
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 44 – Capturing Pre Vizsla

Next morning, the three of them headed toward the governor's mansion and spied on Pre Vizsla.

Duchess Satine Kryze left earlier in the morning with her escort and accompanied to the spaceport by governor Vizsla himself. He watches her leave with a smile and Layan watch his unsuspecting prey with a smile.

The security was tight, but with Layan and HK-47 experience for this type of job, they weren't detected. Even if they were, they could use the holographic disguises devices to change appearance to confuse the security.

"The target is moving, master. He is heading toward the base you indicated. A body double is heading downtown."

Lyn contacted her master with her comlink as she saw Pre Vizsla made his way out of the building as the sun was slowly setting in the horizon after a day of spying.

"Good, the HK-61 series are already surrounding the mining complex. He is heading straight into our net."

After this, they headed toward the mining complex where Kenobi would fell prisoner in a near future if the future wasn't modified. Once on site, they joined the group of 24 HK-61 droids looking secretly over the Death Watch hideout.

It was exactly for it that he intruded in Sidious's base on Mustafar. He needed soldiers. He would have upgraded them if he could, but he was in a hurry in case if Sidious or Dooku came to visit the place. Hence, the modifications of the new HK-series will have to wait for the future.

"First, we will take down these 3 ships with rockets launchers, then shoot down every one of them one by one. We will use the comlink jamming device of the speeder bikes to prevent them to call for back-up. Be wary of their jetpacks and shoot right. I don't want any survivors except for the target. No wait, made sure to catch another two, they may prove to be useful."

Layan was looking to the Death Watch hideout, where three small ships were landed and a group of soldiers in armors were patrolling.

"They may have dug emergency exits. We will have to hunt them down inside the complex."

"Statement: Hurry. It's been so long since I pierced holes into meatbags. I can't wait."

Once the plan established, Layan gave the order to start the assault through his comlink. 3 droids put the rocket launchers on their shoulders and aimed at the ships. After they pulled the triggers, three rockets flew through the air and collided with the ships, creating a big explosion as the fuel in the reservoir of the ships exploded.

Panic spread into the camp as the Death Watch's members were searching for their assailants. Before they could catch their breath, all the droids opened fire with their blaster rifles while sniping the mandalorians with their scopes.

The mandalorians took shelter of the facility walls and started to counter-attack and shot at them. A dozen of mandalorians were killed during the surprise attack, even with mandalorian armor on. The skills of the hunter killer droids wasn't to look down at. They easily found the weak spots in the mandalorian iron.

A few took off the ground using the propulsion of their jetpacks and attacked them. Layan and Lyn switched on their lightsabers and confronted the mandalorians.

Up in the air, a few used mini missile launchers to attack them. But as they were still easy to shoot at up in the air, some came closer for a close combat.

"Come at me. I want to see what those who claim to reestablish the mandalorian ways of old are made of."

Layan pulled at him one of the mandalorian still up there and decapitated him with a slash of his yellow blade. He sent telekinetically his spare lightsaber with blue blades in the air to attack the mandalorians, which were soon taken aback by this new fighting form.

"You must be fake. Mandalorians warrior can't be this weak."

While Layan was mocking the already enraged soldiers, Lyn was fighting against a member of the Death Watch. After some rounds where her lightsaber crashed on the gauntlets of the mandalorian and she had to parried blaster fire, she finally cut his arm before cutting his head off.

As for the one in the air heading for her, she used the force to take off his jetpack and make him crash in the ground. He wasn't dead from the crash, but the stab that came after finished him off.

Retracting her blade, she looked at her master who was already going down accompanied by HK-47 and a dozen of HK-61 to clean up the base. She rushed beside him, parrying every blasters fire. The droids still up there continued to do their job, and the mandalorians were falling dead one by one.

"Separate yourself by groups of 3 and kill everyone. If you engage the target, use anti force-users strategy, he is using a lightsaber."

Once inside the mining facility, they split up in 5 groups of 3 members. The original HK-47 was in Layan's group with Lyn.

On the way, he shot down a few mandalorian and was never forgetting to give a comment about how weak they were to the mandalorians he fought in the past. During the fight, Lyn movement became more relax, and she started to get used to the fighting method of Death watch's members. Even if it was her first fight, she cut a few down.

HK-47 was enjoying this night, Layan and Lyn were doing their job, but the droid was enjoying himself. He became the nightmare of the Death Watch.

This base was different from the other as a secret hangar has been built. Layan came inside it only to see Pre Vizsla boarding his ship and taking off the ground.

"A ship will get out! Shoot it down!!"

He howled at the droids through his comlink and was happy when he saw a rocket collide with the side of the ship and saw it fall a few dozen meters away from the mining complex.

He used a force jump to jump through the aperture the ship used to flee. Lyn followed suit and HK-47 took a jetpack on a dead body. They rushed at the entrance of the ship from which Pre Vizsla was exiting with unsteady legs. Accompanied by a few members.

"Pre Vizsla, Leader of the Death Watch! What a nice catch!"

Layan was turning his yellow bladed lightsabers in his hand while looking at his target with glee.

"A Jedi?!"

The man was glaring hatefully at Layan and took out a lightsaber hilt from which appeared out a black blade with a white edge.

"So, this is it, the unique blade, the darksaber? Now I see why someone would dare to break into the Jedi Temple to steal it."

The black blade was nearly flat, thin, and curved, a strange thing for a lightsaber. Along the edge was a small white electric aura. The humming sound was also higher pitched than the usual lightsabers.

"Who are you? Jedi don't attack in such a way, and Siths are extinct. What do you want of me?"

"You don't need to know who I am. As for what I want, it's easy to answer: your blade and you. I have a use for you and after that I will offer you as a gift to someone with personal grudges with your family."

"You want to use a member of the prestigious Vizsla clan as a bargaining chip?"

Pre Vizsla rushed at him with his blade, Layan parried and wanted to kick him in the stomach but the man took off in the air using his jetpack.

The others members were ready to help, but the other droids who came after cleaning up the base opened fire. They all fell dead after being pierced by multiple blaster fire.

"Let me fight him alone. It's not everyday I can fight against a mandalorian using a lightsaber."

Seeing all his subordinates dying, Vizsla knew he had no chance and wanted to flee using his jetpack, but Layan pulled him toward him using the force. During his fall, Vizsla turned around and launched a missile from his wrist.

Layan jumped to the side to avoid the explosion and slashed the jetpack of the falling Vizsla, putting an end to his chance of fleeing.

Back on his feet, Vizsla resumed the battle. He was a strong warrior, but he should have fought like a mandalorian and not using a lightsaber. Without the force, a lightsaber is a deadweight; Vizsla was using his warrior's skill to compensate for his lack of precognition but it was evident he would lose if he continued like that.

Furthermore, Vizsla skills were a type of martial arts made for vibroblades and not lightsabers.

Vizsla attempted to use both brute force and greater height with the high ground to his advantage, but Layan used his superior mobility and speed to counter.

Layan was using his two blades with perfect accuracy and his precognition and started to feel bored as it wasn't an equitable fight.

The mandalorian warrior was good. When he saw he was on the loosing end, he used his wrist flamethrowers as a surprise attack, but Layan was prepared for it. He knew about the classical fighting style of the mandalorians, and the flamethrower took a great part in it.

After running out of gas as Layan was running to avoid the flames, he took his distances and changes his fighting style for the classic mandalorian. Using his blasters, he was shooting at Layan, but he sent back the bolts to disarm the shooter. Without any weapons left, he resumed using his blade.

Vizsla finally did a jump backward after several minutes of close combat with their blades and resume the conversation.

"Let's talk, we could negotiate my surrender. I'm sure I can offer you something interesting enough for you to let me off."

"Didn't Mandalore the indomitable said 'A warrior knows nothing of surrender'? And anyway, I plan to rob you of all the relics of your clans and all your credits."

Layan tone was totally lighthearted as he was thinking to what would be the reaction of the poor man. It was worth it, as his eyes became stunned and then totally enraged.

"Statement: You're the only one enjoying yourself. Time to end this."

"Wait, no."

Not listening to Layan, HK-47 used a sonic grenade to put Vizsla on his knee before kicking him in the head with his metallic foot.

"What a mood breaker. I wanted to use him as a training."