
A Blind Man In Twilight

Tyreec Johnson, a young man died during his sleep but was given the opportunity to be reborn in a world of fiction along with some boons, but there’s a price for everything and that included the opportunity he received, the price was his sight, he would be blind in his second life. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · 映画
15 Chs


"There he is." I heard the voice of my Grandfather as I got out of the car, a butler picked me up from the airport and brought me to my grandparents' house in Forks Washington, yes, I had arrived in the town that Twilight began in.

"Howdy." I said with a smile as I got out of the car while the servants unloaded my bags and brought them into the house.

"Oh, look how tall you've grown." My Grandmother said as she walked toward me before grabbing onto my arm to guide me.

"Well, it's been a while, granny." I said as I followed Grandma's lead.

"Indeed it has." Grandpa said with happiness clear in his voice.

"How was the flight? Did they attend to you well?" Grandma asked as we entered the house.

"Mhm, yeah, they did." I replied sincerely, they really were dedicated to their jobs but who wouldn't be when they were paid so much?

"Good good." Grandpa said as we continued walking.

My grandparents and started catching up since it had been years since we last saw each other and eventually, I could be seen seated in the garden with my grandmother with a violin in my hand.

"Amazing as always." Grandma said sincerely as I put down the violin, everyone had their music of preference and the violin was my grandmother's, so I made sure to play for her when I had time.

"Thanks, granny." I replied as I sat the violin down gently on the table to the left of me.

"Mhm, are you excited for school tomorrow?." Grandma asked me curiously.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun." I replied with a cryptic smile knowing that I was only attending school again to see the events of Twilight happen in real-time, other than that I wouldn't ever subject myself to that.

"Good, I'm happy for you sweetheart." Grandma said genuinely before continuing.

"Oh, before I forget, we set up a studio for you as you requested." Grandma said as she stood up.

"Nice, thanks again." I said as a smile appeared on my face, although I was taking a break from releasing music, concerts, and all that I wasn't taking a break from creating it.

"Of course, anything for you little angel." Granma replied, she and my mom loved to give me nicknames and as the only grandchild, they spoiled me even more than my parents did which was an impressive feat if you asked me.

"Will you stay out for a while longer? Or would you like to come in with me?" Grandma asked knowing I liked to rest outside, fresh air was a necessity for me.

"I'll rest out here for a while longer." I replied with a smile.

"Okay, remember to press the button we gave you in case you get lost." Grandma said before making her exit, just like my parents my grandparents were very attentive in taking care of me so they gave me a button of sorts that would send a notification to a servant so that they could come to get me, it came with a GPS and all that stuff, they wanted to make sure I never got lost when I was at the mansion.

I sat outside in the garden for an hour or so until I caught the scent of something, something intoxicating, a scent that was so sweet and alluring that I was completely at a loss, but even with my enhanced senses as soon as it came, it left, but even so, I guarantee that I wouldn't ever forget that scent, it was far too memorable too.

"Dinner has been prepared, sir." A maid said from my side breaking me from my stupor.

"Lead the way." I replied promptly, I was pretty damn hungry.

"Yes sir, please allow me." The maid said before grabbing my hand and placing it on her shoulder to guide me.

The maid and I walked for a bit before arriving in a room laced with the scent of delicious food which I had no problem devouring.

"Have fun out there?" Grandpa asked as I entered the dining room.

"I guess." I replied with a smile as the maid led me to a chair.

"Good, well since it's your first day here we had the chefs prepare your favorite fish, Bluefin tuna." Grandpa said with a smile.

Although I couldn't see the expressions of other people their changes in expression caused the smallest shifts in the atmosphere so I could pick on people's expressions which was good for me.

"Nice, thanks, gramps." I said with a big smile as my mouth watered at the taste of one of the most expensive fish in the world.

"Haha, no problem my boy, eat as much as you want." Grandpa said with a genuine tone as he laughed lightly.

Just as Grandpa offered I ate a lot, and while eating we all conversed about anything that came to mind but eventually that came to an end and I was now lying in my bed while thinking of the scent I caught earlier, it had been on my mind since.

Never once in my life had something drawn me in so easily, it was difficult to express how the scent made me feel, how it made me skip a beat, how my senses urged me to track and see where the scent originated from, the scent had taken a prominent position in my mind and I couldn't help but wish I would stumble upon it again.

I lay in my bed for a while just thinking about the scent I caught earlier until I raised my hand into the air and less than a moment later the entire room's temperature dropped below 0. My cryokinesis was something I loved to tinker with, I could cause a drink to freeze or I could cause it to snow in the desert, it was an amazing ability and if Ice Man had properly utilized it he would've been much stronger.

'That's good.' I said inwardly as I curled up in my blanket, I loved sleeping in the coldest temperature, it felt cozy.

As I lay in my bed I slowly but surely drifted to sleep until I had completely fallen asleep and although I didn't need to sleep, I loved to.

~ 9 hours later ~

"See ya' later folks." I said to my grandparents as I got into the car.

Currently, it was the morning of January 17th, 2005, and the maid from yesterday was driving me to Forks High School, where I would start school. It should be mentioned that I had made special preparations so that I would begin school the day before Bella started, and the reason for that was that I wanted to be there, and although I couldn't watch it with my eyes, I could listen in on some stuff, well at least parts of Twilight that happened in school.

'How exciting.' I said to myself as I waited patiently in the car, I was excited to see how everything would go down.

Around ten minutes passed before the car stopped and the door to my left opened.

"Here we are, sir." The maid said as I got out of the car.

"Just call me Keanu dude." I said, I didn't like being called sir all the time.

"Of course Mr. Keanu." The maid replied promptly.

"... Whatever man, let's get inside." I said, I knew very well that the servants who served my family were far more serious and loyal than you would expect them to be, honestly, it was weird to even have servants in this day and age.

"Yes sir, if you'll excuse me." The maid said before placing my hand on her shoulder before leading me toward the school while I tapped the ground with my cane, in private I would navigate myself but in public, it was much easier to have some help since there were many unexpected obstacles but I could still do it if I wanted to.

"Oh, what was your name my eyes?" I said to the maid who was guiding me into the school remembering that I hadn't asked her name.

"Layla Minos, sir." The maid now known as Layla replied as she opened a door for me.

"I see." I replied knowing I would most likely be accompanied by Layla a lot in the future.

Layla and I walked for a few more moments before Layla spoke again.

"Please sit here for a few moments sir, I will speak with the school counselor." Layla said as I sat down in one of the seats in the front office.

As I sat in the chair I listened in on the conversation Layla was having with a man in the office she had just entered. They didn't speak of anything of importance, Layla simply told the man I was which caused the man to stand up immediately and ask to be led to me which Layla did.

I was already aware that the school knew I would be attending, my grandparents told me they already handled all of my school stuff yesterday so I wasn't surprised by the counselor's reaction.

"It's nice to meet you Keanu, my name's Robert Furgeson, the school counselor, you can call me Mr. Furgeson." The school counselor said.

"Nice to meet you." I replied with a smile after standing up.

After a few moments of talks between Mr. Furgeson and me, Layla made her exit but not before telling me she would be here to pick me up later. Mr. Furgeson basically gave me a rundown on how my school life would be, as a blind person the school had to take precautions on how I went about my school days and Mr. Furgeson was telling me about all of those precautions.

"Do you have any questions?" Mr. Furgeson asked me after speaking for around ten minutes.

"No, do you need some water?" I asked with a joking smile, the man spoke a lot and really fast, he's gotta be parched.

"No, I'm fine, let's get going." Mr. Furgeson said clearly not getting the joke, guess it wasn't a good one.

To be continued...