
My Adventure in the Multiverse with Gacha (SI)

So I died, meet God, got wishes, and now I am reincarnating. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. MW: One Piece I own nothing but my OC please support the original works Tags: HAREM, Large harem, Multiverse, Gacha, System, One Piece, Naruto, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, Anime, Books, Movies, TV, Fanfiction, Smut

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17 Chs

15 Room of Requirement

Before I got far from the door I remembered something important so I went back to the door and knocked "Come in" Said Dumbledore so I do come in and head up the stairs "Harry I didn't expect you would come back so soon"

"Yes well I wanted to get a copy of the Twiwizard contract and permission to go to Gringotts so I can get money for some potion ingredients and plants. I plan to start a garden or greenhouse of my own"

"Well you would need to have someone with you if you go to gringotts" he searches his desk and pulls out the Contract before using the gemino spell on it to make a copy for me "Here you go" he hands it over "Now I will send McGonagall with you on your trip this weekend when she doesn't have classes"

"Thank you Dumbledore" then I leave and head down to lunch.

While eating lunch I am studying the contract only to come up with an idea 'Hey great sage do you think what I think will work'

{Quite possible Host. The contract states as much}

I began to laugh out loud at what the contract states.

"Hey mate, what has got you laughing?" Asked Ron

"It's the TwiWizard contract. It states specifically that only of age wizards can participate. Meaning the Ministry, Dumbledore, and Gringotts must consider me an of age wizard since I have to participate in the Tournament."

"Yea so what?" he said stuffing his mouth

"It means mate that I can claim Lordship over the Potter household and be considered an adult in the Wizarding World now"


"That can't be right Harry. You're only 14. Let me check out the contract" Hermoine says before snatching it out my hands and reading it over for a few minutes double and triple checking it "T-this can't be right! You're only 14 Harry! How can this this"

"I wasn't the one who made the contract Hermoine but they will follow it or else I'll get a lawyer" I say snatching back the parchment.

"But Harry you will be considered an adult while still in school"

"Yes but it will give me something important that I have never had before"

"What's that?"

"Freedom. Freedom to make my own decisions and choices. Something so simple that has been denied me almost my whole life"

"Oh Harry" she hugs me and I pat her back.

"Anyway I am done eating. I'm gonna go prepare for the Tournament"

"But what about classes!"

"As a Champion I can skip classes this year. Ah I know what you are going to say Hermoine but my life is more important right now. I may die in this tournament you know so I must be prepared" I spouted a bunch of bullshit at her.

"Oooh fine!" she huffs and goes back to her lunch while I get up and head to the next phase of my plans. The Room of Requirement.

I pace three times by a portrait of a wizard trying to teach trolls ballet while thinking about how I want all the books Hogwarts has ever had. Soon a door appears on the wall and I enter to see a massive library with everything I asked for. With that done I took one of the NZT pills unlocking 100% of my brain and then using shadow clones who oddly also got the effect of the drug.

We spread out and start reading. Each book only taking 3 minutes or less, mostly less, for us to read thanks to the drug and thought acceleration. With hundreds of clones and a few hours we managed to read a good percentage of the books in the room. It will probably take a while to read a thousand years worth of material. But I managed to read Snapes books that he had in school with notes in it.

"Woo that sure was something" I said rubbing my head because of the slight headache I got from the clones popping all at once. I shouldn't be surprised that I am fine with the effects of the drug and Great Sage I managed to learn everything that the hundreds of clones learned

Some of the books turned into skill books courtesy of my Gamer System and were properly turned into skills like swordsmanship and alchemy. Now for the next step I pulled out Yamato and a black soul gem I stuff into my pocket.

"I need Ravenclaws Diadem" I spoke loud and clear and it appeared on a pedestal on top of a statues head. It was already trying to tell me to put it in but I ignored that with Gamers Mind. I cast soul trap on the Diadem and then slash Yamato to separate the soul from the relic. The soul gets sucked into the soul gem. All according to plan.

"Good since that worked I will remove the soul from myself after I return from my trip" So I left the room while still scanning through my mind on everything me and my clones had read. As I headed to dinner.

I invite my friends over, Fleur and Krum after dinner and say "So I find this really awesome room on the seventh floor that could be a secret place for us to practice things and learn more about each other" I say that last part while looking straight at Fleur. Who to my surprise looks away with a slight blush. Must be the Harem Protagonist essence finally showing it's worth.

"So who wants to join me up there to practice?" There was agreement all around except for Ron who decided not to go. So after dinner I lead them to the seventh floor and paced three times needing a room to train in and a door appeared.

"Ladies first" I say as I hold open the door letting Roxie Fleur Meg and Hermoine in first before the men join in.

Inside there were mannequins for target practice spelled to resist damage. Along with an assortment of weapons lining the walls.

"Well this is nice" I say out loud breaking the awed moment of the rest of my group except Reborn and Krum. I point my wand at the mannequin and say "Reducto" a flash of light and the spell hits the target but does no damage other than the mannequin moving back a little "Well at least we know these are durable now" The reducto could punch a hole in a human body.

"So the rules are the room can practically make anything you could want but anything summoned up by the room, such as books or potion ingredients, can not be taken out of the room. Just ask the room if you want something extra like so. I want a wall of fire" A wall of fire appears in the room

"Harry why would you summon a wall of fire!?" Hermoine says almost shouting

"To use the flame freezing charm of course. Oddly enough it doesn't freeze flames like stated instead it just makes the user immune to the heat for a while. You never know what they are going to put in this tournament maybe we will have to deal with Hagrids blast ended skrewts"

"I'm sorry. Deal with Hagrids what?" asked Fleur

"His own magical creature. A cross between a manticore and a fire crab. They have stingers, sharp teeth, and can blow flames out their backside. They also suck blood"

"How do you know about them Harry?" asked Hermoine

"You gotta know these things when your the Boy Who Lived ya know" I said mimicking the King Arthur from Monty Pythons Holy Grail.

"Really Harry" she rolls her eyes at me

"Really Hermoine" I roll my eyes back at her

She slightly giggles at that.

"Anyway back to business. You all do whatever you want. I'm going to practice the flame freezing charm" with that said everyone asked the room for specific things such as Hermoine wanted books of course. Renato too wanted books surprisingly.

Sorry it took an extra day. Had a bit of writers block in the second half

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