
Fate has truly abandoned me

作者: jukkaland23
Historical Romance
完結 · 24.6K ビュー
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What is Fate has truly abandoned me

WebNovel で公開されている、jukkaland23 の作者が書いた Fate has truly abandoned me の小説を読んでください。I can only ask myself: Why was I born ?If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and againWhat will I live for ?Heaven, why have you treated me like this ?Did I do anything wrong in ...


I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

10 タグ

Hero's Going To Rest After Saving 11 Realities

(A/N: This my first time writing a novel, so hope if you want to read it don't put your hopes to high.) ********************************************** Arc, who save 11 different realities was finally is going to have his rest, in a new different world, that is. ---------- Arc, who was just awaken after 16 years of the process of 'reincarnating'. Arc who is now called Lyn Arthur, was just grumbling about his loneliness and wishes to have a cute little sister but can't because his the only child in the family, with only his father with him now. "I already know based on the memory that I see that the past 'me' he already said to pops that he can find a new wife, but his holding himself back because of me. And I for one is also agree to having a new mother." [Hidden Achievement Unlocked!] [Raising A Flag #1 : A Sister Is All You Need Description: Because You want a sister so badly, the possibility of your father to remarried to a single mother who have a daughter is 86% and because of the high percentage it will became a reality. Just wait for the good news! An event flag: A Sister Is All You Need Reward: A perfect little sister that you always want!, Title: Loving Big Brother. -Can be unlocked if you raised a flag.] "..." "System come out right now!" [...] ********************************************** Author: If you want to know what happens next read it, you pleabs! Nah just kidding. Remember it's free to criticize my work and if it hurts me then I'll never gonna finish this story. Just kidding again(no seriously, I'll do it). Warning : This my first time writing a novel, so hope if you want to read it don't put your hopes to high. Warning :This my first time writing a novel, so hope if you want to read it don't put your hopes to high. Important things need to be said thrice .

ArcTachibana · ファンタジー
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