
Baca Buku Novel drug in pulp Online - WebNovel


  • Born in Blood

    His mother died when she gave birth to him, his father a physically abusive alcoholic. Life is not kind to Darius King. Darius would have dreams of being in a world of magic, but alas, his dreams would always end. He hated life, and life hated him, so he ended both his and his father's. When reincarnating into a peasant-like lifestyle as Liam, in the town of Ucladd, Darius realizes he has entered the world of cultivation! With his ambitious, ruthless, and curious nature combining into one, he paves a bloody path to power. Shifting his gaze from the Earth towards the Sky, nothing will stop him on his path for strength. "I will touch the stars... or die trying." ==================== Note: NO R-18, R**e, Romance or pre-marital handholding. I take no pleasure in writing such things. There's a bunch of killing and gruesome descriptions though. The novel is a bit slow in the first chapters, but after that, it picks up and gets significantly better. Also, the power system is similar to BotDS, but I've asked the author for permission to use it. It's also heavily inspired my writing, but the beginning is where its most prevalent. Discord: due to spam bots joining, the server is invite only. My discord tag is: covidcandy I welcome criticism and feedback with open arms, as long as it's actual advice. Note, if your review has any spoilers without the spoiler tag, I will have to delete it. One last note, if you're going to, please don't buy privilege by the end of the month since it'll reset at the starting of every month. Art is not mine - source: no clue. Please comment if you want me to take it down.

    CovidCandy · Fantasi
  • Born in apocalypse

    [Alternate Title: Born In Apocalypse With True Fusion] [Alternate Title: Endless Evolution In The Apocalypse] ********** The life where Dhruv had it all – a caring family, loyal friends, and a fulfilling job. Suddenly his life took an unexpected turn for the worse, and he lost everything in his life. His family was raped and then murdered, his friends left him, and he found himself in prison for crimes he wouldn’t have even dreamed of committing. He was falsely accused of stealing from his company and then in the heat of the moment killed all his family members. He couldn’t even die in peace and was constantly getting bullied and tortured… But like everything else even his situation evolved as the ‘COSMIC EVOLUTION’ arrived on his solar system. With COSMIC EVOLUTION comes the power to evolve any and everything. Swords and Magic lays in everyone's hands as they try to clear the quest. But in this contest not everyone was equal... In this new era of evolution, Dhruv became the Chosen One. With his immense magical power, he began his journey to conquer everything there is to conquer… Ahhh! And Yes, how can he forget about getting revenge…. ********** The novel is filled with evolution, and fusion while its worlds are filled with monsters, quests dungeons, and whatnot. Whatever you need to satisfy your addiction is all here.. so be sure to enjoy it. If you are still reading then be sure to check out... the first few chapters might appear as rough but I guarantee you it will only get better and better.

    COSMIC04 · Fantasi
  • Badge in Azure

    It is said that the true meaning of a mage is to fully understand the truth of the world. A mage named Saleen Metatrin goes on many missions as a normal mage to try and change his fate. This in turn led to many problems and adventures. 

    Deathstate · Fantasi

    My heart started thumping as he entered the room and locked the door behind him. He looked incredibly handsome in his black suit. His blue eyes were filled with lust and were piercing me like a dagger. I felt like a rabbit who is trapped in a Lion's den. He removed his suit and sat on the couch. He didn't take his eyes off me even for a second. " Come and sit on my lap," he said in a deep and stern tone. At that moment I realized that it was too late to run away. I just have to obey and do what he says me to do. Surrendering to him is the only choice I have left now. How am I going to survive this hot and intimidating guy ???? ************************************* Hannah lives a life of lies. She isn't aware of her own identity. Everything changed when she met Liam Eaton. She is obsessed with him from the very first day she met him. He is a ruthless Drug Lord under the disguise of a Hollywood movie producer. He is invincible in both underworld and the business world. He is desperately looking for ways to avenge his family members' death. He comes to know about Hannah's true identity and uses her to his advantage. He imprisons her in his cage in the name of love. Even after knowing his true intentions, Hannah loves him infinitely. Having suffered a tragic past, she sees him as the only light of her life. Her obsessive love changes her into to completely different person. She is even ready to take a bullet for him. It's too late when she realizes the person she has become due to her obsession. She tries to run away from her dark side but in vain. Her dark side follows her like a shadow wherever she goes. She becomes the most wanted target in the underworld. Will she break free from her trap of obsession and survive in the world of immortality? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join my discord server to view pictures of characters and more https://discord.gg/MCNHfvH7m8 Chat with the author directly there and give your feedback.

    Riley_Steverose · perkotaan
  • Ethan In Love

    Book 2 of the ‘Edward in Love’ In Love Saga It had been over five years since Ethan Jackson and Demyan Chernyshevsky-Coleman had broken up. Five years of avoiding family gatherings, awkward greetings and longing glances from across the room. For both they had tried to move on. To forget their first true loves and try to make a name from themselves from their family’s glory. For Demyan who constantly had to live up to both his fathers’; Edward and Vasili, success he found it difficult to shake off his past when eyes were constantly on him. To forget the man he had once fallen so deeply in love with that it had consumed him for almost a decade but found it near to impossible. For Ethan who constantly worked hard to prove he belonged into a family whose name was a household brand, he often found himself drowning into the voices of those who believed he belonged nowhere near the successful family. His decisions had ruined his chances with the only boy he had ever loved and even though it was almost a decade later he found it difficult to forget. Now as the ex-couple face each other again, will their love prevail or will new love conquests stop them in their path? *** Please beautiful readers read Book 1 and it’s side story, Edward in Love, to better understand Book 2 of the ‘In Love Saga’. Hope you Enjoy!

    Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
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  • Secret In Love

    Ada cinta dan kesakitan saat kita harus memilih hidup dengan seorang pria yang tidak kita cintai, Itu yang Reista rasakan.. Merelakan masa mudanya dengan menikahi Duda Tampan kaya Raya dari keluarga Ettrama. Seorang pria yang memiliki kekayaan di atas rata-rata... Mungkin terdengar menyenangkan bukan?. Tapi bagaimana jika ternyata hidup tidak melulu membahas kebahagiaan? Reista harus merasakan hidupnya berantakan karena masa lalu dari suaminya hadir kembali! Kegilaan yang diciptakan oleh mantan istri Ramelson Ettrama, membuat keluarga Ettrama hancur berantakan. Penculikan, kekerasan, pembunuhan!.. berkumpul jadi satu dan membuat banyak kesakitan kepada Jiwa-jiwa suci yang tidak mengerti apa apa.. Hidup Reista bahkan harus berselisih dengan Racun yang menggerogoti tubuhnya dan membuat kedua bola matanya lepas!! Apakah kesakitan akan selalu menghantui Hidup Reista? apakah cinta akan membuat Reista bertahan bersama Ramelson Ettrama? semua akan dibahas dalam Bab-Bab selanjutnya.. Jangan lupa tinggalkan Komentar positif, Berikan koin di setiap bab terkunci. hal ini akan membuat penulis menjadi lebih bersemangat lagi... [Sequel berjudul, Secret In Love: Ahli Waris] Selamat membaca dan semoga hari kalian menyenangkan!!

    silvaaresta · Fantasi
  • Drugs + Love = Addicted

    Mature content (21+) Jenna Jameson dinyatakan menderita anemia aplastik, yang membuat dirinya sering bertemu dengan Dokter Ryan Karl, hingga secara tak sengaja terlibat cinta terlarang yang tidak seharusnya terjadi di antara mereka. Pada mulanya Jenna tak mengetahui bahwa Ryan ternyata adalah pria beristri. Hingga kepulangan Hellen Duncan-Karl, istri Ryan, menyadarkan Jenna bahwa dirinya dan Ryan tak akan pernah bisa bersatu. Jenna kemudian memutuskan untuk menerima pinangan Blake Gillian, mantan kekasihnya di masa lalu yang kembali hanya demi bisa menjalin kembali kisah cinta yang sempat terputus. Ketika Jenna dan Ryan telah memilih untuk melanjutkan hidup masing-masing, takdir justru seolah membuat lelucon. Secara kebetulan Ryan-Hellen dan Jenna-Blake berlibur ke tempat yang sama, sekaligus Dokter John Armando, yang merupakan sahabat Hellen sejak kecil, yang ternyata merupakan selingkuhan Hellen. Ditambah keterlibatan Clara—sahabat Jenna, membuat kisah cinta semakin rumit. Akankah cinta menemukan jalan pulang yang benar, jika cinta tak lagi cinta? Terlebih jika didominasi obsesi yang selayaknya candu, yang pada akhirnya memorak porandakan cinta yang dibangun dan dipupuk dengan tulus. Mampukah mereka menemukan kebahagiaan pada akhirnya? - Drugs + Love = Addicted - Reach me on IG: @kennie_r89 Vectorist: A_Nzee IG: @a_nzee

    Kennie_Re · perkotaan
  • Perverted Drug Lord

    David Transmigrates to a cultivation world with a Drug System. Watch his journey as he becomes the drug overlord in another world. Note - R18, Smut, no Ntr, no Yuri

    roll_the_music · Fantasi
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  • The Evolution Drug

    I spread my arms to their peak wingspan, showcasing the entire city below me. "This is going to be my empire," I proudly told him, "and I am going to be the emperor!" Vincent has had a tragic past and a not-so-pleasant present. So what does he have? The future. In a world where evolution, and its people, have been tamed by a single drug, Vincent embarks on a perilous journey filled with highs and lows that are sometimes not his hands. He will find out truths that have covered themselves up in the mirage of time. Will he have what it takes? Will he be able to survive in a world only suited for the strongest? (I hope whoever is reading this is finding the synopsis interesting. I can't pretend that I wrote this willingly, so I am writing this part to compensate for the cringy part that you've hopefully just read. Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and I wish you a wonderful read. ) _______________________________________ Quick notice to new readers (well I think all of you are new readers, but...) The story really takes off at chapter 11, so please be patient when reading the first few chapters as they help build tension and background. Thank you for your time! ---------------------------------------- Guess what?.......... I made the novel cover by myself! That's why it looks so...different.

    Silvershot_Vinny · Sci-fi
  • The Strongest Drug Dealer

    Laying in a pool of his blood, Bruno's life flashes before his eyes. In those flashes, he remembered how he started his criminal life. It all started with him trying to earn enough for his single mother to not worry financially about him and his younger brother. Wanting more and greed, eventually led Bruno to become one of the biggest drug dealers in the United States. Becoming too big for his own good, Bruno was eventually caught and put in prison. He was not safe in prison because he had many enemies in the criminal world. Bruno lying in the pool of his blood with many shanks stuck inside of him, was dying. As his vision faded to black, Bruno opened his eyes to a new world.

    Treehouse_Tales · Peperangan
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  • Build a Drug Empire

    [WARNING] [I do not advocate for drugs. Do not do drugs!] [This is a fantasy and should be treated as such] If you want an MC that is manipulative (ally and enemy like); If you want an MC that wins without even fighting; If you want an MC who is powerful if he has to fight; If you want an MC who earns a lot of money; Then this novel is for you. ---------------------------------------------------- Money can buy everything Caesar believes this all through his life. But, he was poor and an orphan living in a third-world country, which meant he had no power in this world. His opportunities were hindered because of this and he would never be accepted in a normal job. There was one business that had the most lucrative payout than most and can be accessible to people like him; that was drug dealing. But drugs like Joy were banned by the World Church and he had stronger and more powerful competitors waiting to destroy enemies like him. How could he even stand a chance against them? He’ll use his greatest asset, his cunning and intelligent brain. So brilliant, in fact, that his brain could not handle it and manifests hidden knowledge into tangible feelings like sounds and visions. [Level up!] [Pure Joy drug recipe unlocked] But will this be enough? There are people with godlike powers here in this world. Will he be able to outsmart them, or will his hallucinations help him by giving him a way to obtain power? —------------------------------- There are no physical fights in the first chapters, only mind battles and the MC scamming and outsmarting his enemies to build his drug business. The magical and powered fights will only appear once the Miracle Drugs are introduced.

    SolemnHop · Fantasi
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    Habiba_Farooq · Fantasi
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  • Sex & Drugs

    Oozing with charisma, Atlas is the epitome of allure, a man who possesses it all—looks that could seduce angels, wealth that commands respect, and power that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. Yet, peel away the layers of his facade, and a broken soul emerges, entangled in the clutches of addiction—pleasure becoming his only refuge. To escape the demons within, Atlas succumbs to a treacherous dance of vices—alcohol, sex, drugs—an intoxicating cocktail that engulfs his every waking moment. Amidst the treacherous power struggles and savage feuds between rival districts, chaos reigns as a new deity emerges, casting a sinister shadow over their twisted world. Will Atlas manage to navigate the tumultuous waters of his responsibilities as the right hand, or will he sink deeper into the abyss that consumes him? And that enigmatic stranger who entered his life with reckless abandon? A shattered soul, even more tormented than Atlas himself, awaiting their fates to intertwine amidst the maelstrom of their shared darkness. Jax, the formidable leader of a rival organization, stands only one rung below Atlas in the intricate hierarchy of power. With vengeance coursing through his veins, Jax has found solace in the pursuit of retribution, fueling his very existence. Yet, amidst the chaos of their shared world, a new sensation takes root within Jax—a profound confusion of emotions that defies his hardened nature. Is it a mere attraction, a fleeting infatuation? Or does it possess the potential to ignite an all-consuming fire—a passionate conflagration that could consume them both? In this twisted world of power, addiction, and simmering emotions, their fates become intertwined, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their existence. Brace yourself for a journey that delves into the depths of their desires, the allure of the forbidden, and the undeniable magnetism that draws them inexorably together. [Cover by AI]

    SagharShirazi · LGBT+
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  • A drug addicted

    this is real story

    Amit_Kalirai · Fantasi
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