
A Blind Man In Twilight

Tyreec Johnson, a young man died during his sleep but was given the opportunity to be reborn in a world of fiction along with some boons, but there’s a price for everything and that included the opportunity he received, the price was his sight, he would be blind in his second life. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · 映画
15 Chs


short chapter, I've got work


"Well... been a pretty eventful day huh?" Emmett said causing everyone to nod as we sat outside of the Cullens residence.

Currently, me, Alice, Emmett, Edward, Jasper, Lynda, Bella, and Rosalie were seated in the backyard of the Cullens house talking about random stuff.

"You know dude, you were pretty crazy back there." Emmett said as he shook his head with as he thought back to the crash.

"Weird? How so?" I questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"Do you really need to ask?" Lynda said.

"Duh, that's why I'm asking." I replied as if it was common sense.

"...Whatever dude." Lynda said before Emmett began to speak again.

"You were-" Emmett said as he began to explain their point of view from the crash.

~ Flashback no Jutsu! - Emmett Cullen POV ~

"What the fuck..." I said as he watched my new friend and future brother regenerate from the deadliest wounds I had ever seen, far more deadly than the wounds I suffered from the bear before Edward found me.

"Ugh, you guys seeing this?" I said to my family as they all watched slack-jawed with wide eyes.

My family and I had been around for a while and run into a couple of humans with gifts but never had we seen someone live through what Keanu had, we were literally watching his fucking foot reform from nothing, it was a baby foot!

"What kind of gift even is that?" Bella said as she looked at Keanu who was rummaging through the now shattered ice car looking for something while talking to himself like a crazy man which raised even more eyebrows.

"He's healing dumbass." Edward replied to Bella who scowled slightly at his words.

"That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the car that was on fire before suddenly turning to ice and shattering." Bella said as she rolled her eyes.

"That's sooooooo freaky!" Rosalie shouted like a schoolgirl as she watched Keanu's stomach repairing itself, and although she may have exaggerated some it did look super freaky.

"We can focus more on that later, for now, let's-" Carlisle said before being interrupted by a screaming Keanu who appeared to actually be in pain now, it was honestly odd seeing him acting like he wasn't hurt by the car exploding.

"NO! My john! Come back!" Keanu screamed as his baby-like hand that was still regenerating swiped over his groin which was really weird to look at but yeah, Keanu was currently dickless.

"Oh god... no, NO! Why me?!" Keanu screamed as he fell to the ground while the rabid Alice I was still holding onto slipped out of my grasp and ran toward Keanu but unlike before there was no reason to stop her.

"KEANU!" Alice shouted as she ran at Keanu before landing next to him and pulling him close to her despite his completely disfigured and bloodied body which also made me realize something important, I felt nothing from his scent.

"Anyone else not hungry for blood?" I said getting a glare from everyone.

"Oh, c'mon not like that, I'm just sayin' Keanu's blood isn't getting a reaction from me, while the other two dead bodies are." I said bringing attention to the current situation causing everyone to gain an expression of realization, we were always attracted to human blood so why weren't we now?

'If anything shouldn't we be more attracted to his blood since he can regenerate?' I thought to myself but pushed the thought away for now.

"Huh? Oh, hey pookie bear, sorry hun just give me a bit, papa's having a moment." Keanu said to Alice who was holding onto Keanu with a completely psychotic look in her eyes, it was safe to say our dear sister had completely fallen off the deep end in regards to Keanu but she was already close before, I mean she drew a portrait of the guy every day for around thirty years, if that ain't crazy I don't know what is.

"Is this what Alice meant by his true personality?" Lynda questioned as she took note of Keanu's out-of-character actions.

In front of us, Keanu always acted with a certain amount of restraint and this was something we all noticed but said nothing about since we hadn't known him for a very long time. We knew of Keanu since Alice would speak of him every day but the same didn't apply to Keanu, he didn't know of us so we did everything we could to keep him comfortable and that meant not pressing him on certain matters such as why he was restraining himself as he does.

Keanu was nice, considerate, well-spoken, and had a sense of elegance to him but the person we were seeing now seemingly had none of those qualities, he swore like a sailor, spoke to himself like a schizophrenic, and appeared to not care about his injuries or the pain he got from them, he seemed like a completely different person than the Keanu we had known so far but it wasn't completely unexpected, Alice warned us many times that Keanu hadn't come out of his shell.

"Yeah, it's gotta be." Jasper said as he continued looking at Keanu who was now having a conversation with Alice who looked to be growing crazier by the second.

'There's a lot of oddities surrounding him.' I thought to myself as we all walked toward Keanu and Alice.

What I meant by oddities was simple, neither Edwards' nor Jaspers' gifts worked on him and a few other things that were worth taking note of, like his ice-cold skin which was far colder than ours, or maybe his heart that only beat once per minute, and other things, Keanu was weird, different from other humans and this was our first real showing of it.

"Hey, can you guys shut it? Can't you see us having a lovey-dovey moment? Talk about rude." Keanu said as we arrived near him.

"We-" Carlisle said before being completely shut down by Keanu.

"Don't care." Keanu said before redirecting his attention to Alice.

"Hold me baby! Hold me and never let go!" Keanu shouted with a big smile on his face, he clearly didn't give a shit about this situation.

As soon as Keanu's words were spoken Alice did just as he asked and held him closer and tighter than before which caused Keanu's to smile.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff baby." Keanu said as he snuggled in Alice's before continuing.

"If only your right leg was Thanksgiving and your left leg was Christmas, I could come for a visit you between the holidays..." Keanu said as he stroked Alice's hand with his baby.

"Pfft!" I couldn't hold it in so I laughed, I was not expecting to hear that in this scenario.

~ Flashback end - Keanu POV~

"You see what Emmett means by crazy?" Edward said to me as he finished the retelling of the events from earlier.

"Nah." I replied.

To be continued...