
Homeward Bound

I don't own star wars

I woke up to an odd smell… my eyes flickered open gently and I found myself with my arms wrapped around Nike from behind, purring softly as she breathed. I don't remember falling asleep next to her, but I was okay with that…

Unfortunately, a now putrid, sour, rotten smell entered my nose again and I had to figure out where the hell it was coming from… passing by a snoring Caradoc in the kitchen and a snoring Seis in the bunks with Killa, I of course came to the source of the smell

Rattletrap's room.

"Rattletrap?" I asked, knocking on the door. "Traps? Should I be concerned!?"

"Everything's fine! No problem here! Nothing is potentially toxic!" he replied cheerfully.

I paused for a moment, "…Yeah. I believe none of those things!" I said opening the door to a horror vid as a slimly, olive-colored slab of what could only be described as flesh slopped onto the floor as X-E sat casually on the table. Rattletrap stood beside her, looking a little guilty as he held what looked like a bucket of the flesh.

"…Please. For the love of all that is holy. Tell me you didn't get that from a person…" I said, pointing to the bucket.

"No Captain Roland." X-E replied politely, "However Master Rattletrap is having difficulty remembering the chemical formula for synth skin…" as she said it the rest of her arm flesh dropped to the floor and Rattletrap glared angrily at it.

"Darn." He dumped the bucket into an incinerator and the smell suddenly increased. "…Strike that from the record X-E."

"Mixture number 112 has been deemed a failure and stricken from the record." She replied flatly.

"Rattletrap the smell is lingering!" I grunted, covering my nose. "It smells like a Rancor with diarrhea! This cannot be healthy!"

"Master Rattletrap's natural immunity will filter out the toxins... naturally." X-E provided kindly, "…However overexposure to Captain Roland and Varli-Seis will eventually result in nausea and projectile vomiting."

"Thank you, X-E." I grumbled a little bitterly, but VERY sarcastically.

"You are welcome Captain Roland." She replied kindly.

"It'll be fine!" Rattletrap replied with a wave of his gloved-covered hand, "We'll vent the ship soon enough!"

"We're in Orbit Rattletrap!" I replied, "Just- ugh! Force it's even worse now! HOW?!"

"What died in here?!" came Nike's voice echoing around the ship as a roar from Caradoc and a collection of curses from Seis began to drown out the smell but only slightly. I stomped towards the cockpit as everyone began to wake up. "I'm finding us a damn planet! We need some real, unrecycled air!"

Checking the galactic navigation map as I tried to find a planet, I frowned as I saw a familiar one close by. Luna IV… why not. I can check on the old homestead. I punched in the coordinates as Nike joined me, covering her nose.

"Seriously?! He's experimenting with chemicals on the ship?! In orbit!?" she sighed, breathing through her mouth as Seis fired off another collection of curses somewhere in the ship. "Please tell me we're close to somewhere where we can breathe?"

"Yeah…" I said simply, turning the ship. "Home."

Luna IV was a vast planet with a handful of continents separated by a glistening blue sea. Most, if not all, of the land was a vast open Savannah-like prairie, one of the continents had a large jungle filled with all sorts of dangerous indigenous species that not even the colonists have completely documented. My home, the now vast republic city that had grown from the frontier town it used to be, was built in the upper hemisphere of the planet where it was slightly more temperate…

"…Nice place." Nike said as we flew over the large herds of quadrupeds as they charged across the plains. We had taken to wearing masks, cloth or otherwise, as tried to drown out the smell.

"It was when I was here…" I said fondly, "…If I remember right my house should be around here…" I said smiling at a large two-story home came into view. "There it is." I grinned happily.

"…That where you grew up? Is it still yours?" she asked as Caradoc entered and leaned on the doorframe.

"One of Aiden's friends, Scarlet, makes all the payments from Aiden's funds. Which are supplied by Tolara…" he whispered softly, "Don't tell anyone. They do it for when he eventually comes back…"

I stayed silent on the matter. Slowly bringing in the ship to land on the personal dock behind the house. It used to house the old Scarlet Rebel. Dad's ship. But now it'll keep the Lost Dream in place while it airs out…

Speaking of. We gasped in the fresh air as the ramp opened and we charged out, "Come on guys it ain't that bad!" Rattletrap yelled as Seis, covering her face with a re-breather, extended a middle finger to him in silence. "That's just rude."

"Master Rattletrap we should continue to oxygenate the ship before Mixture 113 solidifies."

"Stop stinking the ship!" I replied angrily, "Just vent it already! Get it out!"

"Alright alright!" he mumbled, "…X-E get the leafblower." He mumbled heading back into the ship.

"Yes, master Rattletrap." She replied obediently as I turned my attention toward my home. It was good to be back. As I approached the back door, taking the spare key from its hiding spot behind the loose stone. I began to open the door only to have it open for me, a sour smell exiting as a man I certainly didn't recognize opened the door and blew smoke in my face.

"Hey man, do I know you?" he said dozily. Force, he smelled like death sticks. "…We found this spot first man." I stared at him, looking over his shoulder to see a dozen other men and woman stoned out of their minds. Loose blasters and weapons strewn across the floors, they were scavengers, obviously…


"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!" I growled, he was taller and broader than me but I was filled with so much fury I didn't care.

"Your home. No man, OUR PLACE." He said with a laugh, blinking at me for a moment and grinned, "Hey… you look like the guy in those ultra-holos we found banging that hot slut …" I blinked, I had an idea as to what he was talking about: dad's private Mama Milky Way stash. But oddly enough, that didn't make it any better.

Caradoc, Seis, and Killa all seemed to recover from the exposure to the toxins, and seeing me upset slowly approached. "Roland?" Caradoc began, and I turned to him.

"…This guy. Says this place is his." I noted coldly. "…Would you three like to help me correct them?" I asked casually. Circe said sometimes I had an 'Imperial tone' in my voice, heard it that time.

Caradoc glared at the man, who was now looking distinctly nervous. Caradoc sniffed as Seis cracked her knuckles eagerly with a grin on her face. Killa, wearing her gauntlets, popped her wrist blades. And we proceeded to clean house.

Tossed beaten, bruised, and broken outside in a small pile they groaned and whined at the treatment, they were lucky we didn't kill them honestly. But my three shipmates held back, they hardly put up a fight. The man who had answered the door spat out a piece of tooth and glared at me. "You just wait man!" he shouted, scrambling to a rusted-up speeder that they crawled into. "We're going to get the sheriff! Then you'll regret it."

They sped off, as Caradoc sniffed again indignantly. "If it's not Aiden, I'd like to see them try."

"Let's just…" I sighed, annoyed at the ship, AND my boyhood home reeked of chemicals. "" I mumbled going through the house and releasing the chemical relaxants vent from my home. Along with a few touch-ups and trash burning… all an all most of the day was spent making my place look presentable.

Then I remembered… I needed to make a quick visit.

"You know…" Nike noted, as she followed me outside towards a quiet patch of ground on the lawn. "…This is a nice place. Maybe we should make it our base of operations? I'm not saying I don't mind sleeping on the ship but we have a lot of space here… it might be nice to come back once in a while." She stopped talking as I approached a small tombstone, kneeling down in front of it.

I brushed the small tombstone clean of dead roots and vines and gently touched the stone. As if petting it. "…Hey girl." I said fondly, "…Sorry we couldn't visit."

Nike blinked at the lettering. "…Who was Onara?"

I patted the tombstone again and stood up, turning to walk back to the house. "Dad's dog… when I was a kid I was outside when a lone group of Luna Hounds tried to eat me… Onara ripped out their throats and protected me but…" I sighed, "She was already REALLY old for a kath hound. Her heart just burst. Carried me back home in her mouth, went to sleep, and never woke up." I sighed. "Sorry… I just." I looked around the grounds and smiled fondly. "…The nostalgia."

"Hey, guys!" Seis suddenly walked out the front door, waving a holo-disk. "There is SO much porn in here! Dozens of Holo-girl vids staring some vintage girl Milky Way!"

I sighed at the reappearance of dad's private collection. I'll give him this; he really, really loved my Mama.

"Seis don't watch my dad sleep with my Mama!" I pleaded as we entered the house and she skipped away with the holo disk. Although she apparently was already playing one on screen. Killa watching intently as my beautiful mama 'Milky' orally pleasured my dad, wearing her pink collar which she only took off when performing or bathing, attached to a long leash that he held in his hand.

"This… might be mentally scarring…" I said as my father stroked my mama's silky white hair. "Please turn it off." I said, but Nike took my hands and led me away. Smiling at me as I heard the distinct sound of my Mama meowing.

"…Why don't you just let them watch… and you can show me your room…" she purred softly, trying to make me feel better.

"You want me to leave them alone watching amateur holo-girl vids of my Mama and dad?" I asked as Caradoc casually walked out of the living room. "Caradoc?"

Caradoc shrugged, "Roland, I had to LIVE with him. If it wasn't Milky, it was Yura, if it wasn't both of them at the same time it was Scarlet, if it wasn't Scarlet then…"

"We get it." Nike replied, "…Geeze your dad was a horndog…" she then dragged me away to the obvious boy room upstairs leaving Seis and Killa watching in awe as my dad and Mama performed on screen. "I had no idea Cathar's could bend like that…" Killa noted absently.

"Who cares about that! He must have cum twice already and he's still going! I don't know if that's a compliment to her or him!"

I walked into my room, it had hardly changed since I was in there. A holo-screen, a bed a few old-fashioned gaming consoles, a poster here and there of speeder bikes and pretty ladies… your average fifteen-year-old's room.

Nike smiled as she shut the door softly, deafening the rather crass cheers of Seis as they continued to watch the homemade porn and chuckled. "So… am I the first girl you've ever brought to your room?" she asked a little sultrily.

I knew that look, she purred softly as my body responded and she slowly, sensuously unzipped her suit, letting her firm breasts bounce free as she pressed against me. "Why don't we…" she kissed me, moaning into my mouth as we fell onto the bed, her tongue carefully licking mine as my hands went to her wonderful rear, squeezing it through the suit. "Break in the bed?" she grinned straddling me and slipping out of her jumpsuit, letting her shapely black-furred, white-striped body free as she began to pant. My hands went to her breasts, immediately squeezing as she pushed her chest into my hands letting me pet and feel her. I rolled her onto her back onto my bed as she laughed, pulling off her jumpsuit completely and leaving her only in her black panties. I began to strip those off as well, display her wet pussy as I spread her legs and stared.

My tongue with a will of its own slowly stretched out and gave her womanhood a strong firm lick, she purred contentedly as her back arced, my tongue slipping into her as she gasped and wrapped her hands in my hair. "O-oh!" she trembled slightly as I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, moaning as I tasted her inner folds and she thrust herself on my tongue.

"Y-you… who have you practiced this on?!" she laughed, her fingers squeezing in my hair, desperate for more. Her legs wrapped around me as she gasped in delight, leaking like a faucet as she screamed in pleasure, writhing under my tongue as she purred, moaning happily as I pulled away.

"Oh gods…" she panted, her chest heaving as she sucked in hear, her big breasts moving slowly up and down as I claimed up and suckled in her nipple. She stroked my body, kissing my forehead as I lapped at her breasts. "Why aren't you inside me yet?" she cooed with a soft whine but giggled as she felt my erection immediately respond to her words. "There it is…" she immediately rolled me over, straddling me as she clenched her hands in my shirt, before making their way to my pants and releasing my throbbing cock.

"I missed you too Little Roland." She smiled, aiming my cock towards her ass as she slowly lowered herself down, spreading her wet pussy for me as she bit her lip. "That's it. Nice and tight…" she gasped as her pussy trembled, she had taken the entire length inside her, leaning back and baring everything for me as she slowly moved up, and down.

I grabbed her hips, staring intently at her glistening wet womanhood. Then, seemingly inspired, I shoved my fingers into her, she moaned loudly, feeling me stretch both her holes as she kept moving and I thrust intently into her rhythmically.

"Oh gods! Oh gods! Of Force!!" she screamed, loudly as a hard orgasm tore through her, tightening around my fingers and cock as her holes spasmed wildly in orgasmic bliss. Her whole body suddenly collapsing as she groped her breasts desperately, squeezing them hard as her orgasm raged through her. I slipped out from beneath her, acting more on instinct than anything as I climbed over her, aiming for her soaking pussy.

"O-Oh no…" she moaned nervously but spreading her legs wide as my cockhead kissed her pussy lips. "No… you're going to cum inside me again…" she whined, but spread her lips open to receive me as I thrust deep into her, her already tight pussy clenching tightly around me as I entered. "OH YES!" I claimed her lips, upper and lower as she moaned into my mouth and I groped her chest in my hands. Steadily moving inside her as I slammed balls deep into her, I ravaged her, something about taking her in my own bed really pushed my buttons…

"You feel so good…" I moaned, grabbed her shoulders and rolled her on top of me as I thrust up into her, pulling her down with each stroke as I strode on, howling like a banshee as I made her ride me. "So good!"

"Cum!" she shrieked, as she climaxed on her own again, shrieking in delight as I clenched my muscles, feeling her tighten. "Cum inside me!" I slammed hard against her, roaring my release as she joined me, "Oh Force!" she shrieked, collapsing onto me and just accepting every drop. I moved my hands to her large shapely rear, holding her down to my hips as my cock throbbed desperately inside her.

"Every drop…" I begged, pulling her back down to kiss me as her hips shook and her body trembled, "Take every drop."

"I want it…" she purred softly, gently pressing her lips to mine and rubbing her furred cheek against my skin. "I want it all…" she quivered delightedly.

"Damn, not bad Roland." We shrieked together as a smiling Seis stood there in my doorway staring intently at Nike's ass as Killa watched over her shoulder.

"Indeed. Quite a display of stamina." She added with a nod of approval.

"What the- I thought you two were watching porn!"

"We were…" they replied, Seis giving us a knowing grin.

"You know what I mean!" Nike mumbled, trying to make herself decent but her legs apparently weren't responding. "And why did you get hard!?" she asked staring at me annoyed as I shrugged. And for some strange instinctive reason, I began to thrust again, holding her to my body as I carefully pushed into her. "W-wait!" she began, clenching tightly from the movement, "Wait I'm sensitive. And we're being watched!"

"Must be genetic." Seis said with that same grin as Killa watched us intently as if studying us for weaknesses on the hunt.

"Piss off!" hissed Nike only to tremble, "R-Roland make them leave!"

"You were a stripper it's nothing other people haven't seen before." Killa noted, still staring intently at us as I sped up.

"Then pay me or piss off!" she shrieked a little louder than intended as she came on my cock. "Oh force!"

"Woo!" cheered Seis as Nike's hands clawed at my sheets with her climax. "Shit look at him go! I call next!"

"What?!" came a collective sound from Killa and Nike when there was a sound of blaster fire outside. The sudden sound surprised me… and I'll admit I lost control, pulling Nike down once more and releasing into her tight accepting pussy as I bit into her shoulder possessively. She moaned lovingly at the feeling, then purred as the blaster fired again.

"Alright!" came a smooth-sounding voice from outside, "This is the Sheriff! Everyone get out of my house! We need to have a chat about rules."

The Strange thing was; he actually sounded like my dad. The infuriating thing was… he thought this was his house.

"I'll take care of it." Seis noted confidently, pulling out her blaster pistol as I extricated myself from Nike as she continued to purr in satisfaction.

"No don't shoot anyone." I said, pulling on my pants and grabbing my shirt throwing it on, "Let's go and have a talk with the 'sheriff'.

I exited unarmed and glaring at the man calling himself 'sheriff' he was flanked by two-armed refurbished humanoid battle droids holding blaster rifles on us, he himself had a blaster but wasn't holding it on me.

He was an older Zeltron, much older, with greying purple hair but a still handsome face deprived of wrinkles on his pink skin. He smiled charmingly at me and made me want to knock his teeth out. Behind him were the still rather bruised-up stoners and druggies who were evicted from my home hours earlier.

He waved politely at me, "Now. You look like a smart kid with a long life ahead of him." He said calmly, "Just come out of my house and we'll talk."

I blinked at him, insulted would be too small a word. "You're house?" I asked coldly, glaring at him.

His smile faded, only slightly and he cleared his throat, still maintaining his cool. "That's right. The Sheriff of Luna IV's colony lives here. And as I was recently appointed Sheriff, it's my house and-"

"Aiden Firemane. Lives here." I said firmly, "He owns the property and the building." I pointed to the home, "That's what the people mean when they say it's the Sheriff's house. Because he's the REAL sheriff."

"Well my boy, Aiden Firemane." He said smugly, "Is my son… so I think it's perfectly fine for me to-"

"Okay, I was going to be polite but now you're lying to me." I said interrupting him immediately, "Killa, Seis would you mind coming out here?"

"I'm not lying, I am his father..." he said a little sheepishly, "I'm Tohmas Lacine, It's a little complicated, you see-"

"Well, he never talked about you." I noted as the two deadly bounty hunters exited my home, armed and ready as he looked between them, rather lustily I'll point out. "I don't know a 'Tohmas Lacine'. And even if you were related to my dad, which I'm sure you aren't…" I pointed to my house, "It's still my house, although if you want to get technical it might be my sister's officially."

Tohmas sighed sourly, "…Now… I'm sure we can work something… out." He blinked a little nervously as Caradoc; big and intimidating on his own walked out holding his bowcaster. Improving his already imposing statue.

"…Who the fuck are you?" he growled out coolly, "Get off our property." He said firmly, lifting his bowcaster and priming it.

Tohmas sighed looking annoyed, "…Alright… alright we'll get the council involved." He said firmly, ordering his droids back into the landspeeder. "I'm sorry we had to meet this way kiddo." He said with an attempt at a friendly smile.

…But all that smile did was scream to me 'con man' and I ignored it as he sped off.

"That'll be a fun conversation." Caradoc said with a sniff, "…But at least they know me. Also. If you're not going to watch Aiden's holo-vids, turn it off." He glared at the girls who shrugged sheepishly. "I had enough of that on the Rebel Mark II to last my lifetime…"

"I'll do it." I said, turning and walking back into the living room, "Somebody tell Rattletrap to install turrets around the property. "Just as dad was finishing up with mama only for the screen to buzz and fizzle to a picture of my mom. I paused, she wasn't naked or anything, but she was smiling into the camera. And she had a round belly, she was pregnant and breathing heavily as they were in a speeder

"Hey Yura…" came a familiar voice over the camera, it was female, but I didn't recognize it completely. "How's it coming."

"W-where's Aiden?" she asked nervously, still breathing heavily as the speeder roared across the plains of Luna IV. "Is he close?"

"Don't worry he's meeting us there…" came the voice, calm and kind.

"A-are you recording this?!" Mom asked the camerawoman, "Why?!"

"Posterity…" came a humored reply, and I could tell she was smiling.

"I hate you so much right now Newt…" my mom screamed, as Mama shouted from the front seat.

"Stop recording Newt! Buckle up Circe!"

Who was Newt? I blinked curiously, I don't remember a woman named Newt. "Trust me. One day you're going to want to record this moment." she said suddenly, "You never know maybe you'll want to show it to your bouncing baby boy."

"Why would I show my son his birth!?" Mom screamed, "That'll traumatize him!"

"Well, I'm recording over one of Aiden and Milky's special vids. We'll lean into it then Bam! Instant sex-ed."

"Wait which one!?" Milky shouted but growled as several speeders began honking, "Out of the way! Baby coming through!"

"Just say something nice to him. It'll be worth something." Newt encouraged, while ignoring my Mama "I'm going to have to bail in a moment anyway, can't be seen in a republic colony city."

Mom seemed to relent and even managed to give the camera a smile, "…My darling baby boy… if you ever watch this. It was all worth it." Then she ruined it a little by screaming again, "Newt turn the damn thing off!" as the camera shut off.

I stared at the screen for a moment, hoping for… anything really, even dad going at Mama… but nothing came and the holo-disk ended. I sat there for a moment, fond memories of my parents, all my parents, running through my head…

It wasn't much but she was right; they both were. It was worth it.

However as Caradoc re-entered the room I turned to him, and asked almost immediately, "Who is Newt?"

Caradoc gave my answer in two words and one reluctant wookiee growl, "Ah… crap."

End of Chapter