
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · 歴史
94 Chs

Relatives from Xiongnu

Zhuang Kang rode alongside his son to the meeting point with his men following behind. They arrived just in time for the sun to set. Zhuang Kang's mother's relatives who were waiting to receive them in the forest saw eight horses galloping from a distance. He sent a voice signal to check as arranged. Zhuang Kang sounded an unmistakable response signal. causing the hidden people to immediately come out and wait for them.

 This time, Zhuang Kang's cousin, his uncle's son, Ye Ji, came to welcome him along with nearly twenty soldiers. Because Uncle is probably worried that his nephew, the only one remaining from his sister's bloodline, will be harmed. So he sent his son and very skilled confidant to this extent.

 Zhuang Kang forbade Brother Ye Ji and his men to pay full ceremonial respect like they did in the clan. He said that it's not too late to wait for the matter to be sorted out first. Now they must quickly infiltrate Uncle's military camp. Brother Ye Ji said that his men from before had probably moved in close to the camp by now. This plan had been laid out by Shuang Zhizhi as usual. He had Father send Grandpa a letter telling Grandpa about his plans for military training. So that the enemy would not know why Grandfather's troops had moved to the border like this. The military training schedule that Shuang Zhizhi had planned was approximately six months. He left time in case their trip was delayed.

 But now they had arrived at the appointed time. After this, Father's men and he would change into Xiongnu soldiers. Then we will travel back to the tribe which is not very far. But it took almost two months to travel. The more people travel Even more delayed, probably almost three months. Shuang Zhizhi was not worried about Mother at all. He knew how well the people in the border towns took care of his mother. And there are still many people of Mother and Father taking care of them. He would hurry to help Father finish his work and go pick up Mother as quickly as possible.

 The journey from the meeting point to the military camp took nearly two hours. Fortunately, everyone's horses were all good horses. Even though I have traveled this far But being able to rest and rest every day makes the horse still as strong as usual. And they don't use much speed to travel. thus saving their strength until now.

 Zhuang Kang's men who had arrived before the window took their things and put them into the camp that General Ye's men had taken them to. As for General Ye and the other brothers, they all stood impatiently waiting for Zhuang Kang in front of the camp. They wanted to meet their grandson in person after keeping in touch with each other for a long time. That year, none of them believed the new prince's false news that their grandson was dead like his brother-in-law and sister. They didn't have any evidence, so they didn't take down the new emperor. Another thing was because he didn't want the bloodshed of his own tribe. So they have been patiently waiting until this day.

 The sound of horse hooves came from far away. General Ye and his brothers craned their necks in the darkness to see if it was his grandson and son who had been sent to pick them up earlier. Until the horse stopped in front of the camp with lights on. General Ye and his younger brother cried with joy when they discovered that the person on horseback was actually their grandson.

 Zhuang Kang told Shuang Zhizhi to dismount from his horse and go pay respects to the grandfathers with him. Shuang Zhizhi nodded to his father and dismounted his horse, following him in front of several gray-haired old men who were waiting with tears in their eyes at the gate of the army camp.

" Ungrateful nephew Zhuang Kang has brought his son to pay respects to Uncle and Uncles. "

 The father and son respectfully bowed to the dozens of people who were relatives of his mother's Ye family. Ye Ji, who was following at a distance, could only smile at his father and uncles as well.

 Zhuang Kang's great uncle, Ye Rongrong, hurriedly walked over to help his grandson and great-grandson get up first. He looked at the two faces in turn and found that their faces were almost completely different. Because of his advanced age Therefore making his emotions no less sensitive. Zhuang Kang stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears and hugged his great uncle lovingly. He also whispered an apology for not having sent news for a long time, as he was afraid that the new Prince would let people keep an eye on his relatives as well. If the contact was indeed discovered, these relatives would have been unfairly charged long ago.

 Ye Rongrong let out a hug from his grandson and invited everyone to go inside the camp to rest first. In fact, they had many things they wanted to discuss with their grandson. But thinking that they had just arrived, he held back. They still have time to discuss their plans tomorrow.

 Another uncle and two other uncles also came to hug Zhuang Kong and the little great-grandson. Shuang Zhizhi, who did not know the customs of the Xiongnu Clan, looked quite embarrassed. Zhuang Kang laughed that he had completely forgotten to tell his son that it was normal for clansmen who were close to each other to hug or kiss each other on the cheek. The more they are relatives, the more they express their love for each other without any awkwardness. It was different from the culture of the He Province where one had to be restrained all the time to the point of being uncomfortable.

 Shuang Zhizhi listened to Father's explanation and understood. He let Grandfather and Uncle caress him freely. He also felt quite good seeing everyone loving him with such sincerity. Another thing is that he was really still young, so he was happy to let this group of relatives show such affection.

 Ye Rongrong let his grandson and great-grandson stay in the same tent. Let's talk tomorrow about plans to return to the tribe. Including the matter of dealing with Duke Guang Lingyue, who had once again usurped the position from Zhuang Kang's father.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi understood everyone's concern. So they said goodbye and went into their tents to get some rest. Tomorrow, there were still many matters that the father and son had to explain to the people at the camp. The entire plan had definitely been thought through by Shuang Zhizhi hundreds of times. Including all the pros and cons that he had analyzed out to his father since he knew that he was coming to help him.

 Zhuang Kang knew exactly what this son was thinking. He was grateful that Shuang Zhizhi was truly grateful to him. He knew that his son had found secret texts and strategies. Various plans had been studied heavily in the previous period quite a bit. His son claimed to be the military chief of staff. If you don't know how to plan, how can you do a good job? Shuang Zhizhi even asked to borrow His Majesty's textbook and copy it back. What about Tai Fu's secret texts that he had asked his master about? Zhuang Kang was willing to let his son propose a plan himself.