
Interval Twenty-Five: Episode II Attack of the Holes

I don't own star wars.

I was angry at my sister. I told her in no unspoken terms that her body was for me and to stop fucking dad. So what did she do? She fucked dad and lied to me about it. Fine. If she was going to be a slutty bitch then she could be a slutty bitch without me. So. Instead of taking her to our family's Spira bungalow and fucking her until her legs turned to jelly I decided to take my new favorite Cathar and do it to her instead.

Located on a private island off the coast of one of the larger resort cities the house had been in the family for years… well ever since dad seduced and claimed his sexy Chiss Cipher 3 Newt. Ever since then when dad wanted some alone time with his girls or my aunts, he'd come here and try to extend the family name.

I woke to the smell of the sea, and a soft vanilla scent in my nose as my cheek brushed against the soft fur of my woman, Nike. Blissfully, and contentedly purring in slumber as I sat up slowly and stretched, her back to me and completely naked after a night of, well frankly passion, she cooed softly next to me.

I really needed to collect more girls… I was going to wear her out, or worse get bored of her. And I didn't want that… I gently pet her soft fur, running my hand down her side as she purred loaded, gently I pulled her onto her back, her supple breasts jiggling as I carefully spread her legs. Dad had a good selection of women to entertain him here; his wives essentially. I needed to have my own harem… although I suppose I had a few options to pick from…

Carefully I spread her wet pussy, clean of last night's lovemaking by an excursion in the shower before bed. Licking my lips eagerly, I gently kissed her womanhood. She gasped in her sleep, gasping as my lips brushed against her folds and she began to react instinctively; all the Kane women did after getting used to our touch. Her body moaned softly in slumber as I ate my breakfast, her legs trembling and clenching as her dreams were interrupted with pleasure, but still, she slept on.

Then I stroked her muscular thighs and that pushed her over the edge, she squeaked slightly and then clenched up, her muscles cramping as she came and she moaned, purring contentedly after a moment as she relaxed. But still, she didn't wake up… well, that was more fun for me.

I clambered over her, careful not to wake her until the right moment, hastily but calmly aiming my already throbbing erection towards her tight, wet embrace as I gazed down at her beautiful black-furred face. I kissed her, and she lovingly moaned into my mouth, opening her instinctively to receive my tongue as I probed the inside of her mouth. Then I stopped, waited for a second, and once again claimed the depths of her tight, now exclusively mine, pussy.

She gasped, her eyes shooting open as her body surged with delight at my sudden and deep thrusting as my body dropped onto her, feeling the softness of her breasts press against my chest as I claimed her lips again, embracing her fully as my cock reached the depths of her tightness, already her pussy flowing with her arousal and squeezing my length instinctively.

"Ah!! OHH!!!" she shivered on my length as she came, her body riled from my earlier playing as she squealed in delight. Her arms and legs wrapped around me as her overflowing lust leaked around my thrusting cock and stained our bed. "My Lord! OH FORCE!!" her exotic, beautiful body writhed and thrashed beneath me as I assaulted her pussy, her mouth screaming my name as I buried myself inside her again and again, feeling each and every stroke lovingly caressed by her Imperial-claimed pleasure hole.

I took her arms and held them above her head as I sped up, approaching my release as she moaned into my kiss, her body clenching instinctively as she felt my cock throb inside her, grunting rhythmically with each deep, hard thrust as I roared my release.

"NIKE!!!" I roared as her back arched up beneath me, her own orgasm joining me in bliss and I filled her insides completely. Her pussy unable to contain my huge load spat it back out around my cock, practically soaking my balls with her lust and my pleasure.

"My lord Roland…" she gasped exhausted, "Oh force… so early in the morning?" she moaned with a whimper and a laugh.

"You fucking LOVED it…" I said confidently kissing her again as she moaned lovingly into my mouth.

"Yes…" she breathed in acknowledgment, "My lord you're amazing…" she quivered slightly, "O-oh… my lord I can't feel my legs…" she laughed, tightening slightly around my limp cock inside her, as if begging for another round… I licked my lips at the thought, her eyes widened as I did, knowing full well what it meant as she laughed nervously. "R-Roland please let me rest! We went for HOURS last night…"

"Well, I'm sorry my dear…" I teased, moving carefully inside her as she clenched softly, feeling my length throb in her sensitive pussy, "But you're the only toy I brought with me. Dad says I'm not allowed to bring the maids anymore…" I frowned, but then again he's been fucking MY sister… maybe I should ask Aunts Tolara and Kavilla wanted to spend some quality time with their nephew. My cock throbbed at the idea of my beautiful twin aunts between my legs, and Nike nervously twitched.

"M-my Lord… My lord Roland please, let me use my mouth before you lose control again…" she pleaded, "You're going to break me if you keep this up…"

…Well… how could I say no to a blowjob? And I didn't want to break her. I gave her a quick kiss and abruptly pulled from her pussy, a dollop of seed and pussy juice squirting onto the bed as her body writhed at the suddenness. Then I lay down next to her, my cock quickly becoming erect at the prospect of her soft, gentle mouth.

Slowly she rolled over, lying on my lap as her hands gently caressed my length, her soft paw like hands carefully stroking me up and down as I reached maximum hardness in her grip, before with loving acceptance she opened her mouth and engulfed my head…

Unfortunately, I only had a few moments of her loving skill when blaster fire erupted from outside. Reacting quickly I grabbed her and rolled her off the bed, shielding her with my body and yanking the sheet over us as the window was blasted open spreading glass everywhere: blaster fire peppering the outside as creative curses began to roar over the sound.

"There she is!" came the voice of one of my bodyguards, "Quick flank her! FLANK HER!"

"I KNOW!" roared the similar voice as the blaster fire intensified.

"M-my lord…" Nike mumbled nervously under the sheets, looking up at me as I protected her. "Y-you need to be beneath me." She said nervously.

"I don't quite think this is the time." I teased, knowing full well what she meant. It was the commoner's duty to protect the noble in times of an attack such as this… but she was my slut and I'll do what I want with her. "Stay down." I said remaining still as the blaster fire slowly dimmed and cheering erupted from my guards.

"Gotcha bitch!" hissed one of them and the other two began to laugh. "Boss! Are you alright?!" I threw off the sheet, growling at the mess, I liked this room.

"Fine. Call a clean-up crew…" I growled, then turning to a rather stunned Nike I slapped her perfect ass as she yelped, "…Find another room. We're not done." She smiled faintly at me and jiggled out of the room, careful to avoid the glass as I went outside.

I walked outside to find three beautiful Rattataki women holding down an extremely well-armed green twi'lek in a mask and very singed power armor. The Rattataki women were my personal bounty hunters and bodyguards when I was off Dromund Kaas. Dad said I needed one; no idea why. So I picked the sexy, deadly, Seis: then I cheated and had her cloned. Now I had three Seis guard me. The original, and I could tell from the eyebrow scar over her right eye when her brother Epta attacked her, stared appreciatively at me.

"…Good morning boss…" she said with a soft smile, her eyes lowering to my thick cock as her 'sisters' did the same. "Hello boss…" they cooed with knowing grins.

"By the Emperor…" I said with an angry scowl at the twi'lek in power armor, "I was in the middle of someone and thoroughly enjoying her! So this had better be fucking good!"

"Assassin." Original said still eyeing my length, "No big deal boss, we know her. It wasn't personal." She then ripped off the mask and I stared in awe. Her face was unmarred by scars, and her eyes glowed with an almost radioactive green light as she glared at me; she was quite possibly the most beautiful twi'lek I had ever seen. Sorry, Mom.

…They stared in surprise at me as my cock shot immediately to attention. My bodyguards eyed me with sudden and obvious interest as the Twi'lek seemed taken aback. "…Huh…" I said, gazing into her eyes. "…Strip her of gear, lock her up. I'll question her later…"

Seis One and Two grabbed the twi'lek and hauled her to the dungeon. Yes, we had one here. But normally it involved chains and whips for a completely different reason… Original Seis eyed my length rather impressively and slowly she approached. "…Are you hurt boss?"

"No. I'm fine…" I said annoyed, but then, satisfyingly her fingerless gloved hand slowly stroked my length as it quivered at her touch.

"You sure… boss?" she cooed, gazing into my eyes with her own dark mischievous ones. "Because this looks like it hurts… I could help you with that." She smirked as my cock throbbed impatiently, eager for a taste of her.

"…My dear Seis…" I said, my hand wrapping around to her surprisingly wide ass, that coat was very concealing. "…Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Combat gets me all excited." She cooed, her black lipstick lips parting in soft gasps as she continued to stroke my length, feeling my hands squeeze her thick juicy ass through her clothes. "And there's a fine example of imperial strength right here." She squeezed my cock and blatantly began to stroke it. "Besides…" she added confidently, whispering in my ear. "You want to fuck me as much as I want you to… don't you? It's why you grew me those two bitches." She added, referring to her 'sisters' "You want some hot triplet pussy don't you?"

"I must admit…" I said, slipping a hand down the front of her pants to feel her hairless wet pussy. "I am curious. If I knock you and you sisters up will our children be cousins or siblings?"

"Yes." She replied with a humored smirk, pressing her lips to mine as we embraced, and I lead her to another of the rooms, connected by the porch.

First came the coat, then the armor, then the pants. She was ripped like a bodybuilder, but soft like Nike. Her abs and muscles far more obvious however, I had no doubt in my lust-addled mind that she could snap me like a twig. I stroked my hand on her pale abs, she groaned as I felt her rock-hard muscles under my hands, squeezing her surprisingly soft breasts as I moved my hands up and down her body.

"Fuck Seis…" I said, "You-"

But she interrupted me, "YES." She ordered, grabbing my face and pulling me back to her lips as we collapsed onto the bed, "Fuck SEIS." She laughed, feeling my cock throb for her touch.

"I wasn't finished." I said, pouting.

"I hope not!" she laughed, pulling me easily onto her body and kissing me, moaning into my mouth as she stroked my cock with her still-gloved hand, "I hear what you do to that pussy hour after hour, I want some of that Imperial stamina right fucking NOW." She hissed through her teeth as I returned the favor, spreading her vice-like pussy open with my fingers. She clearly had complete and utter control of her body.

And soon I'd have that distinct pleasure as well. Taking her firm legs, I moved them up, she was surprisingly flexible as I folded her in half, licking my lips greedily as I lapped at her exposed pussy. She cooed, her wide ass shaking impatiently. "I've been looking for a new hole to give Nike a break…" I said, climbing over her and readying my eager cock to pierce her. "How about a tryout?"

I immediately slammed balls deep into her, she groaned in amazement as she squeezed my thick shaft. "OH YEAH!" she growled like an animal, "Stretch me out!" It was hard, brutal and primal, again and again, I slammed into her tight pussy, grunting like a dog in heat as my cock throbbed and scrapped her inner walls.

"Fuck yeah!" she hissed, her eyes rolling as she came but she quickly recovered. "Fuck! You're much better than my brothers!"

…As a man who regularly ruts his sister, I can honestly say I didn't care that she fucked her brother's before. As a greedy imperial, however, I had to insist that she never did it AGAIN.

"If you're going to be working under me?" I said, possessively, grabbing her nipples and twisting cruelly as she screamed in delight, "I must insist on exclusivity." I said, continuously pounding into her ever-tightening pussy.

"Exclusivity?" she laughed, smirking defiantly up at me, "…You want to be the only cock I take? You're a greedy little shit aren't you boss?" I grabbed her throat and squeezed, she returned the favor by tightening around my cock, a slow blissful smile stretched on her face as her eyes rolled again. She was cumming once more, gasping for breath as I roared my own imminent climax. I slammed to the root and released into her, spreading my seed as I squeezed her throat with both hands, her pussy desperately clenching around me, milking me dry before finally I released her as she gasped, looking up at me with bedroom eyes.

"…You're a good fuck boss…" she cooed gently, "But I don't know…" she teased, knowing full well that we both DID know. I ripped out of her, grabbing her ass and flipping her over. Slapping her pale flesh again and again as her ass jiggled erotically under my blow. She laughed happily, giggling at the pain as I turned her ass red.

I spread her stinging cheeks, looking into her tight puckered ass and spitting into it, adjusting my cock as her own hands stretched around, tugging her cheeks apart, knowing what was coming. I dominated her hole: no foreplay, no adjusting, just a straight deep thrust as I shoved balls deep into her tight ass. Grabbing her shoulders and roughly slamming into her as I grunted. Her hairless body, was literally the complete opposite of Nike's I must admit I wasn't used to fucking a slut without fur. I don't think I preferred one over the other.

"Fuck it burns so good…" she moaned, my hands reaching around her bald head and clutching her face as she moaned loudly, I stretched her mouth open humorously, her tongue lapping at my fingers as she drooled uncontrollably from pleasure. Screaming suddenly as she tightened up, climaxing on my cock. I slammed harder against her ass, going deeper and deeper into her hole.

"Get used to the feeling Seis!" I growled possessively. "Get used to it! Because when you're not guarding my body you're going to please it!"

"YES!!" she squealed cumming again.

"You whore!" I snarled, collapsing onto her body and speeding up, "You whore did you cum again without me!?" she laughed manically, still licking my fingers, "Ungrateful slut."

"Fuck me harder boss…" she pleaded, ignoring my degradation, "Fuck me until my body only responds to you." I grabbed her throat, and squeezed her from behind, pulling her back against me as she moaned and grunted in pain.

"Its Lord ROLAND!" I hissed and blissfully released into her ass as she trembled uncontrollably. I kept slamming her into the bed, planting my seed deep into her ass like a flag. "Welcome to my Harem whore." I growled possessively, biting so hard into her shoulder she bled.

Still quivering she smiled and laughed. "Oh yeah boss…" I smacked her ass, and she hardly seemed phased, rolling her eyes, "Oh yes, LORD Roland…" she cooed placatingly. Hmm… it was going to be hard to train her up.

Speaking off I looked up as the door opened, Seis on and two looking on as I pumped absently into the original. Oh right them… I merely grinned and crawled onto the bed, leaving an exhausted Seis face down and ass up, I pointed to my cock, "Girls…" I said curiously, and both grinning they removed their clothes, climbing onto the bed and grabbed my dick.

"Hey! I'm first!"

"No! Me!



"Sluts!" I roared my impatience grabbing them both by the smooth heads and pulling them to my eager length, "LICK!" I ordered annoyed, "And shut the fuck up, I'm going to fuck you both."

"MMmn…" they cooed together, mouths working lovingly on my messy shaft, cleaning their sister's anal and vaginal juices off like it was candy. Original slowly crawled between them, joining them confidently in my cleaning. I wrapped my arms lovingly around the identical woman's heads, feeling the smooth skin of their skulls as they continued to lap away adoringly at my cock with their tongues, kissing occasionally and sucking the skin into their mouths or lapping away at my balls.

"Credits well spent." I groaned happily as my cock throbbed in readiness on their organs. Unable to hold back I pulled One and two away, aiming dead on at the original's face. Who merely stared up at me and opened her mouth, letting the tool of my pleasure out to taste her reward. Rope after rope of seed painted her face and tattoos, her eyes closing in bliss as I marked her as mine. Only a trace amount of my seed made it into her mouth, and she immediately swallowed.

"I wanted some!"

"I worked harder!"

"Sluts…" I growled, shutting them both up, "It's cute. But I'm horny!" I sneered, prodding away Original as she made her way to the bathroom. "Come here."

I took Two, (or maybe One) and made her get on all fours before me, then I took the other clone and lay her carefully on the back of the first. Their thick asses pressed together as the top clone spread her legs obediently. I didn't waste any time breaking her in. She hissed in pain as I cruelly took her virginity, but quickly got over it, Rattataki were used to pain. Still though, I needed to remember that these two weren't as experienced as their sister.

But she quickly grew into it, taking my cock like a champ as I railed down into her, her sister fidgeting impatiently as she heard her sister having all the fun. "My turn! Boss it's my turn!" she cried as her sister screamed in pleasure.

I smacked her ass hard as I removed myself from her sister, "It's LORD or MASTER." I grinned, shoving my cock into her virgin hole as she screamed, "As my sluts those are your choices!"

"Master!" whimpered the top girl, rubbing her pussy eagerly for my return as she felt her sister shiver.

"Lord!" squealed the other as she claimed her first climax. Smacking her ass with pride I pulled out, and aimed at Top's puckered ass.

"Master!" she gasped and squealed as I pierced into her. "OH Force! It burns!" she screamed, tightening up immensely, "It burns! It Burns! Master!"

"You want me to stop?" I asked, still thrusting into her.

"NO!" she yelped happily, her tongue lolling as she came again, "I love it! Don't stop! Don't!" but I did, throwing her off her sister as Bottom stared nervously over her shoulders at me, I gripped her hips and aimed at her ass. It was her turn now.

"Lord…" she whimpered, feeling me stretch her. "Please! In my pussy!"

"I need to claim all your holes!" I snarled, stretching her pussy as she screamed in delight. "Fresh!" slam "Tight!" slam "HOLES!" I roared, slamming into her ass as she screamed for mercy, soon joining her sister in orgasm as her hands clutched to the sheets.

"Oh Kark! Oh Force! It burns! It burns! My ass is on fire my Lord!!" she screamed again, tightening up as I finally lost control.

I roared my release, pulling out and shooting my seed on her ass, before turning and shooting a rope or two on her sister. Slowly coming down as I breathed heavily, my cock still throbbing as they panted desperately for breath. I stared at them both, now they were mine… I grabbed the former top clone, dragging her to her sister's upraised ass, before shoving her face between her sloppy crack, "Lick each other clean." I ordered, crawling off the bed, leaving them slowly licking each other like dazed primping cats.

I want to look for Nike, finding her in the main bedroom reading a book, she looked up at me as I grabbed her wrist and made my way to the shower, dragging her with me as I bookmarked her page and tossed the book away, throwing her into the shower with me as I kissed her, her arms immediately wrapping around me as I embraced her.

I grinned as the water cascaded down on us, "Someone still owes me a blowjob…" I said.

She lovingly licked my cheek, "That was because I needed to rest my Lord." She cooed softly, "I'm all ready for you again…" she said seductively, pushing me back and spreading her tight, welcoming pussy with her fingers.

…I couldn't quite say no to that…

End of Interval