
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 42 – Death Watch’s Hideout

"Search in priority for any hidden data storage while I'm breaking into his holo-computer to find if he kept something in it."

While Lyn was checking every cranny of the room to find something which could contain the data they were searching for; Layan was breaking in the computer system and was checking every folder but found nothing out of place for someone with a position such as governor of the moon.

Lyn was checking over the furniture's and the decorations hanging at the wall but was still unable to find anything until she checked a bust of Pre Vizsla. The bust opened in half, and in the middle of it was hidden a black datacard.

"Master I found a datacard hidden in a statue."

"Obviously, such an arrogant prick haughty enough to have a statue of himself in his own office would hide his secret here."

After Lyn gave him the card, he broke through the encrypting and copied the data inside an empty one he came with.

"We have what we came for. Let's get out, someone is coming toward here."

After leaving the office, they took position at each end of the corridor as if they were guards doing their duty and keeping watch.

The individuals coming toward the office were Satine Kryze accompanied by Pre Vizsla and two guards. He may pass for a harmful politician, but HK-47 optical were scanning Vizsla steps and posture. It was evident he was a trained soldier, and he was carrying hidden weapons under his clothes.

Satine was wearing her ceremonial blue robes, with a purple headset on her head and going down her forehead. Add to that a blue high collar going over her head and huge light blue earrings.

They simply watched them walked through the corridor and stepping inside the office they just left. After this, they made their way out of the mansion. Once outside, Layan connected the copied datacard to a small holoprojector. What appeared was several folders of all types, a list of names, financial reports and a map.

"These four locations indicated on the map must be their hideout. We'll have to create an ambush here tomorrow, at the mining facility. Just a gut feeling we will find Pre Vizsla here with the darksaber on him."

He couldn't say in front of Lyn that he knew how Obi-Wan Kenobi, the great Jedi, was almost crushed by industrial equipment if it wasn't for Satine timely rescue.

After a small trip to the Phoenix, they took their speeder bikes and headed toward a mining facility which was in fact one of the hideouts of the Death Watch. Their group used these old mines as their bases of operations.

During this night, they explored 3 of the 4 bases, leaving apart the one where Kenobi will be taken prisoner during the clone wars as he knew what he was searching for wasn't here.

They explored the facilities stealthily while dodging every guard, but found nothing really out of place for a mining facility and the hideouts of a terrorist organization.

It was only at their third and last try that lady luck smiled at them. The third base was more protected than the others, be it in terms of security systems or by the number of guards.

"HK, cover us up from a vantage point with your rifle, Lyn and I will intrude upon this base. Lyn, stay behind me."

"Statement: Finally, a bit of actions after thousands of years. I'll enjoy terminating the life of these pathetic meatbags."

The three of them were looking down at the last one of the hideouts of the Death Watch from an upper location. The mining facility was located downward, in the middle of a circular quarry; a few buildings looking like barracks stock made of metal were at the center.

The base was illuminated by several powerful lamps lighting the grounds and leaving few openings to intrude in. Layan detected hidden sensor movement hidden surrounding the camp.

Members of the Death Watch wearing mandalorians armors were patrolling the perimeters with weapons in hands. They were visibly trained and had a perfect coordination while watching over this base.

Lyn and Layan walked down discreetly with the help of the darkness.

"Keep in mind that their helmets have heat and night visions among others, so stay close to me. You don't know how to use Force Cloak and using it to cover several peoples would make it sloppy, we'll have to do it discreetly."

They walked silently in the blind spot of one of the guards keeping watch. Another one came near this guard, their patrol walks were intersecting to avoid blind spots. Layan used his Mechu-Deru ability to deactivate the movements sensor and turn off one of the lamps, the one lighting the way they would use to intrude in.

"What again? Can't they maintain the equipment rather than wait it to break down to repair it?"

The closest guard was grumbling while talking to the one near him, as apparently it wasn't the first time it happened.

"Can't you stop yapping even for a day? Always complaining. The night vision in our helmets isn't just for show. Why do I have to bear with you? I'd like so much to shoot you."

"We'll see later. Now, give me a hand to repair this kriff."

"We can't leave our positions."

"Who care? No one knows about the existence of the Death Watch, and I'm sure the boss is trying to get under the skirt of the pacifistic idiot. No one will come to bother us."

The guard was talking with derision in his voice while thinking to the possibility that the boss may be in bed with the woman he wanted to kill.

"You're not wrong."

The two departed toward the tower where was located the lamp to repair it. Taking advantage of their departure, Lyn and Layan rushed in the darkness created by the lack of light and leaned against the wall of the nearest facility.

Meanwhile, HK-47 was keeping watch over them. He was looking at them through the scope of his blaster and saw two guards at the entrance of the facility they wanted to intrude in.

Leaning against the wall, he could hear the two guards guarding the facility discussing Satine's prowess in bed with mockery. They really don't have better conversations topics.

From this location, Layan saw a storage building. At the entrance, several barrels were piled up. With an act of telekinesis, he pushed a barrel of liquid, making the content spill of the floor near a heat source. The sound was heard by the two guards.

"Move your ass, help me move this barrel! The liquid tibanna spilled on the floor, if it inflames then it could destroy the base."

The two left running to settle the problems, and they weren't the only ones as other started to run as well to prevent a catastrophe that would enrage their leader and compromise their anonymity.

Lyn and Layan rushed inside and found only a stairway leading downward. They walked down silently, step by step with their lightsaber hilts in hands.

They saw a mining complex exactly like they saw in the other two before. There were few places to hide in the room and as the number of guards was higher, there was two inside even though they were distracted and not paying attention to their job.

Layan did a simple sign to Lyn to order her to kill the one on the right while he would take care of the one on the left.

"Don't hesitate."

He whispered to her when he was still near her before walking toward his target while bending down under the cover of an industrial machine. Lyn did the same and positioned herself behind her target.

Layan looked at her from the other end and nodded at her and jumped at his prey like a predator, wrapping his arm around his arms around his target neck and with a fast movement, bending it in a weird direction.

Lyn was a bit slower, which surprised his target as he saw an intruder breaking the neck of his friend. Before he could react, white slender arms came around his neck and, in a flash, his head was bent in a weird angle.

"Good job. Now help hid the bodies…Lyn!"

She snapped out of her daze, induced by the realization that she just killed someone in cold blood. They put the two dead bodies in an energetic force-field made to hold rocks and then drag them in a grinder, the very same type which almost reduced Obi-Wan Kenobi into meat paste, or will.

After scanning the two dead bodies, they were now disguised as members of the Death Watch. They couldn't do it before, because as trained warriors, they would have noticed that were being scanned.

Their travel inside the base was now easier as they were impersonating members. After walking through the base, they found a stock of weapons and explosives. When they reached the lowest level, what came before them was a huge, brightly lit storage room. Inside were relics collected by mandalorians through history and their equipment and famous weapons.

"The hidden storage of the Vizsla clan, finally. Let's see if we can find what we're searching for."