
Star Wars -Lucky For The Life

Like any reincarnated person, he dies and goes to other universes, one of them being Star Wars, he discovers what will happen to him and enjoys the characters and the evolution of a character and the challenge of being in Star Wars with all its machinations. It is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it and if you don't like how the story progresses, leave it, because I have already thought about how it will progress, don't be annoying#

Rockeryord1 · Filem
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21 Chs

Preparation to Explore

-Bring the pirate captains, do I want to ask them a few things?

2 people of green species appeared, one is from the Feeorin species with thick tendrils hanging from the back of the head similar to the Nautolans and others much smaller and thinner hanging from the face, the other is from the Lo species, a species of green-skinned aliens that are native to the planet Botor.

-Hello, nice to meet you pirates, you have entered my base- Demetrios said sarcastically, raising his arms.

The pirates were impressed when they saw the control panel and surroundings, since that implies that it is not an ordinary base but a base the size of a planet, they began to sweat when they turned around and saw the one who said he was the owner of the base.

-Do not lie!!! This can't be a base - the pirate named Alorg said angrily - it's just a station in a remote place.

-Since they don't want to believe, I can't do anything, but I would like to know who they are, I don't need to know why they are here since I saw their containers from their ships.

-For that reason, it is not better that the person who captured us shows up, it is something like cordiality- said the other pirate named Nym, having a sarcastic smile but nervous with sweat on his forehead.

-Cordiality heee!, then I will introduce myself, Demetrios called me, I am the owner and admiral of this base called Starkiller.

-I am the pirate captain named Nym, he led the Lok Revenants pirates of the Kathakk system

-I am pirate captain Alorg, and he led the Flesh Mongers pirates.

-Very well, now I want to ask you, don't you regret what you do? of selling innocent people as slaves, who even come to places like this to get people to sell - Demetrios said with a clear intention of anger in his question.

-As? you are telling us!!! "We are pirates, we are people who don't even care about our people, hahahahaha it seems like you've been seeing a perfect world, child, this is the reality and darkness of life," Nym said, laughing.

Demetrios realized that with these people you cannot talk, negotiate and you cannot change his point of view.

It seems that I am still in my thoughts of the earth, I need to see with my own eyes what that cruelty is like to be able to assimilate it and at least fight, this is my base and I do not want things like that to happen to my people.

-Tarkin II take them and get all the information you can from them.

I think I'll need a name for my base and an origin, because when I introduced myself I didn't know what to call it, mmm I came up with Celestial Being, a paramilitary organization.

-Tarkin II and Eider, what do they think about calling us Celestial Being?

-I have no objections, sir- said Eider.

-I think it's good, Admiral, it's not a bad name- said Tarkin II.

-It will then be Celestial Being, now our story is that we were fighting in our own galaxy until a black hole swallowed us, rendering us unconscious, and we were transported to this place, our objective was to stop the fight but with the fight incapacitating both sides, like That sounds familiar to you, Tarkin II.

-In broad strokes it is good sir but it falters in the details.

-Tell a history expert to take care of the rest and be consistent.

They spent 20 minutes getting all the information the pirates had, being severely tortured if they didn't say anything. Some of the pirates have military training but are not as qualified to withstand such extreme torture as the elite soldiers at the base.

-Admiral, it is reported that the Galactic Republic is the dominant one in this galaxy, although they have been distorted by having a lot of corruption and decay in politics as well as in social and military matters, with the second in command being the so-called Hutt space, who control the least between 10% to 15% of the galaxy controlling its area of influence as if it were its playground.

-I already know those things, Tarkin II, I know many things that you don't know yet, although I need to know what this universe is like in person, so I'm going on a trip just to see it.

-You can't go alone, Admiral, at least take a group with you and a ship.

-It would be good to take a Tarkin II ship, fix those 2 pirate ships and create an emblem like this - then Demetrios began to draw a logo, the logo was like an angel having a halo and in the background the planet Earth and around the planet a crown of olive.

He showed the logo to Tarkin II and said

-Let this be our symbol and emblem, put them everywhere showing who we are.

-Also create a strong fortification, near the canyon to show that we exist and hide that the entire planet is our base. How long will the modification to the pirate ships last?

-Admiral, there are already people in charge, it will take at least 1 month to modify and improve those ships.

-Then I will take advantage of training during that time.

-Do you want me to call ES-00 to help you train?

-It is not necessary, he already taught me the use of weapons and hand-to-hand combat, now I want to train with force.

Demetrios leaves and returns to the training room, stops in the middle of the room and gets into the lotus position.

Since I know the eye of vision of the force, I will practice feeling the light and dark side of the force.

He began to meditate thinking about the light side, during which time he began to go out in the form of a soul to the universe on a trip called Astral Journey and he saw the layer half light and half darkness that he had previously installed in the galaxy, that blanket began to illuminate and bring particles of clear light towards Demetrios.

What is this? Demetrios asked as each layer of clear Light that entered his Astral body he began to see more clearly and feel an increase in his strength, and the more this happened the faster the clear light came to his body.

Now I understand this half dark and half light layer or blanket helps me practice in the force attracting those lights that if I would define it it would be the force of the light side and the stronger I become on one side of the force the more lights I attract, now I practiced Thinking about the dark side there would be dark lights, let's try it.

And so the clear lights stopped entering the body of Demetrios and disappeared, the next second black lights appeared, they began to move towards the astral body of Demetrios.

In the meantime I'll see my profile.

-Open Profile



Name: Demetrios

Status: Alive

Level 1

human race

Force: Fjn4h5ks (Impossible to measure is one with force)


-The Eye of Cyäegha -Power of Mynoghra -Apprenticeship of Azathoth -Cosmic Shop

-Bogan(13%) -Ashla(3%)-Battle Meditation -Force Vision Eye(63%) -Cosmic Force Control.


-Cosmic Book -Starkiller Base -Star Forge -Sith Lord Revan Set


So the more the lights enter my body, the higher my strength is on that side, although the dark side is more advanced but I think it must have been from having absorbed that layer of previous darkness in the galaxy.

I will practice these 2 sides all this month, I look forward to going out and seeing the world of Star Wars, I love all this technology, the Jedi and all that, how exciting

Now I think the novel really begins, I hope you enjoy it, it will have a plot, plot, corruption and if you haven't noticed, the protagonist is still innocent, he doesn't like to kill with his hands. But later that will change, it's like when we go out into the world and see the cruelty of it.

Rockeryord1creators' thoughts