
Familial Similarities

I don't own star wars

"Okay. I have to admit Rattletrap this is impressive…" I said, helping him haul an average-sized box of parts to our designated sentry gunpoint. X-E flexing her cyber muscles hauled a much bigger, and slightly more emasculating crate with one hand as Rattletrap set up the wires. We had been here less than a day, and since Caradoc and my text-com wasn't answering questions on the mysterious 'Newt'. I decided to help Rattletrap start on defensive turrets.

"Well, I can't make a lot right now. But I can at least get this one up and running in the meantime…" he said, gesturing to a clear spot. "Just put them there…" he noted as X-E and I placed the crates of gear down. "This'll put a fire in their rears…" he chuckled, already working his magic and setting up a junker gun.

"Indeed Master Rattletrap, and the indigenous life would be deterred from approaching the house. There are many repairs necessary to the wildlife fence, and I located five different predator species through collections of Scat…"

I sighed a little exasperatedly, "…Why?"

"First Mate Nike has expressed an interest in this place as a base of operations. And I see no reason not to use it as such. As mentioned however it does require some repair. Most notably the fences to keep out the wildlife, but The Caradoc has already begun repairs with Lady Killa.

I nodded, I guess it wouldn't hurt to clean up the place further. I just didn't want some jackass and his druggie friends messing up my dad's house. But we could also use it to cool off between work, a lot of open space and plenty of extra room in the house. We liked our company and extended family after all so there were plenty of spare rooms for when they visit. Plus the distance between our house and the city allowed my Aunts to Visit when they were able. And Imperial Moff and Admiral on a republic colony world would invite a fleet.

"How long is this gun going to take Rattletrap?" I asked getting off the subject only to be surprised as the recently built sentry turret roared to life and he slammed a panel shut.

"Done!" he cheered raising his hands triumphantly as X-E began to clap rapidly.

"Well done master Rattletrap!" she praised rather deadpan, I rolled my eyes again and shook my head. She had absolutely no shame when she stroked his ego.

"Well, good work." I said, unfortunately aiding in his inflated head, "And how's the smell on the ship?"

"Mixture number 124 is finally petering out." Rattletrap said but seeing the look of annoyance on my face he hesitated. Realizing he probably shouldn't have said that. "…UH."

"Rattletrap. Stop EXPERIMENTING ON THE SHIP!" I shouted, "You were on mixture 114 when you said you were going to stop!"

"But if I don't remember the mixture we're never going to get X-E the way she should be!" he gestured to the highly realistic droid. "She needs lady skin and hair or she looks weird! She deserves to be Sexy!"

"She already is!" I shouted, and briefly, we chuckled as she looked between us confused, but then I waved my hands of it, brushing them off. "Just…. See what you can do about another turret I'm going to see if I can help fix anything else up."

"I'll try but I don't know if I can with what I got left. We're going to have to go scrounging on a scrap planet for parts… or I guess technically I could strip the ship if we need too." He mumbled thoughtfully, actually climbing into the box, "X-E. to the next location we noted up please." He ordered as X-E abruptly lifted the box over her shoulder and walked away easily.

I sighed sadly and turned back towards the house, it had been a day since our encounter with the man claiming to be my grandfather. I knew dad had a complicated history with his parents but as far as I was concerned we never spoke of the guy.

I wandered the house trying to find something to do when I caught Killa and Nike outside Circe's old room. Circe, when she was a teen decided to have a code lock on her door, and ever the daddy's girl she managed to get one. 4 digits on a nine-number pad and Killa was trying to decipher it.

"What are you two doing?" I asked and they jumped in mild surprise, not expecting me.

"Oh! Roland… uh…" Nike blinked around, "…Killa?" she said, diverting the question.

"…We were trying to see what was in the room." She replied bluntly Nike elbowed her, "what? Obviously, we were! There was no point in trying to lie to him."

"Subtly Killa, Try some! You're a hunter for force sake…" I sighed as Seis rounded the corner carrying a heavy mallet she must have gotten from the tool shed.

"Alright, shift yourselves I'll open that thing right u-" she spotted me, "Shit." She finished, trying to hide the mallet.

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously girls? Move over…" I mumbled.

"You know the code? I figured this was a weapons room." Killa noted.

"It's Circe's, and while I don't know her code." I immediately plug in 9872 and it flickered and buzzed, unlatching itself as it opened. "Mom wasn't dumb enough to let a teenager have her own room blocked off from her parents…" I grinned, "So she put in a backdoor code she could access."

"Smart lady…" Seis smirked, tossing the mallet over her shoulder as I opened the door. It was left just the way I remember it, loaded with singers and actors posted on the walls a few family photos of us on vacation, Aunt Scarlet and Baleen after a mission, Tolara and Kavilla. A few stuffed animals and nick-knacks and, apparently to the girls, surprisingly pink cotton sheets.

"Was really hoping on a weapon…" Seis mumbled, disappointedly, absently opening a nearby drawer. "…There's some old underwear in here…" she noted and immediately I slammed the drawer shut. "What?" she grinned, "I'm not going to sniff them or anything."

"No, but I have no doubt SOMEBODY in the galaxy might and will pay top dollar for it." She shrugged absently, agreeing with me as Nike sat on her bed, a little fangirlly.

"I can't believe I'm in Circe's childhood room! The girls are going to be so jealous!"

"Well drink it in. Because I'd rather not make it easy for Rattletrap to get in here. Speaking off, I'm going to check on him. I don't want him sneaking back onto the ship and try to make more synthskin." I made my way to the door, Killa followed me as Seis and Nike continued to examine the room. "Shut the door when you're done."

"I'm thinking of heading into the city." Killa noted as she followed me downstairs, "Maybe they have some work we could take on. I know Caradoc went out hunting for dinner but… maybe you'd like to join me?" she asked, sounding… rather polite. "Show me around perhaps?"

"Well a lot's probably changed in three years, but sure I guess. Just let me check in on Rattletrap." We made our way out to talk to him, when his voice carried on the wind. He was apparently singing.

"Oh I am Rattletrap and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day!"

"That is not true Master Rattletrap." Came a rather humored-sounding X-E. "You often do one or the other non-stop."

"Shush! The song doesn't lie!" he said, a little silly, obviously teasing her. "Oh He is Rattletrap and he's okay, He sleeps all night and he works all day!"

"You said that Master Rattletrap."

"But now it's the chorus!" he said cheerfully as an audible pop pierced the air, "Whoops! Darn, bad power."

"Master Rattletrap are you injured?" X-E asked concerned as we reached them at the apparently second sentry turret.

"Nah I'm fine." He mumbled, carefully sucking his finger. "Just a bad battery, I got another."

"Allow me to check your hand Master Rattletrap." She said immediately, taking it and examining it.

"X-E I'm fine." He whined like a child but yanked his hand away as he noticed me, "Oh. Hey, bro didn't expect you back so soon.

"I must inform Nike that Master Rattletrap is injured." X-E said firmly, but as she turned towards the house she paused and turned back, "…Unknown Lifeforms detected. Along with a familiar one."

"What do you-" but I noticed them, three land speeders approached, on stuffed with battle droids. The other had the 'sheriff' and more battles droids. And the last one had a rather dignified-looking dark-skinned female human barely older than I was, and an olive-skinned elderly male one with a thick black beard and long hair, both flecked with grey.

And he was wearing a brown jedi robe. Shit. I didn't really have a problem with Jedi, they were cool. But mom was technically a sith, so I was encouraged to avoid them. What the heck was a Jedi doing here?! He examined me, X-E, Killa and Rattletrap in turned and smiled politely with a nod as all the organics approached and the battle droids aimed at us. "Hello." He said rather friendly.

"Hi…" I said hesitantly as the official-looking female looked me up and down, she seemed hardly older than me but she nodded slowly.

"Well, he certainly looks like Aiden." She noted softly, "…Are you really Roland Firemane?"

"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked, glaring at Tohmas but remaining polite with the woman.

"I'm Yua-Sei. Current Mayor of the city of Luna IV. And this is Jedi Master Jon-Nee-Nox." She said gesturing to the Jedi who nodded still politely smiling while adding casually.

"Call me Jon."

"He is assigned as an advisor and will serve as mediation for this unfortunate incident." Yua-Sei finished.

"He rented out my house to druggies and stoners." I said coldly, pointing to Tohmas "My dad still owns this house. The only 'incident' is he thinks he owns it because he's sheriff."

Killa eyed Tohmas warningly, but Jon nodded slowly as if agreeing with me. "Yes, we were made aware of this in local records."

"Then what's the problem?" I asked coolly, "Nobody got hurt."

"Except the 'stoners' and 'druggies' in fact." Jon said with a chuckle, "They are complaining, true, but we mainly came to see if you really were Aiden's son. I must admit I've never met the man myself, but I've kept track of his exploits after he punished a former student of mine." His polite smile faded slightly, apparently at the thought..

"He might not be my grandkid!" Tohmas suddenly shouted, "Where's the proof?"

"Other than the obvious family resemblance?" Jon asked, gesturing to me a little humorously "But it is true he has no paper identification."

"Would my uncle's word suffice?" I asked but remembering that he was out hunting, who knew how long it would take for him to return. "Wait… no I have a much better one." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a holo-com, setting up the connection immediately as it rang, Yua-Sei and Jon stared at it as finally, a familiar face appeared.

"Roly!" smiled my sister delightedly, "This is a surprise!" she frowned suddenly, "Is something wrong? Are you okay? Hello Killa nice to see you again." She added, "Did Nike do something unwanted?"

"Hello Circe, it's nice to see you too." Killa said fondly, I had no idea they were so cordial.

"Could you tell the nice Jedi who I am?" I asked ignoring all her questions, as I turned the holo to face the surprised Yua-sei and the utterly humored Jon. I did notice however how utterly uncomfortable Tohmas looked.

"He's Roland Firemane, son of Aiden and Yura Fireman. 18 years old and my little brother." She frowned at them coolly, "What exactly is going- is that YUA-SEI?!" she grinned happily, "Oh my force I haven't seen you since summer camp! How have you been!?"

Yua-Sei smiled sheepishly at her, "Oh. I'm… mayor now. Ms. Bessana, thank you for your-"

"Oh you can call me Circe Yua, we're friends!" she said proudly, "I'm not so famous as to forget my frie-" she stopped herself and glared at Tohmas as Jon good-humoredly turned to him. "…What the fuck are you doing here?" she said coldly, pulling a complete 180.

"Circe! Sweetie!" he said with a smile that was slapped on his face, which was a coincidence because it made me want to slap him. "It's nice to see you ag-"

"Whatever he says, whatever he's claimed? He's a con man and a liar. He showed up one day at our house asking for money from our Father About a year after you were born Roland." She noted firmly, "Then he ran off without a word after dad loaned him the money."

"N-now Circe I'm sorry about that, I was just-"

"Killa, I will give you a hundred credits to punch him in the face." Circe interrupted.

"Circe we are friends." Killa said immediately, approaching an increasingly nervous Tohmas while ominously cracking her knuckles, "I'll do it for free." However, Jon stepped between us.

"I… really must insist that you don't hurt the sheriff." He said calmly, "Ms. Bessana, I enjoy your work by the way."

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"I understand that Sheriff Tohmas has wronged you, but I insist you keep a level head on the matter." He said, Circe sighed and gave Killa a nod that stopped her. Although both looked disappointed. "Well." He said with some finality, "It seems everything solved itself." He said with a placating smile, "Sheriff Tohmas, you can take your droids and go back to town. Everything is in order."

"Don't come back because I'll have these ready!" Rattletrap noted, waving excitedly at a humored Circe, "Hi Circe! I'm making turrets for Roland's house!"

"Thank you, Rattletrap." She said kindly, smiling at the Jawa. "I know you'll make a great defense system." Rattletrap melted at her words, sighing lovingly as Yua-Sei cleared her throat.

"Well. I'm… glad it all worked out. Welcome back to Luna IV Roland." She said politely smiling, "It was good to see you too Circe."

"Call my agent!" she smiled, transferring the information on the holo-com, "We'll make arrangements and I'll come do a charity event thing for Luna IV we can catch up!"

"That's a great idea!" Yua-Sei said, taking the holo-com and chatting up with my sister. Jon watched the conversation continue before turning back to me.

"Sorry about all this. I imagine it wasn't a pleasant feeling to come home and find it ravaged by strangers."

"No. Not really…" I eyed him curiously for a moment, "…You said you've been keeping track of dad? Do you know where he is now?"

Slowly Jon shook his head, "No. I'm sorry but I stopped when he settled here. After he disciplined my former student I felt I needed to keep track of him…"

"Who was your student?" I asked a little curious, dad never mentioned Jedi before.

Jon frowned sourly, "A worm of a man named, Alecinder Moray." He spat. "He was not my finest of students… but still a decently trained Jedi, I surprised Aiden managed to beat him so... appropriately."

"I… don't remember him from dad's stories." I said, scratching my head, "But apparently dad kept a lot of things under wraps…" I mumbled, eyeing a rather disinterested Tohmas as he clambered into a speeder. Suddenly there was a sound like a thundercrack and a blaster hole burned in the grass close to his speeder as Tohmas, fast as lightspeed, quickly sped away as my communicator when off.

"Hey Roland!" laughed Seis, "I found this sweet ass sniper rifle hidden in the basement! Did I scare off the shitty sheriff?"

I sighed, "Yeah looks like you did." I noted apologetically at Jon who was trying very hard not to laugh.

"Awesome. I'm keeping this by the way I LOVE the fucking noise it makes…" she said signing off, I turned to see her waving the large rifle on the roof of the house, obviously grinning her big sexy rear off.

"What was that?!" Yua-Sei asked, glaring after Tohmas, "And why is the sheriff running away from it?!"

"Told you. He's a Con man, and the only thing you can count on a con man to do, is rip you off." Circe said firmly, "Anyway I'll make all the arrangements, I'll see you soon! By Roly! Aunt Scarlet says hi!" she waved and signed off, Yua-Sei handing me back my com as I slipped it into my pocket.

"Well…" Jon said firmly, "Everything seems to have turned out for the better. And we seemed to have arranged a lovely charity event with a celebrity host, and a local one at that. I don't suppose however we can help you with anything?"

I looked at Killa, "…A ride into town? It's a long walk."

Jon smiled and gestured to the remaining speeder. "I insist."

"Out of curiosity what event would you have Circe host?" I asked as we approached the land speeder.

"Well, we were going to have a charity boxing exhibition coming up. Our local fighter still needs an opponent though." Yua-Sei replied casually.

"Oh?" I asked, that was pretty neat, "Any prospects?"

Jon cleared his throat, "Well… how about you? You're the local hero's son. I imagine you could hold your own."

"That's a fine Idea." Killa said, agreeing for me. "Roland certainly can hold his own, plus Circe might like her little brother showing off."

…I cannot help but think all of this has happened before…