
My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)

Kazuki was once a mere vessel for his dying father's ambitions, but after confronting and defeating him, he's left lost and alone, searching for his true calling. Along the way, he meets a myriad of people who become dear to him, and he discovers his passion for heroism, ultimately finding his place in the world. Just to clarify, I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to MHA or any of its characters except for my original characters. I am simply a fan who enjoys creating content based on the MHA universe. And I want to clarify that I am uncertain about the source of the picture I used in my content. I may have found it on YouTube as part of a type beat or on Google. If you are the owner of the picture and would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.

JahCuttinBoard · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9. Dawn Of A Hero

Kazuki emerged from his slumber, stretching his arms and yawning before getting out of bed. As he stepped out of his room, the enticing aroma of food wafted through the air, drawing him towards the kitchen. Approaching the entrance, he noticed Nemuri swaying to the rhythm of music in her night gown and white apron, completely oblivious to his presence. Kazuki struggled to suppress his laughter but failed as it erupted from him. Nemuri turned around at the sound of his laughter, looking slightly annoyed. "Is it that funny?" she asked with a slight pout. Kazuki wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to compose himself, "No, no, it's not funny," he said while shaking his hand to prevent himself from laughing again.

Ignoring his comment, Nemuri asked, "How did you sleep?" Kazuki replied, "Pretty good, thank you again." "Don't mention it," she said as she motioned for him to take a seat at the dining table for breakfast. Kazuki was amazed by the spread of streamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and tamagoyaki, nori, tsukemono, natto, and green tea, with bread and eggs on the side. They chatted and got to know each other better over breakfast. Nemuri then asked Kazuki, "Do you want to go to school? The closest one is Aldera Junior High." Kazuki, who had been homeschooled all his life, considered it and said, "I think it'll be a good idea to see what others my age are like."

"Although, you're probably more academically aware than the other kids," Nemuri said. "But it will help you integrate into society easier." As the conversation shifted, Nemuri's curiosity piqued, "So… what is your quirk? My grandfather's note mentioned that you'd explain it to me." Trusting Nemuri completely, Kazuki revealed the complexity of his quirk. "My quirk is named 'Overdrive," he began. "It gives me multiple abilities, such a stockpiling extreme power to increase the strength of my attacks and speed, which I call 'Power 2'. I can also fly, thanks to 'Flight'. I have the ability to reverse the impact caused by an opposing physical force, damaging the opposition instead, which I called 'Impact Recoil'. Additionally, I have the ability to increase the damage output of my attacks, called 'Heavy Payload'. And finally, I have three passive quirks. The first one allows me to regenerate any injuries on my body at incredible speeds. The second one gives me an extreme ability to sense all incoming attacks, and the final one grants me exceptional stamina."

Nemuri was stunned by the description of his quirk. 'How is that even possible?' she thought, but quickly composed herself and warned him never to reveal the complexity of his quirk to anyone. Kazuki quickly agreed, promising to only use 'Power 2', to which Nemuri nodded her approval. They continued to chat a little bit more. After finishing their breakfast, Nemuri and Kazuki cleaned the dishes together. Nemuri then informed Kazuki that she needed to take care of some paperwork to officially adopt him and make him a citizen. "I have some errands to run today, Kazuki. We need to get you enrolled in Aldera Junior High and take care of your adoption paperwork," she said.

Kazuki nodded and replied, "Sure, I'll come with you." They left the house and went to the appropriate government offices. Nemuri efficiently filled out the paperwork, and Kazuki was impressed by how quickly she got everything done. After that, Nemuri took Kazuki to get his school supplies and clothes for the upcoming school year. Once they finished shopping, they headed back home. Kazuki went to his room to put away his new school supplies and clothes while Nemuri relaxed with a glass of wine. They both were tired but happy with the progress they had made that day.

As Kazuki walked out, he and Nemuri chatted a bit more, and he finally mustered up the courage to ask her, "Why did you become a hero?" Nemuri was taken aback by the question but quickly collected herself to answer him, "Well," she began, "I was inspired by a childhood hero who always fought for justice and helped others in need. But it was also because of a close friend of mine who lost his life while pursuing the hero path. He had the same dream as me, and in his memory, I decided to become a hero to help those in need and protect them from harm." Kazuki nodded as he listened intently to Nemuri's answer, impressed by her dedication and passion for being a hero. As they talked, he couldn't help but feel grateful for having someone like Nemuri in his life.

Nemuri's voice was hoarse as she spoke about her friend, and Kazuki could sense the weight of the topic. He quickly changed the subject and asked about his own future as a hero. "What if I wanted to be a hero myself? Do you think I could make it to U.A.?" he asked. Nemuri paused, considering his question carefully. "Kazuki, becoming a hero requires rigorous training of your body, mind, and spirit. It's not an easy path, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Do you think you have what it takes?" she asked, leaning forward with an intense look in her eyes.

Kazuki took a moment to think before answering confidently, "Yes, I believe I do. If I put my mind to it, I can accomplish anything." Nemuri's expression softened slightly, and she spoke up abruptly. "Put in some workout clothes and meet me outside," she said, standing up from her seat Kazuki could tell something important was about to happen. Kazuki stood across from Nemuri, his loose-fitted clothes rustling in the breeze. Nemuri was wearing a black tracksuit and black tennis shoes, her eyed fixed on Kazuki. "Are you ready?" she asked, extending her hand in a gesture for him to come at her.

Kazuki nodded, and in a flash, he vanished. He reappeared in front of Nemuri, throwing a punch at her chest. She managed to dodge it, and followed up with a kick aimed at his side, but Kazuki was able to parry it pushing her back. Darting towards her once more, Kazuki launched a flurry of punched and kicks that were faster than Nemuri could parry. Some of them landed, and she spat out some blood, but she quickly regained her composure and started attacking him with quick and precise movements.

After grabbing Nemuri's fist, Kazuki swiftly executed a sweep kick, hurling her over his shoulder and causing her to land with a hard thud. Nemuri ensnared Kazuki's arm in a vice-like grip before wrapping her lithe legs around his neck, applying crushing pressure with all her might. Kazuki tried to pry her legs open as she locked them around his neck, squeezing hard. He felt his breathing becoming restricted and knew he was running out of time before he fell unconscious. That's when Kazuki unleashed his quirk. Red vein-like lines stretched across his body as he slowly lifted Nemuri off the ground. Seeing his strength surprised her, and she unleashed her quirk 'Somnambulist,' enveloping him in a violet mist that caused him to drop to the ground.

Nemuri stood over him, her face twisted into a sadistic smile. "Good boy," she said, grabbing him and carrying him back into the house. With more quirk training, he would become a great hero, Nemuri thought to herself, kissing him on the cheek before tucking him into bed. "Goodnight, Kazuki," she said sweetly, closing the door behind her. Over the course of four months, Kazuki familiarized himself with living alongside Nemuri. A month into their living arrangement, they began sparring lessons. Despite Nemuri's quirk, Kazuki usually won most of their matches due to his ability to avoid getting caught up in her techniques. As he trained harder, Kazuki's progress with 'Power 2' became evident. He developed he skills in one-on-one combat and continuously pushed himself beyond his limits during their rigorous training. As the months went by, Kazuki's first day of school quickly approached, and he felt well-prepared for what was to come.

Dear readers, I'd like to update you on the direction of the story. For the next 3-6 chapters, Kazuki, Izuku, and Katsuki will attend middle school as I set the foundation for the plot. I appreciate your support thus far and ask for your patience as I develop the story. Thank you for your understanding.

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