
A Blind Man In Twilight

Tyreec Johnson, a young man died during his sleep but was given the opportunity to be reborn in a world of fiction along with some boons, but there’s a price for everything and that included the opportunity he received, the price was his sight, he would be blind in his second life. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · 映画
15 Chs

will outsidr return to twilight or....

Hello peeps, outsidr here, and for those who don't know, I'm currently experiencing writer's block and can't write much of anything at the moment so due to some suggestions I'm trying a bunch of different things to get out of my stump which in turn brought me here to ask you all one question.

Do you guys want me to come back and continue writing this? I'm only asking since I'm not sure if anyone is interested in this story any longer. Do note that I'll switch the POV into the third person POV since it's stupid to write about a blind dude in first person lol, wish I would've thought about that before.

Plus, I don't see many new Twilight fics these days so I kinda wanna do something about that...