
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Red Forest

Fagan was in a state of trance. He was very familiar with this feeling, which he got every time he attended math class in high school...

When he regained his composure, he found himself in a black space with nothing in sight.

Then, he saw various pictures moving fast, like a slide show or a movie.

Fagan understood that this was his memory.

From birth, childhood, teenage years, and adulthood.

All his memories spread in front of him like an open book.

When the "slide show" ended, Fagan felt something new inside of him, to be precise, something new inside his soul.

Fagan clicked again on the soul talent column.

[Soul talent: The smile of hope]

[Talent information: When you smile, you see hope, the greater the despair the longer the cooldown period]

"See hope?"


In a trance, Fagan's senses came back to the present.

And it seemed like the time in the outside world didn't pass at all.

After being stunned for a few seconds Fagan resumed his journey, after all, time is precious.

After a small amount of time, Fagan started to see maple trees. Fagan knew that he had arrived at his destination.

The red forest looked like a sea of scarlet fire from afar.

The leaves themselves were unusually bright. normal leaves weren't as bright as those.

Fagan looked at the instructions given by the bartender. On the paper, It is written very clearly that the red forest is the home of Fire attributes magical beasts. Fagan felt a little weird when he read this information, after all, If this is true shouldn't this forest be burned to ashes long ago?

Fagan continued to read, the last time the bartender went hunting mainly hunted the beast called "fire tail fox". This beast can emit flames from its tail so the locals called it like that. They usually live in caves in groups of 10-20 foxes. Most of them are considered level 1 magical beasts and some are even level 2.

'level 1 level 2…'

Fagan searched for information in the memory he was given and roughly understood the power system of this world.

basically mortals' strength level is divided into 10 levels, level one is the lowest, and level ten is the highest. After that is the so-called "legendary " level.

This level of strength is generally possessed by creatures like dragons and giants and the top powerhouses among humans. It is said that the humans who possess this kind of strength can not be defined as "humans" anymore, their power is extraordinary.

More information about stronger existence isn't mentioned in the memories, but, in this world, the so-called "gods" are the people on top of the pyramid.

And there are all kinds of different professions in this world like warriors, mages, assassins, priests, and more.

The fire tail fox strength of level one is equivalent to the strength of a level 1 extraordinary person.

this kind of beast can rival 10 strong-armed men alone.

This means Fagan needs to deal alone with a pack of foxes possessing the combat power of at least a hundred strong men if he wishes to trespass into the fire tail fox territory.

While thinking about his next course of action Fagan began building a temporary shelter at the entrance to the forest to spend the night.

Sitting in front of the bonfire Fagan took out a brown book from his bag. This book is the "basic warrior training manual" he bought in the city. To accomplish the task Fagan knows that strength is the main factor that will influence his success, so he decided to train in the power system of this world.

Fagan started to read and roughly understood the "warrior" profession. Warriors initially bring their body's physical fitness to the limit they can accomplish by simple physical exercises in order not to hurt themselves when inhaling the not so "friendly" magic particles, and then use special breathing methods in order to absorb the free magic particles in the air. This is the way the warriors strengthen their physical bodies to the level of inhumanity.

Fagan physical body has surpassed the limit state of the human body thanks to the newbie benefits so he can directly start absorbing the free magical particles in the atmosphere.

Sitting cross-legged Fagan started breathing at a very fast pace and as was doing so his body started vibrating at a weird frequency. Not long after starting the meditation practice, Fagan felt a cool stream passing through his skin pores and blending into his body. This kind of experience lasted for 2 hours until Fagan stopped practicing from exhaustion.

breathing heavily Fagan lay on the ground sweating like raindrops. But he was smiling, maybe the widest smile he ever smiled.

'Extraordinary power, this is true power, and powerful power brings the ability to create hope to create miracles!'

Fagan never forgot his brother's situation.

Stopping laughing wildly Fagan regained his composure and started grilling the meat he had brought with him. Warrior exercises consume a lot of energy and he needs to replenish his stamina.

The meat he bought was as ordinary meat in this world but because of the influence of the magic factor in the air, the meat quality was even more excellent than the best dishes served at 5-star restaurants on Blue Star.

While eating, suddenly, Fagan noticed a human figure walking towards him. Fagan immediately entered a state of alert.

As the figure got closer and closer Fagan could see it was a woman a very beautiful woman, the woman had long silver hair pointed ears, golden eyes, and an alluring body.

'This is an elf', realized Fagan.

Besides that, his keen intuition repeatedly warned him that this woman, even though she looked like a fairy was extremely dangerous...



'run away


These are the crazy warning signs he keeps getting from his subconscious. Fagan felt cold all over his body, sweat started falling off his back uncontrollably.

But even so, he still smiled, he smiled brightly(a little like a lunatic). Because even in endless despair there is always hope. Fagan was about to activate his newly acquired talent, but before he could make a move to elf spoke.

"Foreigner, relax, I have no ill intention towards you. My name is Sophia The oracle of the moon goddess. The goddess has sent me here to convey a message."

'The moon goddess? why such a big boss is interested in me?'

'And how can I, a novice, deal with existences that surpass my strength to such a degree? Doesn't disaster paradise have some kind of a protection mechanism for apostles?

"Don't worry foreigner the goddess has already reached an agreement with the force behind you."

'Wait wait wait… what's going on? disaster paradise is playing with me? a weakling newbie?'

Then Fagan seemed to remember something...

[Section 15, point b, sub-section 34: If the apostle performs a mission while his debt still exists Disaster Paradise economic department is allowed to temporarily assign a certain mission for him if found fit...]

'Damn, I seem to be still too young, too inexperienced... Who knows how many old foxes are hiding in this so-called disaster paradise economic department...Even using the contract to embarrass apostle on their first mission..'

Sophia continued, "The goddess has some attainments in the way of fate and destiny, she has discovered that you can turn the tides when the calamity arrives.



[Triggered disaster mission: Return of the old gods!]

[Disaster level: semi-star domain level]

[Disaster description: In ancient times there were no gods in this world. various powerful beings competed for fate some fell some rose to power, all i order to become a true immortal god!

Even so, the war for fate never stopped and countless gods disappeared in the long river of time...

The power of disaster that intruded into this world is in the process of reviving those ancient beings Turning them into killing machines chasing revenge and destruction]

[Main mission: eliminate the remnants of the old gods]

Fagan started sweating again...

'She wants me to wrestle with Gods now?? When did I start looking like a God slayer???'

Thought Fagan as touched his cheek.

'Wait wait wait… even though I got scammed by the damn economic department, didn't they just send me a free-of-charge bodyguard???'

Fagan eyes lit up like torches as he looked at Sophia.

Sophia looked at him back and she noticed that his gaze wasn't full of lust just like when most men looked at her, but even so, his gaze seemed much more terrifying than that...

For some reason, she started getting chills down her spine...

"Well foreigner, the goddess has prepared a gift for you."

As she said that a silver moon flew out from her sleeve and shot towards his eyebrows at a speed unseen by the naked eye.

Fagan felt a little cold, and then the apostle panel popped out.

[Get buff - moon goddess blessing]

[Moon goddess blessing: A blessing that is given to the most loyal and powerful believers of the moon goddess. ]

[Blessing effect: physical aptitude ×2, luck×2, comprehension ×2, all attributes +10, under the moonlight - all attributes ×2.]

[Side note: From now on, you are a noble messenger of the gods, a very rare existence in the world. In every kingdom you shall receive the treatment equal to a Duke but don't be too arrogant, Status without strength will eventually lead to disasters!]

Fagan came back to his senses and immediately said, "Cough cough, miss Sophia it is my supreme honor to win the right to serve the moon goddess but unfortunately I am currently in the process of completing a very dangerous and difficult mission, I may even die in the process...

As he said that one could even see a tear in the corner of his eye...

"So Miss Sophia unless I get some help, my chances of completing this mission are very low, but even so, I shall not give up!

"Oh, what a pity! Only if some kind of strong beautiful kind smart and elegant hero would help me fight this uphill battle! Oh, what a pity what a pity!"

Sophie's mouth corner started twitching violently.

[Warning! Warning! It is detected that the apostle is trying to take advantage of the mission arrangements of the Great Disaster Paradise economic department to complete his novice mission which will hurt the evaluating mechanism of the task. Please stop your actions immediately!]

Fagan's smile stiffened, he had a hunch that this would not be so easy. In the information he got from Disaster Paradise, he understood that this mission was a kind of test for novice apostles. Success means becoming an official apostle, failure means death. Why death? Well, Fagan needs to pay for healing him, transportation, identity arrangement, and more to a certain despicable economic department...

If he doesn't pay in disaster points... He can only pay with his soul!

'Well if I can't use her as a bodyguard, how about asking for some benefits...After all.....I can't work for nothing!'

So Fagan immediately said: "The great oracle Sophia I know that this is just a false hope to find such a hero but I hope that you may be able to provide me with some help by providing me with some simple and plain assistance such as some mythical items, some gold coins, but not too much something like 10000 or so, godly cultivation techniques and the like. Of course, all of this may not be enough to complete such a frightening task, but! I will try my best to handle it with these poor resources!

Sophia's mouth corner started twitching wildly again...

"Foreigner... I can help you but..."

Suddenly, Sophia's eyes turned backward and a horrifying invisible pressure started radiating from her. The forest started trembling and the cries of running beasts were heard from a distance.

Then "Sophia" said: "Mortal, you were very arrogant just now, weren't you!"

Fagan started sweating again...