
Job Change

The crew went to the second floor and found the desk.

"Excuse me, we are here to get our job change." Dark informed the desk officer.

"Ah, yes, welcome! Just place your cards in the crystal. A screen will be shown. You can just choose one from the given. If you are lucky you might get a hidden job or a rare class since this crystal tests your potential. The rarer the class the deeper it is in the list so make sure you check the jobs located at the bottom. After choosing a job, head to the portal over there so that you can take the job trial and if you pass you can get the job that you chose." The officer explained so fast that Dark and Lilia can't really catch up.

Dark placed his card on the crystal and so does Lilia. A screen popped out in front of them.








Fire Mage

Water Mage








Royal Knight

Dark Mage


Dark Emperor

As Dark was scanning he noticed that he had so many rare classes. But the thing that caught his eyes the most was the bottom one. Emperor. He didn't hesitate to choose this since one of his skills was linked to this job, his Emperor's Eyes. After choosing, he turned his head to Lilia who was busy choosing her job.

"I'll go take the trial first." Dark told her.

"Do your best brother!" She cheered and went back to choosing.

Dark vanished when he stepped into the portal.

"What should I pick? White Priest or should I pick Alchemist?" Lilia was still scrolling down the suited jobs.

"Aurora Buffer?" She stopped at the last entry in the list. "I guess I'll pick this one."

"You finally found your job Lilia?" Cya asked her.

"Yes. I'll go now. Wish me luck." She nodded and went inside the portal.


Dark arrived in an empty place when he used the portal. There were eight doors and each door have its corresponding color. Each color represents a color from the rainbow. In exception of the door located in the middle, Black.

Since Dark Emperor was the name of the job that he picked he went inside the black door with no hesitation. When he touched the door knob he felt an unyielding force coming from the inside. And when he opened it the aura managed to push him back.

But Dark did not willingly surrender to this aura. He used all his power to deflect this. Then he went inside the door.

The room was familiar for him. The room contained eight thrones. It was just like his dream. However, no one was sitting on the thrones here unlike his dream. He continued to walk until he reached the center of the room. His eyes suddenly shone and different colors dazzled from it. The light slowly calmed down and his eyes returned to normal. A notification suddenly came.

[Congratulations! You became a Dark Emperor!]

"What was that just now?" It was the first time that Dark received a notification from the Tower's administrator. It made him confused. "Well, I need to go out now."

He went back through the door that he came from and used the portal. When he came out he only saw Cya and the desk officer.

"Are you done with your class change?" Cya asked.

"Yes, is Lilia not yet finished?" Dark asked her, seeing that his sister is nowhere to be found.

"It is about time that your sister would be finished." The officer informed. "Look there she is." He pointed at Lilia who was walking towards them.

"I'm done brother. How was your trial? Mine was so difficult it took me a while." Lilia shared to her brother.

"Were the trials that difficult?" Dark thought to himself. "Let's go take a quest. We should not waste time." Dark brushed the topic off.

"Officer where can we get our quest?" Lilia asked.

"Just go down. It is located at the board in the first floor.

"Okay, thanks!" Lilia responded, and they head down stairs.


While Dark was inside the tower, the whole world was in chaos. Everyone was busy repairing the damage dealt by the monsters that 'invaded' the previous day. The head of each strongholds was currently holding a meeting.

"Have your scouts determined where those monsters came from?" A head asked his fellow heads.

"Yes, apparently they came from a tall tower nearby."

"Same is true to what our scouts said."

"How about each of us send a team of rankers inside? We need to know what's inside and prevent further invasions!"

"I was also thinking of the same thing. We already prepared a seven-ranker team. They will investigate the tower on my go signal."

"It is good to hear that all of us are on the same page."

"Let's go send them tomorrow when we are finish stabilizing our strongholds."


"The meeting is now adjourned."


It was not only the heads of the strongholds who are interested in the towers but also many guilds. Private guilds and Rich families have started preparing their own teams to send out into the towers. When there is danger there is treasure. They send their teams in hopes of getting profits. This was also true to Sera and Tomo's families.

"Sera my child. I know that you just graduated from the academy. But every family in our clan are sending their successors into the famous towers. The rumors said that there is great wealth inside and we hope that you kids can go inside and train." The father told his daughter. Even though he was having second thoughts he had no choice.

"I understand dad." Sera bowed her head and went outside the room.

After talking to her father Sera went back to her room. She lied on her bed and complained about being sent to the tower.

"He only cares about wealth. Hmph." She raised her pillow and punched it to release some tension.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello? Tomo? Why did you call?" Sera answered her phone that just rang.

"Did your parents tell you to go dive in that tower?" Tomo asked with a worried voice.

"Yeah… I guess it is the same in your side huh?"

"Yes, how about we go form our own group? I think our parents won't complain about it." Tomo suggested.

"That is a good idea! Nice one Tomo! I'll go tell my dad about it." Sera turned her phone off and went to talk to her dad again.

Two chapters for today in case the net goes out again.


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