
Baca Buku Novel dongeng belle Online - WebNovel


  • La fiancée indésirable de l'Alpha

    Jasmine est la première fille du grand Alpha Bale. En raison de son statut d'enfant naturelle, elle vit une vie maltraitée à récurer les sols et à répondre aux besoins de son père, sa belle-mère, ses demi-frères et sœurs et toute la meute. Mais sa vie prend un tournant drastique lorsqu'elle est échangée à la place de la fille légitime de son père pour être mariée au bel et froid Alpha Xaden. Xaden est déterminé à punir Jasmine pour les péchés de son père qui avait massacré toute sa famille, même si elle n'est rien comme son père. La haine se transforme lentement en désir, en passion ardente et finalement en amour. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque Xaden découvre que Jasmine, qui a été placée comme espionne pour causer sa perte, n'était en fait pas la princesse originale qui lui avait été promise? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Que ceci serve de leçon à tous. Royal ou non, Alpha ou Oméga," déclare-t-il. "Vous éviterez de toucher à ce qui est à moi. Sur mon propre territoire. Dans ma meute." Avec ces mots, il jette le bras sanglant de côté et emmène Jasmine loin de leur regard choqué.

    Stephanie_king1 · Sejarah
  • Belle Adams' Butler

    Waking up from a nightmare several hours before dawn, Belle fetched a drink of water. She paused in front of her kitchen's window when she noticed a lit lantern in front of her mansion's garden. Her butler stood there, shovel in hand. This was no hour to be gardening. Curious, she made her way outside, but when she had gotten close enough to see a large and hollow pit next to her eternally-stoic and polite butler, she saw him pick up a rotten body. A DEAD BODY! Her eyes widened fearfully when she saw her handsome butler drop the rotting body into the fresh hole. She asked in horror, "What are you doing?!" Surprised to see his young miss awake at this hour, he stared at her with the same expression he had been keeping up for all these years. He had made sure she was asleep before coming here. "Gardening." "And the body?!" she looked at him in disbelief. "Fertilizer," he answered her before picking up the shovel that was on the ground. Belle was now certain something had possessed her butler. Who gardened dead bodies?! She then heard him ask her, "Want to help me in planting it, Miss Adams?" he gave her a sweet smile. Note: If you enjoy a book of comedy with light-hearted romance and a gothic background. This book is for you~

    ash_knight17 · Fantasi
  • Une belle Luna après le rejet

    Cecily était une fille maigre sans amis. Pourtant, comme toutes les autres filles, elle aspirait au véritable amour. Elle avait toujours eu le béguin pour Robert, le fils de l'Alpha de leur Meute. Cependant, pour son dix-huitième anniversaire, elle découvrit que Robert était son Âme Soeur ! Avant qu'elle ne puisse l'enlacer d'excitation, Robert avait déjà repoussé sa main comme un détritus. « Tu ne deviendras pas mon Âme Soeur. Fais comme si rien ne s'était passé aujourd'hui. Pars et garde ta langue. Ne dis rien que tu ne devrais pas dire ! » Robert reluquait publiquement la sexy et belle blonde Alison lors de leur remise des diplômes au lycée. Le voyage de fin d'études transforma Cecily, la rendant plus forte, plus confiante, plus éclatante, et plus belle et sexy. De plus, Robert, qui l'a retrouvée sur le campus de son collège plus tard, commença à la poursuivre. « Tu devrais être ma Luna. Désormais, nous vivrons ensemble. Nous aurons beaucoup d'enfants. Ils seront en bonne santé et intelligents. » Les yeux de Robert étaient remplis de luxure. Les assiduités de Robert rendaient Cecily dégoûtée et nauséeuse ! Comme Cecily ne pouvait se protéger de Robert en raison de la différence de force, Michael apparut. « Tes actions te rendent indigne en tant qu'Alpha. » Michael regardait Robert avec dédain. Lors de l'intronisation de Robert en tant qu'Alpha, Cecily ne pouvait plus tolérer ses assiduités. « Moi, Cecily Levin, je rejette Robert Paslo en tant qu'âme soeur. » Quand Robert était furieux et souffrant, voulant blesser Cecily, Michael réapparut ! « Cecily était l'Âme Soeur arrangée par la Déesse de la Lune pour moi. » Michael regardait Cecily doucement. « Quiconque ose la toucher manque de respect à la famille royale. »

    JQK · Fantasi
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  • Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés

    "M... Marissa ! Sont-ils mes enfants ?" Les yeux de Rafael ne se détachaient pas des visages adorables des enfants. "Non, Rafael. Ils ne le sont pas," Marissa dit avec un sourire forcé, "Ils ne sont pas les tiens. Tu te souviens ?" elle battit des cils de manière assez dramatique, "Nous n'avons jamais été mariés !" La sœur aînée de Marissa Aaron, Valérie Aaron, a abandonné son petit ami aveugle le jour de leur mariage et s'est enfuie. Pour sauver les apparences, la famille de Merissa l'a suppliée d'épouser Raphael Sinclair. L'ironie ? Elle n'avait pas le droit de dire à son mari aveugle qu'elle n'était pas Valérie mais Marissa Aaron. Le jour de la chirurgie oculaire réussie de Raphael, Marissa a appris que Valérie était de retour pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que belle-fille des Sinclair. Marissa a tenté d'expliquer à son mari qu'elle était celle qui avait épousé, mais il ne l'a pas crue. Au lieu de le convaincre davantage, le cœur brisé, Merissa a décidé de quitter la ville sans lui révéler son secret. Raphael Sinclair était l'incarnation même de l'homme incroyablement séduisant et était le seul héritier du groupe d'industries Sinclair. Que ferait-il lorsqu'il apprendrait que tout ce temps la femme qui lui offrait son amour et son corps n'était pas Valérie mais sa sœur cadette Marissa Aaron ? Comment réagirait-il en apprenant qu'il était le père des bébés que Marissa portait en elle ? Chercherait-il à retrouver Marissa et à la reconquérir ? Et la question à un million de dollars ! Marissa serait-elle un jour capable de lui pardonner et de l'aimer à nouveau ?

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

    In her previous life, An Xiulan had been oppressed and tortured by the members of Duke An's household. Her legitimate status wasn't enough to save her from the schemes of jealous siblings. For sixteen years, she tolerated the oppression inflicted on her but in the seventeenth year, she was pushed to death into the frozen lake.  Now she has reincarnated into the body of a youthful girl in the modern world who died in a car accident. She was given everything she was devoid of in her last life– family, love and education.  Graced with a new life, An Xiulan is determined to strive towards a better life. She will be the best daughter. She will study hard. And she will stay away from puppy love.  Nothing must come between her path to become a top scholar!  But there seems to be a hitch in the plan.   Why was the backbencher Han Zixin following her to the library, laboratory, playground and even the principal's office?  Wasn't Big Boss Han allergic to studies?  Why was he following the campus Belle? … Teacher: An Xiulan is a top student. We must preserve her at all costs. Class Ten gulped as they recalled how a certain bro-con had supplied cheating slips to his model student sister in monthly tests subsequently resulting in her topping the exams!   Lu Xuan: No one is allowed to bully my sister!! Only I can bully her! Everyone in class Ten: ????  A few days later, class Ten witnessed the delicate looking youthful girl chasing her self proclaimed brother with a hockey stick!  The delicate looking campus Belle wasn't delicate at all! ... A delicate girl can't possibly make two big gangsters of Jingyuan Highschool dance on her tunes? …. Cover belongs to me! __ [Tags:  Reincarnation/ Beautiful Female Lead/  Caring Protagonist / Charming Protagonist/  Cold Love Interests / Couple / Cute Protagonist / Cute Story. / Familial Love / Handsome Male Leads Heartwarming Modern Day story/ Gangster/ School life. ] ... Special Note: If you are looking for a book filled with an emotional rollercoaster ride, this isn't the book for you! It's meant for light read with realistic character development and fluff. Also, for the smut lovers, you have to be disappointed this time. .... ... Other books by author: 1. The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife. (completed) 2. The Villain. (Completed) 3. The Kiss of Deception. (Completed) 4. Flash Marriage: I accidentally married a mafia princess (ongoing) 5. Billionare's Marriage of In-convenience

    tanu_sam · perkotaan
  • I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible

    Chu Xuan transmigrated to a fantasy world and became the young master of a powerful family. He was rebuked for misbehaving just because he sneezed during a banquet. As punishment, he was banished from the ancestral mansion and was relocated to a remote residence. He did not mind the punishment at all. He just needed a spot that could allow him to be a shut-in. With the system that would allow him to grow stronger by being a shut-in, the longer he stayed indoors, the more powerful he became. After being a shut-in for a day, he was rewarded with the Indestructible Body Technique. After being a shut-in for a month, he was rewarded with the Immovable Mountain Technique. After being a shut-in for a year, he was rewarded with the Yuxu Celestial Scripture and 100 years of cultivation. After being a shut-in for 10 years, he was rewarded with the Chaotic Indestructible Body and the Bell of Chaos. … Chu Xuan declared, “No one can make me leave my home. I like being a shut-in!”

    Half a clear breeze · Fantasi Timur
  • Mes Trois Épouses Sont De Belles Vampires.

    Victor était un jeune homme normal de 21 ans, il a grandi dans une famille aimante qui l'a aidé à prendre soin de lui-même, sachant qu'il avait une maladie pratiquement incurable, le sang RH null, il était le détenteur d'un type de sang rare... Mais ce que Victor ignorait, c'est que ce type de sang était un délice dans le monde surnaturel, les créatures qui se nourrissaient de sang adoraient son type de sang... Et ce sang qu'il détestait serait le facteur qui ferait de Victor le plus grand vampire de tous les temps.

    Victor_Weismann · Fantasi
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  • Son Belle Addiction

    ``` TERMINÉ !!! Lauréat Bronze aux Spirity Spring Awards 2020 "Une âme sombre, endommagée par son passé Un ange forcé d'être sa maîtresse. Est-ce que quelque chose peut bien se passer ? Pourront-ils jamais tomber amoureux ? Va-t-elle réussir à voir au-delà de ses ténèbres ? Sera-t-il capable de la protéger lorsque le danger frappera à la porte ? Découvrez-le dans ce livre... Un extrait* ''Tu sais dans quoi tu t'embarques, n'est-ce pas ?'' Il demanda, croisant les jambes, il leva un sourcil ; Les lèvres de Tiana s'incurvèrent et ses yeux se rétrécirent en le regardant ; ''Tant que vous me payez, je ferai tout ce que vous voulez. '' Nicklaus fut stupéfait par son audace soudaine ; mais il était sûr qu'elle essayait juste de paraître courageuse, Il la connaissait, elle n'était qu'une âme faible et tremblante, et elle s'efforçait tant de le dissimuler ; Un sourire en coin apparut sur ses lèvres alors qu'une pensée lui traversait l'esprit ; ''Tout ce que je veux ? '' Il demanda à nouveau et Tiana répondit immédiatement sans réfléchir une seconde; ''Oui, Monsieur Nicklaus, tout ce que vous voulez. '' ''Très bien, alors je veux que tu te déshabilles et que tu ailles te allonger sur le lit. '' Il n'avait aucune intention de la toucher ; il voulait juste voir sa réaction. Mais ce que Tiana fit ensuite le choqua. ```

    zhiruyi · perkotaan
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  • Reborn Before the Frozen Apocalypse, I Stock Resources Worth Billions

    The world suddenly entered an ice age, and as the apocalypse arrived, over ninety-nine percent of humanity couldn't withstand the extreme weather and died. In his previous life, Ye Xingchen didn't have much food to eat, but in order for his beloved campus belle to have something to eat, he didn't hesitate to open the door during the apocalypse. In the end, however, all his survival resources were snatched by several strong men the campus belle brought, causing him to die tragically in the cold. Reborn one month before the ice age, Ye Xingchen swore to make these people pay tenfold. He awakened his spatial abilities, possessing a three-hundred-hectare dimensional space. In this life, he no longer lived just to survive but crazily stocked supplies worth billions and built an apocalypse fortress. As the ice age arrived, while others were almost freezing to death, he was swimming in a warm pool. While others were killing each other for a bite to eat, he was savoring an 82 Lafite, eating the finest Kobe beef, enjoying a banquet, and watching movies leisurely. One day, when some people discovered that Ye Xingchen's house was stocked with countless delicacies and was warm and comfortable, they went crazy and wanted to rush in. But they soon realized that this wasn't just a house. It was an apocalypse fortress that even nuclear weapons couldn't break open!

    Frozen Emperor · Sci-fi
  • The Country Maiden: Fields and Leisure

    The female protagonist transmigrated into a wretched, lazy, and gluttonous villainess in a farming family! Her notorious reputation, fostered by her overly pampering mother, alienated the entire family. See how Jinhua cleanses her name, becoming diligent, brave, and the applauded golden girl everyone praises. With a wretched mother, a sick father, a stepsister, four brothers, and a bunch of nephews, all dead broke and needing support, poor and infighting, what to do? No worries, with the System in hand, I have the world! Harmonize the family, build wealth and prosper. The belle of the villages for miles around, Jinhua the beauty! …… Mountain man, what was it you said before? You'd rather die than marry her, and even one more glance would shorten your life? A certain mountain man: No, no, no, wife, you must have heard wrong! I said I'd rather die than not take another glance, and I'd shorten my lifespan just to marry you. Hmph, that's more like it!!

    Rice ball blooms · Umum
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  • Was it you that night?

    On the eve of their wedding, Yan Changsheng brought back a girl and publicly called off the marriage. Only then did Shen Qinghe realize that Yan Changsheng was the crazy male lead from a book, and the girl was the irresistible female protagonist. As for her, she was just early cannon fodder fated to die, and her elder sister was the malevolent female supporting character whom everyone wanted to beat up. Tsk, the plot is just freaking ridiculous! After awakening, Shen Qinghe busied herself with cultivation, protecting her elder sister. Yet, unknowingly seizing the female protagonist's luck, she attracted several crazy male leads, each of them forcibly taking what they wanted from her. She thought Dongfang Wuya was relatively normal, but who knew he was crazier, actually seizing the position of Heavenly Emperor and then forcibly marrying her to become the Heavenly Empress! ** As the high and mighty belle of the cultivation world, Dongfang Wuya had countless admirers and fans. Yet he was devoted to cultivation, treating love as if it were dirt. Initially thinking Shen Qinghe was deeply in love with him, he sternly advised her, "Focus on your cultivation, do not get distracted by romantic entanglements!" Later, irked by her dedication to cultivation, he pressed her into his arms and kissed her, seductively coaxing with a playful smile, "Be my Daoist companion, and I'll aid you in cultivation, hmm?" [Asura Field, Cremation Ground, Male Rivalry, Su Wen]

    Ten million · Fantasi
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  • Apocalypse Cheater

    What would happen if a man happened to travel back into the past where he can undo his mistakes and regret? Near in the future, an unknown being appeared and claimed that a new reality shall be opened up for humans to enter, creating havoc across the world. However, what they didn't know is that 10 years later, monsters from the unknown void broke through the world and caused massive destruction. The powers obtained from that reality can be brought out to the real world, hence, Earth could defend itself from these monsters. However, another 10 years later, Daniel Bell has been killed by a bunch of monsters, and suddenly he has travelled back to the past. Is this a fortunate outcome or will history repeat itself? Only the future can tell. (This novel contains tags that may not be to your liking specifically Yandere, milf, overpowered mc, Incest) (https://discord.gg/yqK3JrS4jX)

    ADboy245 · Seni bela diri
  • CEO's Contract Obsession

    [Warning: Mature Content, R18+] [Completed] [Join my Discord server to see more pictures of Amy and Henry. https://discord.gg/2uRyaUNAYg] She’s broke and lost everything, left with nothing but debts and liabilities. He’s rich and has everything, heir to a multi-billion company. Two different people, drawn together by their needs or is it fate? **** Amelia Bell was only 22 years old when her parents, brother, and sister-in-law died in a car crash. Her brother’s injured children are now her responsibility. She sold everything that she owns, she's in huge debt and all she can do now is just cry her eyes out. And then it struck her… the answer to her question… where will she get money for the operation? Right… she hasn't done everything so far, she hasn't tried selling herself yet. It was a desperate move but she had no other solutions left. She was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when the man shouted. "This is insane, his qualifications are simply impossible… Now he asks me to find him a pure and innocent one this time… Even if they signed a 6-month contract to be his, those women still fell in love with him even if they knew that after 6 months they would be evicted from his life… … I will never be able to find that pure and innocent woman that he is looking for even if I offer them 5 million upfront." Without hesitation Amy ran after the man, climbing up the stairs as fast as she could. "Excuse me, mister." "What do you need miss? I'm in a hurry." "I want the job… The 6-month contract, I can do it." "So I guess you also heard that I need a pure and innocent woman, even I don't know what it means." "Will a virgin count? I-I'm a virgin, perhaps t-that's what your boss wants, right?" Amy boldly stated. Then finally the boss, Mr. Welsh faced her… She didn’t expect him to be this young, perhaps almost her age. She was imagining an old man or someone not as handsome as him. “You should not stop breathing angel, that’s dangerous, you might faint. Who knows what will I do to you once you become unconscious.” Amy gasped, ‘What the hell just happened to me,’ she cursed internally while still staring at the man in front of him. He then leaned closer to her. “I've heard you've got something for me. I can't wait to receive your gift, my angel. I'm Henry.” ******** The book cover is AI-generated and edited by the author, please don't use it without permission.

    Shiroi_Nami · perkotaan
  • Future News: My Phone Mutated

    After waking up, a strange app was installed on Lin Bai's phone. The news on the app came from the future. And as long as Lin Bai participated in the events and changed the future, he would be rewarded. [World News: Pfizer US announces that it had developed the first-ever Corona Virus vaccine, stock prices shot up 500% in one day.] [World News: Three days later, Elon Musk declares himself the godfather of DogeCoin on Twitter, forcefully manipulating DogeCoin prices.] [Regional News: New developments on the old man car accident, son of old man offers 10million dollars for clues of the culprit.] [Local News: Hard work won't disappoint you, S City old lottery buyer who had been buying the same number for 30 years finally won 1st prize!] [Local News: Daughter of the richest man in S city was kidnapped, violated, and murdered, the culprit is......] Wait! Lin Bai looked at the obituary photo in black-and-white on the latest message. That person in the photo, isn't that the school belle Yu Jinmo who's chasing me?

    Mirage · perkotaan
  • ONS: Enceinte du Bébé du PDG

    Jeanne n'avait que 18 ans lorsque sa belle-mère et sa demi-sœur l'ont encadrée et lui ont fait tout perdre. Elle a été jetée hors de la maison par son père pour avoir essayé de résister. 7 ans plus tard, Jeanne est revenue pour se venger avec un fils mystérieux à ses côtés : George. Les gens se moquaient d'elle pour être une mère célibataire et appelaient son fils un enfant sans père. «Qui appelez-vous un enfant sans père? Tu ne m'aimerais pas quand je suis en colère,» George a menacé. «Garde le profil bas, George! Ne gâche pas le plaisir ! Je n'en ai pas assez,» dit Jeanne alors qu'elle voulait profiter de sa vengeance, laissant le garçon sans voix. Jeanne a plus tard rencontré le tristement célèbre Quatrième Maître Swan lors d'un bal de charité. L'homme au beau visage et au tempérament froid l'a appelée dans un coin et lui a dit : «Je t'aime.» Tout le monde était choqué, y compris Jeanne. «Je suis une mère célibataire et j'ai un enfant. Es-tu sûr que tu m'aimes?» Elle a dit. "J'aime en fait ... ton enfant!" Tout le monde a été choqué lorsque le Quatrième Maître Swan a épousé Jeanne, mais seul son rusé savait qu'il avait obtenu non pas un, mais deux acteurs importants dans ce jeu d'échecs qu'il jouait.

    En's Cozy Haven · Umum
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  • Apocalypse King System

    MC Derick, unexpectedly reborn, had thought he could save his sister's fate, whom he had relied on since childhood. However, to his surprise, an apocalypse unfolded... After accidentally killing zombies, Derick activated the Apocalypse King system. Wasn't this forcing him to conquer the world and establish his own ideal kingdom? Thus, Derick embarked on the path of an Apocalypse King, singing all the way from the city of Gray Bear. Want to survive? First, call him "Master." Whether you are a high-ranking lady, a celebrity singer, a police flower, a school belle, or an elegant beauty, in Derick's eyes, you are merely a slave. To stay alive, behave obediently and serve as a good female slave...

    MoonTreeBA · Fantasi
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  • What to do if accidentally have sex with village belle while drunk

    The abandoned infant Wang Xiaoshuai was adopted by the old rogue from a young age. When he grew up, he became the foremost villager of Wanmin Village, leading the villagers to wealth and prosperity, forging a legendary life!

    Great Eagle Buddha · perkotaan
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    A relationship between foster siblings , true love or incest

    Agbalaya_Fathia · Masa Muda
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