
No turning Back

I just have to worry about myself. But why do I want a feeling of having to worry about someone else again.

You: it's fine… it doesn't matter now… so what happened to her

Rose: My cousin Lalisa or most just call lisa. There was a breach and the dead got in my sister was on the security team so she was sent in to help kill them. Somehow a fire was started and she was helping to get people out but was trapped in the smoke. she had inhaled too muchs smoke… she was the last one fighting with everything she had.

Rose looked off sad

rose: she hasn't woken up since she fainted and her time on the machine is almost to an end so if we don't get her up we have to take her off

You: machine as in power

Rose: we have are own generators built and medical takes most of them… but they are talking about cutting back and since she has been on them the longest she is about to be labelled a lost cause

who could do that to another human being especially at a time like this. every life means something. I have to help

You: how long has she been out

Rose: about 2 weeks…

You: any signs of getting better

Rose: little movements but they say it just muscle spasms

You: they you have a medical staff

Rose: not really just a volunteer to look after the sick… we could really use your help y/n my sister could really use your help. I don't know what i would do if I lost her

She broke down in tears. If i really am to save her sisters. What I sent the boys to get won't help. I have to get the real stuff. Here I go again trying to save the world.

You: there is somewhere I need to go

I put my hand in my knee and slowly stood

Rose: I don't think that it is a good idea chanyeol and baekhyun will go when they get back.

He wants to be gone tomorrow and there is no time to take a risk like this

You: your sister needs a doctor… and as a doctor I vowed to help any patient in need. Even to give my life. The world went to shit but my morales did not

She looked at me and nodded

Rose: I am coming to

You: there is a room on the other side of the wall… it will have everything I need to help her

Rose: the wall

You: we put up a wall between this side and the other side of the building

Rose: and the other side is full of dead

You: yes more than the floor you entered in.

Rose: maybe i should get chanyeol he could do it

You: he doesn't know what to grab and writing a list won't do i have to go and see eberything for myself

Rose: he could take you

you: are you sure he would take that risk or baekhyun would

she thought to herself for a second

rose: are you sure you want to do this though

You: I need to do this for the last patient I may ever be able to save. I have to try

I began walking with her help. Feeling weak yet my resolve giving me strength

Chanyeol pov

Me and baekhyun walked from room to room

Baekhyun: do you think bringing that girl back is the best option

Chanyeol: we need a doctor

Baekhyun: yeah but do you think she is safe to be around she could get us all killed

Chanyeol: that doesn't matter we need her

Baekhyun:One person alive surrounded by dead… like you said those people looked like they starved she starved them to death and she doesn't remember how many times she has done it

Chanyeol: if you were really worried you wouldn't have left rose with her

Baekhyun: rose

I stopped and looked at him

Chanyeol: she told me what happened… it is not her fault… she is safe to be around

Baekhyun: tell me then

Chanyeol: no… this is the room here

It went like this every floor. We found lots of supplies… medicine to help with pain.. Gauze and antibiotics

Baekhyun: this should be enough and if we need more we can always come back

Chanyeol: unless someone takes it while we are gone

Baekhyun: we will come back tomorrow then

Chanyeol: I doubt he will let us comeback but your right we already have lots of packs and y/n will need help let's go back

Baekhyun: let's hurry i don't have a good feeling about her being alone with Rose who know what she has gotten them into

We walked back to the room in silence. The room was empty. I cracked a smile he called it. Maybe there is something true about what they say about you feeling what a loved one is feeling. or he is just a distrustful person.

Baekhyun: rose… rose..

He yelled but there was no answer

Baekhyun: I told you she was fishy…

He began to run out but I grabbed his arm

Chanyeol: they probably went to the bathroom…

Baekhyun: why would they do that

Chanyeol: women's products..

I laughed as I said it.

Baekhyun: you don't believe that so why should i

I looked around the room for any possibility. I saw the keys were missing off the table… they went somewhere locked...

Chanyeol: let's say they went somewhere they had off limits would you go after them

Baekhyun: why would they… yes of course i would go anywhere for Rose you know that

Chanyeol: I have an idea of where they went could have gone but your not gonna like it one bit

Your pov

We walked in silence to the spot you haven't visited in so long

Rose: it looks pretty well blocked

You: your gonna have to move the chairs

Rose: right

She slowly moved each not to make a noise. After sometime we got the door unblocked. She looked through the window

Rose: i don't see any

You: they are there… I use to cross this door all the time I would sit and observe them back when i thought i could save them… that's when he blocked and locked the door so I couldn't open the doors

Rose: he…

You: the doctor outside the room actually he was the director. My boss.

I grabbed my keys out my pocket

Rose: I can get the boys real quick y/n we don't have to go by ourselves

You: we are already here and the door is unlocked. We shouldn't waste time. And I am sure they will find us if they get finished before us.

Rose: how do you know

You: Baekhyun seems very protective of you and Chanyeol is smart enough to notice the keys are gone.

I unlocked the door and opened it. It had a tiny squeak that wasn't there the last time I came… we walked into the hallway. It smelled like rotting flesh and was hot. Blood staining the dim lit walls

You: no turning back

Rose: here goes nothing

Chanyeol pov

We ran down stairs… we came to what I had found before but it was different. All the chairs were moved

Baekhyun: your saying they went in there

Chanyeol; yes

Baekhyun: how sure are you

Chanyeol: it was blocked before

I opened the door

Chanyeol: it was locked as well

Baekhyun: rose would never go in there though

Chanyeol: unless she had good reasons

Baekhyun: i bet y/n gave her plenty of reason

Or the other way around We walked into the hall

Your pov

We took a few steps into the hallway before hearing the first growl. Rose whispered to me grabbing my arm

Rose: we should turn back

You: then go and wait for them you know where I will be

I kept walking and she walked close behind me. At my weak state it took us longer than I thought it would to even get to the door. I turned and whispered to rose

You: there is something you should know now

Rose: now you think now is the time what is it

You: there is a dead person behind this door

Her eyes went wide

Rose: you are telling me this now. You should have told me when we were on the other side of that wall.

You: you wouldn't have come

Rose: damn right I wouldn't have come. Y/n

You: he won't attack it will be fine

Rose: the dead all attack he is no different. We should turn back now

You: just don't do anything and stay behind me

Rose: y/n

I opened the door. We slowly walked into the room. She shut the door after us. It was very dark

Rose: I can't see anything

You: give me a second

I search a desktop and turned on a flashlight

You: i left it last time I was here good to see the batteries still work

I handed it to her. She flashed it around the room.

Rose: where is the dead

You: over there

I pointed but it was no longer there

Rose: where is he

You: how should I have known it has been in the same spot every time i have been here

Rose: hurry and look for what you need to we don't have to run into him when he comes back

I looked around the room.

You: a person that has inhaled a lot of smoke need An antibiotic, bronchodilator, inhaled cortisone. Since we are here we should also get needles and thread, tweezers, hydrogen peroxide, morphine, iodine, ADHD medications ( energy), Amphetamine tablets (energy), Antidepressants, Birth control, Caffeine pills (energy), Cortisone cream (poison ivy, rashes), Insulin and syringes, Loperamide (treats diarrhea), Multivitamins, Ondansetron (vomiting), Percocet (serious pain), Prenatal Vitamins, Propranolol (PTSD treatment), Steroids (pulmonary disorders), Vicodin (serious pain ), Sedatives, Oxygen tanks and tubing, Nitrous Oxide, and Propofol

Rose: is most of that necessary like the birth control and prenatal vitamins

I opened a bottle of amphetamine tablets and took one

You: look most of this stuff can be repurposed. Plus both of those are a must as a woman...i don't think male urges for sex will ever stop even within the apolcoapse. Unless you want to have little baekhyun's running around luring the dead to you I would pack them. Too bad we don't keep condoms here either.

Rose: I get it you can stop

I looked at her and she was blushing… cute i forgot what being in love would look like. My favorite thing was to tease jihyo about daniel. I wonder if they are alive hiding somewhere together happy or… no positive be positive. they are safe daniel portected her and got her somewhere safe. focuse on those infront of you now

You: you really like him

Rose: no

You: you wouldn't think of how cute your kids would be unless you did

She smiled like a goof

Rose: he saved my life. I owe him everything… and it doesn't hurt that he is hot so are kids wouldn't be that bad looking if I ever have any with him

She laughed

You: i don't see him looking good he's an ass

Rose: that's because he cares for people and hates the thought of them in danger… he is gonna kill me if he finds out we left so let's hurry and get back before them.

We looked at shelves throwing things in bags

Rose: so you have been locked up for a long time with that guy director whatever have you two ever

you knew what she meant right away

You: no…

Rose: really he saved you for last so i thought you two were

You: it wasn't like that… he was my boss I worked right under him for a couple of years

Rose: so he thought of you as what a daughter I don't buy it he wanted to

You: maybe but I didn't and would never

Rose: you should have he looked like he would be fun

You: before or after him killing those people

Rose: both then you could compare notes does being a crazy serial killer make you better in bed. You could win the nobel prize for your research

She laughed

You: so you and baekhyun you do it a lot

Rose: a couple of time

You: before or after he saved your life and sisters

Rose: i would never had done it with him before

You: right only after he saved you. you should have done it before and after so you could see if he was better when you hated him or loved him

Rose: okay smart ass. your doctor saved you for last he felt something for you and your telling me you felt nothing for him

You: no i don't like guys

Rose: your into girls then

You: yes that's why i lured you here so i could steal you from baekhyun. It's been so long since i last saw the female body

She laughed throwing gauze at you

Rose: be serious

You: did you two use protection

Rose: you sound like my doctor

You: i take that as a compliment so

Rose: not every time

I stopped and looked at her

You: better stop by clinical and get pregnancy tests as well

You laughed

Rose: come on it's not like that he stops before

You looked at her. Does she believe that

You: still could get pregnant

Rose: really

You: preejaculatory can just as easily get you pregnant just as him actually coming in you 100 of thousands little dudes swimming to your egg

Rose: …

I looked at her she was staring at me

You: what to much for you

I laughed again… but she was still staring really staring

You: what is wrong

She gulped… I turned around my eyes widened

Chanyeol pov

We walked around the halls. It was very quiet and eerie

Chanyeol: I'm not sure they are here anymore

Baekhyun: they are i know it

Chanyeol: we have yet to see any sign of life. It's quiet, not even the dead...

Baekhyun: hand me the map

He took it from me

Baekhyun: Look here there is a supply office… they went there

Chanyeol: it's close we can stop by for a second

We walked in silence but still on guard… we got to the room.

Chanyeol: you first

Baekhyun: we don't know what's behind this door

Chanyeol: chicken

I pushed it open and we walked in silence

y/n: preejaculatory can just as easily get you pregnant as him actually coming in you 100 of thousands little dudes swimming to your egg

I almost busted out laughing… what in the world was going on here wish I could have joined the conversation sooner. Rose looked at us then y/n

y/n: what to much for you

She laughed but then slowly turned and looked at us. She gulped frozen

Baekhyun: what the hell are you guys doing

He rushed rose checking on her

Chanyeol: i was right about one thing they left for women things

I busted out laughing. y/n kind of glared at me

Rose: y/n brought us here for medical supplies

Baekhyun: That is what we went and got…

He turned to y/n she gulped again

Baekhyun: what are you playing at sending us off to get supplies and then bringing my girlfriend here. You had it blocked off right because it was dangerous you could have gotten her killed for what huh… why would you risk her life...

y/n didn't say anything and just stared at him… then there was a crash outside of the door and lots of growling. I grabbed y/n's arm and then ducked behind a shelf… Rose turned off the flashlight and we sat in silence… I kept my eye on the door but it didn't open… the growling began to die down but the tension only grew

Baekhyun: we should go

Chanyeol: we don't know if it's safe and there is no window to check

Baekhyun: great we wouldn't be in this situation if we had just left that door closed and her locked in there

He looked at y/n… I felt bad for her I could tell she was blaming herself as she began shaking

Chanyeol: are you okay

She didn't say anything and looked at the ground

Baekhyun: why should we care… it's her own fault

He was being rude and up until this point I had tolerated him because he was good at getting in and out on runs his assessment on what y/n had done was somewhat correct but he crossed the line

Chanyeol: chill out baekhyun it's not her fault rose came. Rose could have stayed back no one forced her to come

Baekhyun: you know Rose has a good heart and she would never let an injured person go to a dangerous place.

I looked at rose and she nodded her head

Rose: we came because of me

Baekhyun looked at her

Rose: i told her about lisa

Baekhyun: why would you do that we don't know or trust this girl

Rose: I trust her… as soon as I told her she began asking about her health and then she began leaving to get medicine. She came here because the medicine you got from the rooms wouldn't be enough… she risked her life to try and get medicine to save lisa… I wouldn't let her risk her life by herself for someone she doesn't know. Lisa is my responsibility

Baekhyun: look at the situation we are in now you guys could have wait for us

I looked at y/n as she bit her lip

Chanyeol: leave it we are here now and everyone is okay. For now let's rest and then in the morning we will leave

y/n stood up drawing everyone's attention

Chanyeol: what are you doing

She walked to the shelf and picked up bottles… rose was the next to stand

Baekhyun: what are you doing

Rose: like i said i trust her. You should try to

I smiled and then stood and grabbed a bag

Baekhyun: you have to be kidding me am I the only level headed person in this room

We filled bags with medicine I couldn't even pronounce. Long and confusing names. How could one remembers all this

Your pov

I don't mind being the bad guy but I hate that I put everyone in a situation like this. Rose told me to wait for them and I didn't and now we were all in trouble. the best thing I can do to keep my mind off it is at least do what we came to do. with the help of rose and chanyeol we bagged what we needed, other things that could be of use, and a book on each medication held here and the use.

Baekhyun: how are we gonna carry that and the rations back to the compound

Rose: we have a car

Baekhyun: Yeah and to get to it we have to go through the ground floor and that hoard of dead. Look at all these bags we will be like pack mules. Easily caught. We could never make it out alive

He was right. I bit my lip again. Why don't I ever think everything all the way through. If we limit the supplies to what we need it would be 2 bags most. But the oxygen tanks would be left. I couldn't put anyone under without it. Taking them would be another bag or 2. We would have to leave the rations and everything else in the offices. Their pack and rations which isn't the smartest idea. We could always make a second trip but that puts lives at risk.

Chanyeol: what are you thinking about

He came next to me

You: nothing

Chanyeol: all ideas are welcome do you have a way to get everything and slip out

You: maybe I-

Baekhyun: why ask her. she will just get someone killed. Look where her ideas got us

Rose: your being mean

Baekhyun: and she is being crazy. She should just sit there in silence while we figure things out

You saw he was getting angry again. If I want to do this I have to do it alone.

You: I'm gonna turn in for the night

Chanyeol: are you sure

You: that's the best thing

He nodded his head

Chanyeol: alright let's rest and we can make a solution tomorrow

Rose sat next to baekhyun who had moved to the back of the room behind a few shelves and they began to snuggle on the ground. I sat on the floor in front of the door and chanyeol sat opposite of me.

Chanyeol: the room is secure you should rest

You: you too

Chanyeol: someone has to keep watch

You: not really if someone lays here in front of the door if it is pushed open they will feel it and wake up.

Chanyeol: right let me do it then

You: no it's fine i am the reason we are here it's the least i could do right

He nodded his head. He put his head against a shelf and closed his eyes. A few hours passed and I looked over the shelf at baekhyun and rose and they seemed passed out. I watched chanyeol breaths and it was steady. He is most likely asleep. I stood up and placed a shelf in front of the door and then slipped out of the room. If something did happen they would hear the shelf move right or even fall