
My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)

Kazuki was once a mere vessel for his dying father's ambitions, but after confronting and defeating him, he's left lost and alone, searching for his true calling. Along the way, he meets a myriad of people who become dear to him, and he discovers his passion for heroism, ultimately finding his place in the world. Just to clarify, I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to MHA or any of its characters except for my original characters. I am simply a fan who enjoys creating content based on the MHA universe. And I want to clarify that I am uncertain about the source of the picture I used in my content. I may have found it on YouTube as part of a type beat or on Google. If you are the owner of the picture and would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.

JahCuttinBoard · Komik
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13 Chs

Chapter 8. Arrival in Japan: A New Beginning

Upon arriving in Japan, Kazuki bid farewell to Takesi. However, before he departed couldn't resist asking Takesi a question that had been on his mind. "Excuse me, Takesi-san," he said, "but may I ask how you came to know my master?" A soft chuckle escaped Takesi lips before he replied, "Kazuki, your master and I have been friends for decades. We used to fish together when we were young, and I have many fond memories of him. Yami was remarkable man, and I'll miss my friend dearly." Kazuki felt a wave of comfort wash over him as he listened to Takesi's words. The fact that his master had such a friend in Takesi filled him with a sense of peace. "Thank you for your help, Takesi-san," Kazuki said, expressing his gratitude.

Takesi beamed with a warm smile. "It's my pleasure, Kazuki-kun. Yami was like family to me, and I'll do anything to assist you." After bidding farewell to Takesi, Kazuki set off towards Musutafu, Japan, following the address scribbled on the paper he held. As noon approached, he arrived at his destination, a medium-sized house that blended in with the surrounding neighborhood. Despite its unremarkable exterior, the house exuded a sweet ambiance that made Kazuki feel at ease. Breathing a sigh of relief, Kazuki stepped forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

When Kazuki approached the doorstep, he knocked on the door, anticipation building within him. The wait was brief, as a sweet voice soon answered from behind the door. "Yes, can I help you?" the voice inquired. Taking a deep breath, Kazuki spoke clearly and confidently, introducing himself. "Hello, my name is Kazuki Tatsuya. I have been entrusted with a letter for you by your grandfather." Pausing for a moment, Kazuki waited for a response from the other side of the door, eager to fulfill the task that had brought him all the way to Musutafu.

The sound of the lock clicking echoed through the doorway, and it swung open to reveal a striking woman. She stood tall and possessed a curvaceous figure, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of sky blue. The center of her gaze tilted downward slightly, giving her a mysterious allure, and her lengthy lashes framed her eyes beautifully. Her thick, spiky hair cascaded down her back in various lengths and shades of dark purple, with the longest strands reaching past her waist. She styled her chin-length bangs into three distinct sections, with two swept to the sides and the remaining piece draped diagonally across her face, stopping between her eyes. Adding to her charm, a small beauty mark graced her left cheek, completing her captivating appearance.

As her gaze bore into Kazuki's, she quizzed him, her voice tinged with seriousness. "My grandfather, you say? Are you sure this isn't some kind of joke?" Kazuki shook his head, his voice monotone as he responded. "No, Sensei Yami gave me explicit instructions to find you and deliver this note." The mention of her grandfather's name sent shockwaves across her face as she snatched the paper from Kazuki's hand, reading it intently. Multiple emotions flickered across her features as she muttered under her breath, "That bastard show no emotion towards us and ignored us for so long. Now he's dead and wants me to take you in?" Annoyance laced her tone as she folded the note and stuffed it back into her bra. Without warning, she stepped to the side and held the door open wider, her tone imbued with attitude. "Well, aren't you going to come in?" Kazuki entered the house and took in his surroundings with a couple of swift glances before moving forward. As he stepped onto the carpeted floor, the woman quickly locked the door behind them. Her gaze flicked towards his feet, and she spoke up. "Hey, boy, this isn't the outside. You'll need to take your shoes off."

Kazuki hastily complied, removing his shoes and placing them neatly in a cubby by the front of the door. Once he had finished, he made his way to the living room and settled onto the couch. The woman introduced herself, breaking the silence ." I'm Nemuri Kayama, I'm the granddaughter of Yami Kayama, the man who sent you here. Can you tell me more about what happened to my grandfather?" Nemuri asked. Kazuki agreed and spent the next couple of hours recounting everything that happened to Yami, including his passing and the note he had left for Nemuri. In turn, Nemuri shared some details about herself. She was the R-Rated Hero known as Midnight, with the quirk 'Somnambulist' which allowed her to put targets to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from her skin. She was also a teacher of Modern Hero Art History at U.A. High School.

After their conversation, they discussed the house rules and how Kazuki could integrate more into Japanese culture. Despite being Japanese, Kazuki was not familiar with many Japanese cultural norms. Nemuri patiently explained everything to him, from taking shoes off when entering a house to using chopsticks properly. As thy continued to talk, Kazuki felt a sense of relief and gratitude that he had been taken in by such a kind and understanding person. Nemuri led Kazuki to the room he would be staying in temporarily and left him to settle in. As he entered the room, Kazuki couldn't help but notice the softness of the bed. He laid down and closed his eyes, feeling the weight of the day finally catching up with him.

For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. However, his peaceful moment was abruptly interrupted by a series of knocks on the door. Nemuri's voice came from behind the door, "Hey, I brought you some clothes. Take a bath and join me at the dining table when you're done. Dinner will be done soon." Kazuki quickly got up and took the clothes, feeling grateful for the hospitality. As Kazuki went to the bathroom to take a shower, Nemuri poured herself a glass of wine and thought to herself, 'Why did you leave us, Bastard?' She took a sip of the wine before pouring herself another glass. 'Well, I'll let him stay here for now until I can find him his own place,' she decided, taking another sip of the wine. She walked to the dining table, setting it up, and started cooking while waiting for Kazuki to finish taking his shower.

As Kazuki sat down at the dining table, he admired the delicious-looking spread that Nemuri had prepared. The aroma of rice, soup, and fish wafted up to his nose, making his mouth water. As they ate, they chatted about various topics, and Nemuri couldn't help but notice how mature and intelligent Kazuki was for a 12-year-old. Despite his difficult circumstances, he remained composed and seemed to possess a wisdom beyond his years. After they finished their meal, Kazuki and Nemuri cleaned up the dishes together, chatting amiably. As they said their goodnights and headed off to bed, Nemuri felt a newfound sense of warmth towards Kazuki, grateful for the opportunity to get to know him better.

While Kazuki sat on his bed, he gazed through the blinds at the full moon, lost in thought about the cryptic words of Yami and his own life experiences. His mind raced with various emotions and thoughts, but eventually he felt a sense of calm wash over him. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to sink into the peaceful stillness, letting his consciousness drift away into the abyss of sleep.

Dear readers, I, the author, would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your reading and support for my first fanfiction. Your encouragement has been an incredible motivation for me. And while I can't reveal my future plans, I'm happy to provide some insight.

Additionally, I appreciate any constructive criticism you have to offer. It helps me improve my writing and avoid any redundancy. Thank you once again for your support, and I hope you continue to enjoy this story.


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