good.

While Fagan was thinking about the meaning of life and how the fuck did he get himself into such a situation, he suddenly heard screams in the distance!