
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · 歴史
94 Chs

She refused

Shuang Wanglang became so annoyed that the General Mansion's people were delaying leaving the living room that he began to grimace. Shuang Zihua saw that he was starting to lose his temper and urged the two servants to leave first.

" You guys go wait for me outside. I just have something to talk about. Don't worry too much. If there is any matter, I will call you all. Is that ok or not? "

" Yes, Mistress. "

 The two servants reluctantly accepted the order and left the room to stand guard at the door instead. They really didn't dare to distance themselves too much due to the master's orders that they take good care of their mistress. None of the servants in the house dared to disobey the master's orders. Moreover, the mistress herself was kind to the servants in the house from the beginning. Making everyone in the general's mansion both respect and love her like a master as well.

" This guy is really delaying, Zihua. Why don't you chase them away quickly so I can discuss important business with you? Don't you know that your sister causes trouble almost every day to the point where I'm about to die from a headache? "

" I apologize to you, Father. Did you come to see me today about something? "

 Shuang Zihua didn't look at Shuang Wanglang in a very good light, so he suddenly came to her at the general's mansion like this. She didn't think that her father would be concerned about her in the first place. since she was born Father never lost sight of her in the slightest. How much had she been hurt? This father never cared for anyone to take care of her. Only Anukang and the servants were so pitiful to her that they helped find medicine for her every time. Even though they couldn't help much. But Shuang Zihua still remembered the little goodness they had taken care of Shuang Zihua until now.

" Eh! How is this thing? If I don't have any reason Can't I come and meet you here? Don't let it be too much, Shuang Zihua. I am your father. "

 Shuang Wanglang was initially dissatisfied with Shuang Zihua's attitude. Before, even though he wasn't paying attention to her. But she had never shown such a cold expression to him. Or was it that when she was in the general's palace, she became so arrogant that she no longer saw her father's head? Huh? Shuang Wanglang could only look down on Shuang Zihua in his heart. He never thought that a general would take a woman like Shuang Zihua as his wife in the first place. Because of her reputation that his eldest daughter had told her about. Even he didn't want to take her back and almost embarrass people. What about the general who everyone knows has not been interested in women since time immemorial? Instead, he took her to live with him. He could only think that the general was just showing pity on her, a widow with two children. Moreover, her son is now under the same command as the general. So she was able to live with her son.

 The general's man's men hurriedly rode away as soon as they saw that the young lady was close to reaching the front living room. They didn't really trust people from their mistress' previous home. Because some people had told stories about the mistress not being wanted by the Chief of the Criminal Justice Department since childhood. At first, no one believed them. Even now, they saw that the mistress' face was not at all happy that her father had come to see her. Therefore, they had to hurry and go back to the master and young master first. Otherwise, if something really happened to their mistress, they definitely wouldn't be able to take responsibility.

" I know that you are my father. So I was surprised why Father, who had sent me away more than ten years ago, suddenly asked to see me here. If you have anything to say, please tell me. "

" Huh, we haven't seen each other in over ten years. You seem to be a bit more outspoken. Now, I just want to know how close you and the general are. I have something to pay respect to, please just tell him for me. "

 Shuang Zihua listened to Shuang Wanglang's words and thought in his heart, Her father had never really changed. His selfishness always came first. He didn't care in the slightest that she had to ask the General. Did she have to suffer a lot? He only cared about whether his own affairs were successful or not. Shuang Zihua could only breathe again, exhausted in his heart. and then replied to Shuang Wanglang.

" I am not very close to the general. It's just enough to talk. And I won't promise Father what he asked me to tell the General. It will be done as you requested. "

 Shuang Zihua also gently warned Shuang Wang Lang that she would not accept any of his proposals. Otherwise, her father would scold her if she failed to complete his job. Just like she had seen him scold the servants who did not do what he wanted in his palace.

" Bah! Look, I didn't make you do much. I just want you to bring your half-sister who hasn't married yet to get to know the General tomorrow. You can probably do just this. "

" Why does Father think that the general will agree to meet with her? Even though I'm the one who recommended it. But the General is the one who decides whether he will come see her or not, Father. "

" Then why don't you find a way for the general to meet your sister? This guy is really as stupid as your mother. He couldn't figure out something as simple as this. Or do you want me to bring you an aphrodisiac to give to the general when he meets your sister? The story doesn't have to drag on too long. I just want you to do whatever it takes for your sister to become the Grand Huyin of this General Mansion. Will you do as I command you, Shuang Zihua? "

 Shuang Zihua sat and listened to her father's long words. Until he came to the conclusion that he just wanted that half-sister to become her child's father's big Huyin? To the point that he came and sat and talked with her in the general's palace for a long time. He didn't even ask about her and his son's well-being. Her father really wanted her to do such a job for him. She was the mother of the general's child. What was she going to do with her selfish father like this?

 Shuang Zihua's face turned pale and tears filled her eyes. As she thought of all the events since her father had come to see her, she became even more depressed. She suppressed the tears from flowing and gritted her teeth to reject Shuang Wanglang's request for the first time in her life.

" I must apologize to Father. I cannot fulfill your request. If the general knew that Father wanted to poison him with aphrodisiacs. He definitely wouldn't allow me and my child to stay in the vicinity. Father, don't you think you'll have sympathy for me and my son? "