
Pure Manipulation - MHA Fanfic (On Hold)

Takuya Yamashita never knew his parents, but he did know his family. He was adopted from the hospital he was born in and has lived with his adoptive mother for as long as he can remember. However, since he was adopted they have no idea what his quirk could be. Takuya learns his quirk, trains, and enrolls in UA High. He will become a hero. He will find his parents. He will make friends and enemies. One of the first fanfics I've ever made so might not be very good at first. But I promise I'll do my best to make reading an enjoyable experience. I don't own anything but some original characters like Takuya, so yeah. Enjoy P.S. This fanfic is currently on hold and I won't be writing nearly at all, if any.

NephHarris · Komik
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5 Chs


8 years old -

Takuya never could get his quirk to work. It just never came to him. Unlike the other quirks he saw, he had to learn to use his, it didn't just work.

He had worked the past four years as hard as any little kid could. He would stare at objects, trying to see if they moved at all. He would try to get people to do what he wanted without ever directly telling them. He even one time while hiking with his mom tried to make a boar he found do what he wanted. The boar attacked him though. However, every time he didn't succeed he would just try that much harder.

He was now starting the third grade. He was excited to make new friends at the new school he was going to.

He approached a boy with dark blue hair that was spiked. The boy was with three other kids. He was a little taller than Takuya.

"Hello, my name is Takuya."

The blue haired boy looked at his curiously.


Takuya without really thinking about the question answered.

"I'm supposed to have a quirk that lets me do a whole lot of things, but I still haven't gotten it to work yet."

The boy looked at him and smiled.

"Oh really, well that's too bad. Me and my friends have really cool and strong quirks that we can already use."

Takuya thought that the boy was talking about how he couldn't use his quirk and was expressing his sympathy. Just as Takuya went to thank the boy for being nice he was hit with something sharp.

"Get out of here loser. If you can't even use your quirk than you can't hang out with us."

Takuya was then shoved to the ground by the blue haired boy, who had a spiked knee. Takuya was going to say something when the teacher walked into the classroom. He looked around and then landed on Takuya. He glanced at his paper in his hand and said.

"Mr. Yamashita, I would appreciate it if you got off the ground and got to your seat. Today is the first day and you're already disrespecting me."

Takuya was flustered and didn't try to argue with the teacher and just got to his seat.


The class passed quickly with Takuya staying silent the entire time. He didn't want the teacher to get mad at him.

They were now heading to the gym to have P.E. class.

The class got to the gym and Takuya looked around. He saw another man with a white t-shirt on. The man began to speak.

"Since today is the first day we are just going to play a game of dodge ball because its easy to set up."

Everyone starting to talking to each other in small groups of friends. Takuya stood by himself.

"Everyone get in a line. I'm going to count you off to two different teams. Ones will go to my left and Twos will go to my right."

The gym teacher began counting off the students in the class. Takuya ended up on team Two. He was surprised to see the blue haired boy staring at him from his side on team One. Takuya looked back at the boy confused when he heard a loud whistle blow.

Everyone ran to the balls that were in between the two different teams. The blue haired boy got his hands on one of the balls and ran back to safety on his side. Takuya didn't even try to go for a ball. He was too concerned with trying to not get hit when people started throwing. One kid shouted something and everyone started throwing the balls back and forth with people getting out each time a volley was launched.

Takuya was running all over the place dodging the balls when he found one laying on the ground in front of him. He picked it up and looked to the other teams side. Right in front of him was the blue haired boy. Takuya threw the ball as hard as he could and hit the boy right in the chest. The blue haired boy looked right at him and smiled.

"I hit you, you're out!"

"No you didn't, you missed."

Takuya was angry, he hit him square in the middle of his chest. Right then the blue haired boy threw his ball that he apparently had been holding on to. It soared straight at Takuya, of course since he knew it was coming he easily caught it.

"I just caught your ball, you're out!"

"No you didn't."

Takuya was pissed. He didn't care if the blue haired boy was going to cheat again or not, he just wanted to hit him as hard as he could. He pulled his arm back with the ball in hand. He put all of his focus into his arm, each muscle flowing in the exact way he wanted. He could feel the power behind the throw and his arm launched forward. The ball seemed to disappear for a short moment when a loud *CRACK* resonated throughout the gym. The ball shot forward from his hand pushing wind everywhere. It hit the blue haired boy in the chest before he had even known it was being thrown. Loud cracks could be heard coming from the boy's chest.

He was thrown backward and slid the whole way to the wall behind him. He gently bounced off the wall and the whole gym was silent. Suddenly the gym teacher ran to the blue haired boy and looked him over. He began to instruct the students loudly.

"You all stay right here, I will take the young Mr. Amari to the Nurse's Office."

Takuya stood there frozen as he watched the teacher gently and carefully lift the boy and leave the gym.


12 years old -

Takuya wasn't punished for breaking the boy's bones as it was common for accidents to happen when someone "awakened" their quirk. However, no one spoke or messed with Takuya after the incident. He didn't have any friends or enemies now.

He decided that he must have used his quirk of "Pure Manipulation" to manipulate his muscles to move a specific way and to produce more energy and strength than they normally could.

He now practices almost everyday after school to work on his control and stability. After he threw the ball that day his whole arm wouldn't move for three days.

He throws balls and other objects around his yard while just barely using his quirk, he also runs while manipulating his legs to move faster and push him harder. He can easily run three times as fast as normal while focusing on just his legs, but if he focuses on pushing his legs while throwing things with his arms he sometimes loses control and trips or hurts his leg. He can throw a ball while keeping his arm intact at around 100mph (160kph). He can also easily jump over 6.5ft (2m).

Takuya has spent his time practicing and training because he wants to enroll in UA High to become a Hero and use his quirk to stop villains and learn more about his quirk through experience.

In two years he will do his best to get into UA and discover just how much he can do with his quirk.