


I like what i like

2023-03-19 BergabungUnited States





Membaca buku-buku




  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas sir_8815

    I’ll use your message to address other comments I saw similar to yours. Sorry for any nerfing towards the character I didn’t want him to be super op in the beginning and was a mistake as a amateur but I’ll fix it and try to not nerf the character too much But thank you for reading!

    After Kazuki finished explaining what happened, Nemuri calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm just glad you're safe," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Not to mention you helped someone in need. You have the potential to become a great hero one day, Kazuki." Her words were filled with enthusiasm and admiration. Kazuki's voice took on a hint of confidence as he replied, "My aim is to be the number one hero." "Well, then you need to work on increasing your control over your quirk," Nemuri replied with a smile.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    True I’ll try to have his background in mind when it comes to things like that

    Nemuri stood over him, her face twisted into a sadistic smile. "Good boy," she said, grabbing him and carrying him back into the house. With more quirk training, he would become a great hero, Nemuri thought to herself, kissing him on the cheek before tucking him into bed. "Goodnight, Kazuki," she said sweetly, closing the door behind her. Over the course of four months, Kazuki familiarized himself with living alongside Nemuri. A month into their living arrangement, they began sparring lessons. Despite Nemuri's quirk, Kazuki usually won most of their matches due to his ability to avoid getting caught up in her techniques. As he trained harder, Kazuki's progress with 'Power 2' became evident. He developed he skills in one-on-one combat and continuously pushed himself beyond his limits during their rigorous training. As the months went by, Kazuki's first day of school quickly approached, and he felt well-prepared for what was to come.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    Basically but I didn’t like the other abilities that Deku got.

    Before the other two opponents could react, Kazuki was already in front of them, and they too were sent flying through the air. "Well done," Yami said, nodding in approval. "You're getting even better at handling 5%. Now, let's see how you fare with 10%." Kazuki assumed a defensive stance, eyeing Yami warily. They locked gazes, and then Kazuki unleashed a surge of energy that sent debris of rocks toward Yami. Suddenly, he burst forward, his body moving with lightning-fast speed as he and Yami closed the gap. Their arms clashed in a powerful collision, and then they both retreated, regaining their footing. They disappeared and reappeared in front of each other repeatedly, throwing punches and kicks with incredible speed and precision.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    Probably, probably not we’ll see when the time comes

    'Overdrive' was an artificial quirk that consisted of other quirks, such as 'Power 2', 'Flight', 'Impact Recoil', and 'Heavy Payload'. It also included some passive quirks, such as 'Super Regeneration', 'Endurance', and 'Advance Sense'. These quirks were all modified and morphed to create the quirk, 'Overdrive'. Although Kazuki already had a quirk, it remained dormant, which puzzled the scientists even Dr. 0020, but it didn't matter – what mattered was that 'Overdrive' worked. And it did, making it possible for Kazuki to possess a level of power that rivaled and even surpassed that of All Might, despite utilizing only 20%. Dr. 0020 and the other scientists hypothesized that beyond 20%, even All Might would lose to this quirk.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    It was a set up for a better fight

    However, the kindness and care he had received from them were incomprehensible to him. But now, as he looked upon the lifeless bodies of those who had shown him compassion, he felt something stirring within him, and tears slowly began to stream down his face. "Why…why…" His questions now carried more anger than sadness. Something had changed in him. He wanted to stop this pain, a pain like he never felt before. It was much worse than the physical and mental strain he had endured his entire life. This was different. Seeing the man he truly regarded as his father lying unconscious, Kazuki slowly walked towards Yami's body, his eyes not allowing him to believe what he saw. He plopped on the ground next to his sensei, looking at the unconscious man. Another snap in his mind occurred.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    Thank you

    Father's aggression was palpable as he unleashed a barrage of punches, his 'Dark Limbs' forming fists and striking out at Kazuki with relentless force. But despite his best efforts, the strength of his blows paled in comparison to the raw power of Kazuki's punches. Each time their fists met in a clash of titanic force, Father's black fists were instantly shattered, the sheer difference in strength between the two combatants made all too clear. Despite this setback, Father refused to back down. He knew that his mastery of the 'Dark Limbs' gave him an advantage in close combat, and he was determined to use this to his advantage. With renewed intensity, he continued to push forward, striking out with increasing speed and ferocity.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    She’s a veteran hero and he’s 12 at this point I want to give him some type of place to start from to becoming op

    Nemuri stood over him, her face twisted into a sadistic smile. "Good boy," she said, grabbing him and carrying him back into the house. With more quirk training, he would become a great hero, Nemuri thought to herself, kissing him on the cheek before tucking him into bed. "Goodnight, Kazuki," she said sweetly, closing the door behind her. Over the course of four months, Kazuki familiarized himself with living alongside Nemuri. A month into their living arrangement, they began sparring lessons. Despite Nemuri's quirk, Kazuki usually won most of their matches due to his ability to avoid getting caught up in her techniques. As he trained harder, Kazuki's progress with 'Power 2' became evident. He developed he skills in one-on-one combat and continuously pushed himself beyond his limits during their rigorous training. As the months went by, Kazuki's first day of school quickly approached, and he felt well-prepared for what was to come.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    I’ll probably change Katsuki into Bakugo since it’s hard for me too.

    With that the four boys rushed towards Kazuki, but he calmly waited for them to come closer. As the first one swung a punch, Kazuki grabbed his fist and swept his legs, causing him to fall. Another boy came from behind and Kazuki swiftly kicked him in the chest, sending him crashing into the other three. Angrily, Katsuki charged at Kazuki, who met him with the same level of intensity. Despite Katsuki's flurry of punches, Kazuki deftly dodged and parried each one, then landed a solid kick to Katsuki's right side, sending him flying. Landing on his feet, Katsuki charged at Kazuki again, but he was becoming more tired and started to use unnecessary movements. His fighting style became sloppy and hotheaded. While Kazuki could see Katsuki's potential, it was clear he needed more training.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    I wouldn’t say he’s less skilled than anyone but for the stories sake he’s still 13. I want to give him time to grow extremely op

    The intense sparring continued between Tanak-sensei and Kazuki for about two minutes, with both fighters delivering powerful attacks, Kazuki's techniques were sharp and forceful, breaking through Tanak-sensei's guard, while Tanak-sensei utilized a different strategy of redirecting and parrying Kazuki's attacks. Eventually, Tanak-sensei delivered a swift sweep kick that tripped Kazuki, Tanak-sensei seized the opportunity to deliver another powerful kick, sending Kazuki flying across the mat. But Kazuki quickly recovered and prepared to dash towards his opponent. Before he could, however, Tanak-sensei called for the match to stop, and Kazuki bowed and respectfully exited the mat.
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas JapaOuO

    Sorry I didn’t understand what you were saying but that’s because I didn’t see the other comment but thank you for the criticism I’l take it into account to better the story next time, but I understand your pov now and I’ll try to implement your side as well.

    Ch 11 Chapter 11. The Evaluation
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas CruelReality

    Thank you, I suck with those also another chapter tomorrow

    Ch 1 Chapter 1. The Ultimate Weapon: Born of Darkness
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas JapaOuO

    I’m rusty after not wrestling a month, but also to create a story between him and Izuku getting much more close and mold his character a little bit to my liking. And to give Izuku some training in fighting so it’s easier when he goes to fight people and he’s not hot garbage, and winning with 100% plot armour and 10% ofa If that makes sense.

    Ch 11 Chapter 11. The Evaluation
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas Nonstop_Teen

    No problem as the author I probably should’ve made that more clear for you guys.

    Ch 9 Chapter 9. Dawn Of A Hero
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas majikss

    Is the synopsis better, sorry I forgot to add one before hand

    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas JapaOuO

    Sorry I put my thoughts under one of the other readers if you wanted to understand my thought process.

    Ch 9 Chapter 9. Dawn Of A Hero
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas Nonstop_Teen

    I’ll use your comment to kinda show what was going through my head. Against Father I kinda wanted to portray kind of like a Gon v Pitou fight ya know, berserker mode or something like that mixed in with Father underestimating Kazuki Kazuki is still a 12-year-old kid I still wanted to give him time to grow into his op quirk. Sorry if I didn’t explain that well enough, but thank you for the feedback, it really helps.

    Ch 9 Chapter 9. Dawn Of A Hero
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas Username48399

    You’re quick.

    Ch 8 Chapter 8. Arrival in Japan: A New Beginning
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas Nonstop_Teen

    Yeah I noticed that i was doing that, thanks for the criticism I’ll try something different. Thanks for reading

    Ch 7 Chapter 7. Ragnarok
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)
    Komik · JahCuttinBoard
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas Golden_Eye

    THank u but I’m not using this acc

    Ch 1 Chapter 1. The Ultimate Weapon: Born of Darkness
    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Ashes
    Komik · Daoistq5wSZr
  • JahCuttinBoard
    Balas JahCuttinBoard


    My Hero Academia: Rise From The Ashes
    Komik · Daoistq5wSZr