
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · 歴史
94 Chs

Beloved in the tribe

The party continued until very late at night. Shuang Zihua saw that the air was getting a bit colder. She then told her people to bring the seven hundred coats she had ordered this time and give them to the tribe that still didn't have any winter coats. Shuang Zihua also announced that if anyone didn't have a cloak yet, They could come and learn embroidery with her people. As for the materials and equipment for making Shuang Zihua had prepared it for them as well.

 The people in the tribe did not think that the Prince's wife would be so kind and compassionate. She didn't even mention the matter of repaying her for the things and knowledge she had given her. She really only gave it with sincerity, causing the entire clan to kneel down and wholeheartedly thank her husband. Shuang Zihua saw them like this and acted inappropriately. So she could only pull on her husband's sleeve to help her.

 Zhuang Kang chuckled and told everyone to relax. They then raised their heads from paying respects to his wife. Shuang Zihua talked about this matter and begged them not to honor her like this so often. She didn't like formalities very much. It was enough to just think of her as someone from a tribe like theirs.

 The more everyone in the courtyard listened, the more they were impressed and loved this new consort. This was because of the sincerity that Shuang Zihua had shown to everyone. They were confident that in the future their clan would be even more prosperous with such a good Prince and Consort.

 After the party that night Princess Shuang Zihua's reputation spread to the entire tribe for her kindness. The teachers provided by Tai Fu were prepared to teach various stories to clan members who were willing to study. Shuang Zhizhi proposed that Father separate teaching into administrative knowledge. military knowledge Computational knowledge and knowledge of inventing things, which he was also interested in

 Zhuang Kang listened to what his son said and understood that he wanted to develop the people of the clan first. Gradually develop trade later. He therefore issued an announcement to everyone in the tribe who wanted to study and sign up at any time. As for the study schedule, they can choose it themselves. Because the main work of most tribesmen is farming and hunting. The area for farming is not very large. Because the terrain is mostly mountainous. Therefore making it difficult to develop cultivation.

 This time Zhuang Kang asked his brother for two people who were good at growing crops. So he wasn't too worried about it. Zhuang Kang also provided guides and bodyguards to assist the two nobles in order to sustainably develop the cultivation of the mountain land.

 Zhuang Kang's head butler surveyed the tribe's local products almost every day. He also made a report to the Prince on what items should be traded in the He Province. And what things in the He Province should be traded here? Zhuang Kang read the various reports diligently. Luckily, his son came to help as well. Makes managing the story of tribe development neatly

 Shuang Zihua himself went out almost every day to teach cooking and snacks to the tribe. She would often eat lunch with them and then return to the palace in the evening. No matter how many people in the tribe switched around to study, Shuang Zihua smiled and taught them the same. She also gave everyone a trial before allowing them to pass her test. Otherwise, they would have to keep learning until they could do what she wanted.

 Ever since the Zhuangkang returned and began to develop the Xiongnu clan, The entire clan, from the elders down to the little ones, all praised the Prince's family for taking better care of them than anyone else in their own family. No matter how big or small the problem the tribe encountered. There will always be someone from the Prince or the Prince's wife to help fix things for them. What is the point of giving knowledge without holding back? As a result, today many people who like other occupations can do woodworking, handicrafts, or sewing.

 Shuang Zihua also thought of establishing a clan professional group. She will buy the products they make. Then he had the big butler take it back to sell in the He Nai Province. After collecting a certain amount Zhuang Kang saw that her idea was valid. The Grand Butler was also willing to travel as a trade caravan for the master's tribe. If the trade goes well In the future, there will definitely be merchants coming to the tribe to buy it. This will reduce the cost of traveling and trading for the tribe.

 It took Zhuang Kang a few days to announce this matter to everyone in the clan. They are even happier that the things they make can generate income for their family members. In the past, they only made a living from natural resources. Now when you have money They can also go shopping in border towns. Even though the distance is quite far But it was considered a trip that they would travel together once in a while. Since the border checkpoint is now open People in their tribes near the border find more forest products to sell and earn quite a bit of money. This story was told by a visiting relative himself. Making some people even think about moving to the border area.

 In this regard, Zhuang Kang did not object to the people in the tribe. He opened the way for everyone to think and act freely. Just let everyone take good care of themselves. Not all trading in border towns is good. Some people were also oppressed by bad merchants. If Zhuang Kang was still not convinced, he asked them to sell the items to his Grand Butler first. Wait for his people to survey the merchants from the He Province to see who was good and who was taking advantage of them for a while. Then he will announce it to everyone. They would not fall prey to some bloodthirsty merchant.

 The people of the tribe listened intently to the Prince's warning. They had no intention of disobeying the warning in the first place. Because they knew that the Duke had encountered many different kinds of people in the He Province. They themselves have always lived within the tribe. I have never once met a person like the Prince said. Aside from Duke Kuang and the family members who had already left. The other clan members were all honest.

 Zhuang Kang saw that his people had heeded the warning well and was somewhat relieved. He didn't want his people to be in even more trouble than they were before he returned. Therefore, he often consulted his son who was more thorough than him, making Zhuang Kang's view much broader than when he led the army to protect the border of the He Province.